Formerly unwanted, now a bride-to-be

1 year, 11 months ago
1 year, 11 months ago
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Chapter 4
Published 1 year, 11 months ago

Rumors of the one you love dating someone else is something no one ever wants to hear. When it happens to Becca, all she wants to do is relax at the Mostro Lounge and be by herself for a while. That is, until someone who has apparently always taken an interest in the sophomore, shows up at the lounge that same night. And apparently wants to marry her.

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Chapter 3

“I got a plan.” Hearing one of the first years speak up, everyone turned to look at him. After Azul had read his file, the room had quickly gone silent and the tension was enough to suffocate someone. Regardless of everyone’s feelings on Vaness before, they now had the same motive for once: to deal with Vaness and stop the wedding.

“What’s the plan then?”

“I..” Suddenly getting nervous with all eyes on him, Epel didn’t let it stop him for once. “I heard there’s gonna be a dress rehearsal in the cafeteria tonight. We can infiltrate it and go from there.”

“Solid plan, Epel, though we can’t all go or it’ll be too obvious.” Noticing Rook about to say something from the corner of his eyes, Pomefiore’s housewarden sighed. “Rook, if you go, you’ll probably just shoot Vaness in the first right off. If Becca’s being mind-controlled to be in love with him then it’ll devastate her.”

Not being able to argue with Vil, Rook sighed and continued pacing around the room. Normally, he would go to archery practice to calm himself down but it wasn’t the time for that. Not when someone he cared about was possibly in danger.

“..So who is gonna go on this stealth mission?” The room was silent once more as everyone tried to silently plan who should be the ones to infiltrate. Becca knowing all of them wasn’t the part they had to worry about, it was Vaness they had to deal with. After some time, they decided on a plan. Azul would offer the soon-to-be-married duo the Mostro Lounge for their dress rehearsal so he and the Leech twins could infiltrate. Now it was just a matter of executing the plan.

~~~Later, during the dress rehearsal~~~

“Azul was right for once, the Mostro Lounge is way better for a dress rehearsal…” Noticing some of the students that Vaness had gotten to help hanging decorations in the wrong place, he simply shouted to move the decorations and secretly enjoyed watching the students panic as he mimicked Housewarden Riddle’s voice like he was gonna disable their magic.

Beside him was Becca, silently watching the scene and trying to avoid stepping on the wedding dress she was wearing. The dress itself was your standard wedding dress although it was way too long and poofy for Becca’s taste. Vaness had picked it out, insisting it was the only dress she would look even halfway pretty in, and she couldn’t bring herself to say no. Not when he had been working his magic on her at even the slightest worry that it would fade.

“Excuse me, I have the drinks you ordered.” Becca and Vaness turned around at almost the same time and simply nodded in thanks to the waiter as they grabbed their drinks. Feeling someone’s eyes on her, she looked past the waiter and almost dropped her drink when she recognized one of the Leech twins in the distance, dressed up in a suit similar to Vaness.

Becca wanted to get away from Vaness and cling to the Leech twins instead but that thought faded when Vaness’ arm grabbed her waist and he gestured towards the quickly set-up wedding arch. Noticing him making his way towards said arch, Becca just silently watched him until her body seemed to move on its own as she approached him.

Feeling eyes on her back, she grimaced and was about to turn around when Vaness kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear that he loved her. Noticing Becca lean into his touch, he smirked. The dress rehearsal was going so well, granted they hadn’t said their vows yet but he still needed time on that. The important thing was the wedding and when he glanced up to notice one of the leech twins watching him, Vaness didn’t think much of it.

~~~Shortly after dress rehearsal~~~

Quietly closing the door to their shared room, Becca sighed. This whole thing felt so wrong and she hated feeling so powerless. It was like he was taking control over her, every time she tried to protest, he would say a few words and anything she tried to say died in her throat.

Walking to the bathroom, Becca looked in the mirror and winced at the bruise slowly forming on her cheek. She tried to not think about how it got there but remembering the passive aggressive comments about her looks that Vaness sent her way made her shed a few tears.

Harshly wiping her tears away, she cursed herself for crying just as Vaness walked in the room with a big grin on his face. All she could do at the moment was silently listen as he rambled about how amazing and perfect the wedding was gonna be. The one thing that caught Becca’s attention was that he mentioned the wedding was in two days.

Noticing Becca seeming nervous out of the corner of his eye, he smirked and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, harshly grabbing her chin to look up at him, using his magic to get rid of her nervousness. Satisfied with his work, and happy Becca was so compliant, he let himself relax for the night along with her. Neither of them noticing a pair of green eyes glaring at Vaness outside the window.