
1 year, 10 months ago
1 year, 10 months ago
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Chapter 2
Published 1 year, 10 months ago

Explicit Violence

The weather was freezing, the crackling of fire and distant cries in agony filled the air, accompanied by the pungent smell of death and ashes. But despite this, a small luminous being continues to trot in the middle of the rubble and remains of a village.


A thing I wrote in class a few months ago! <3 I decided to fully translate it in English (as it was French at first, my first language) to show my friend Ash what my actual texts looked like haha I used for most of this a translator (no, not google translate) found on line I could use for free and then I corrected over it ^^

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Chapter 2

Zeira drove the blade of her sword into the chest of a big cat, and promptly disregarded the warrior, who soon collapsed on the ground to live his last seconds. Another drof rushed at her, accompanied by a furious war cry, but the female easily dodged the attack before standing on her hind legs and disemboweling her opponent. With her weapon still between her teeth, she made sure the drof was dead before taking off to get an overview of the bloody fight. She didn't feel anything anymore. Neither rage nor sadness. Not even an ounce of pity for the hundreds of enemies she had teared down. Since his death, this had been the case. She knew he wouldn't be proud of her, but it was too late now. There was a bottomless void in her that nothing and no one could fill. At least by fighting, she was serving her nation and she was useful for something. The drof was about to rush back into battle when she was violently hit on the side by an enemy. This one pierced a piece of her wing, which snatched from Zeira a scream of rage and pain, making her at the same time let go of her sword that she held in her mouth. She had been surprised for the first time after two years of service to her nation. The canid who had attacked her by air then sent her to the sea. Now rendered flightless, on top of the woulds she had already been suffering, she was severely weakened. The winged warrior let herself fall into the gray sky, waiting for contact with the water. This one did not take long. The high-pitched whistling of the air in her thin ears was suddenly replaced by absolute silence, accompanied by the painful encounter of the sea. The female closed her eyes, and let the seabed take her. This was how her existence ended. Actually, it wasn't that bad. She had died in battle, and she would soon join him. Zeira felt her strength leaving her. Suddenly, her body covered in blood and wounds came into contact with another. She suddenly opened her yellow eyes, to be face to face with a blinding pale light. She narrowed her eyes.