
1 year, 10 months ago
1 year, 10 months ago
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Chapter 3
Published 1 year, 10 months ago

Explicit Violence

The weather was freezing, the crackling of fire and distant cries in agony filled the air, accompanied by the pungent smell of death and ashes. But despite this, a small luminous being continues to trot in the middle of the rubble and remains of a village.


A thing I wrote in class a few months ago! <3 I decided to fully translate it in English (as it was French at first, my first language) to show my friend Ash what my actual texts looked like haha I used for most of this a translator (no, not google translate) found on line I could use for free and then I corrected over it ^^

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Chapter 3

The individual who emanated the light tried as best he could to bring it to the surface, but she could feel he wasnt very strong. Then, as her vision cleared, her heart stopped. She recognized him. Her little brother Femi, barely seven years old, the most kind and pure creature she had ever known, was trying to save her, in the middle of a battlefield. How did he even get there?!? She panicked, and her strength suddenly returned to her. Zeira strove to swim to the surface despite the excruciating stinging of sea salt in all of her open wounds and without giving Femi time to react, she in turn grabbed him by the scruff of his neck. Once out of the water, Zeira dropped Femi off on the beach. She coughed, heaving the water from her struggling lungs. Her whole body was sore, she now just wanted to lie down and sleep. Femi too, coughed. His older sister turned to him, her gaze furious, panicked but also filled with worry. The drof had suddenly been assailed by tons of emotions. She wanted to cry, scream and laugh because she was so happy to see her little brother. But he was not meant for this place. She then noticed, despite the blinding light that was constantly escaping from the body of the little drof that he was skin and bones, weak and sported dozens of abrasions. Before she could even react or open her mouth, Femi rushed over her and buried his muzzle in her fur full of blood, laughing joyfully and sobbing.

"I missed you so much! I’m so happy, I managed to find you and save you all on my own, like a grownup!"

His voice was full of pride, love and joy. Zeira couldn't help but melt. The infinite love she felt for her beloved little brother had struck as soon as she had put her eyes on his bright and childish face. After about a few seconds of savoring this affection, the purple warrior walked away and looked her brother in the eyes, regaining her seriousness, her tears beginning to dry.

"For heaven’s sake, how on earth did you find yourself here?!?" she said in a visibly troubled and frustrated voice. How could her parents have let this pass?

"By walking, of course! I left on my own and walked up here, nice people helped me and I met a few bad guys on the road, but now everything is fine! For I have you to protect me!" He had said his words with an excited and playful look, but when he saw Zeira's horrified face, he frowned. What had he said wrong?

"You did... all this trip.....alone?"

She didn't even expect answers. It must have taken him weeks, no, months to get there. And knowing her brother, she knew that he had not prepared well. Her brother took a serious look however awfully cute. She was mortified, despite the fact that she was touched and shaken by everything her brother had done for her. Then he spoke again.

"It doesn't matter, please.. I did this whole trip because I want you to go home with me. I miss you so much! Everyone does. Aurora and Amarock come often, they always hope to hear from you."

Zeira was troubled. She had to stay on the battlefield. As if he had read in her thoughts, Femi added:

"I wont leave without you" he said firmly, unwavering, so much more sure of himself than zeira had known him to be

The warrior thought. She could always fly him home, apologize to her parents and brother, and then come back. Despite a slight sense of guilt, she found her plan okay.

"Alright" she said in a voice she hoped wouldnt betray her intentions.

Her little brother's smile became so wide and bright that her heart squeezed. He walked up to her to snuggle up again and opened his mouth to say something when suddenly, his smile faded and his eyes widened. The pup raised his head towards Zeira, a trickle of blood flowing from his mouth.