A Favor

1 year, 9 months ago
1 year, 9 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 9 months ago

A story behind Kat’s downfall and how she became a public disgrace. [NOTE - this is considered ‘backstory’ and takes place before the events of RESETTING. Kat’s present-day friend group has not been established yet.]

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Aurora’s favor

Aurora’s House

12:22 PM

Aurora and Katsumi sighed in bed together. Katsumi smiled and looked at Aurora, but by that time Aurora had already got up and put her robe on. Not that Kat needed validation that the sex they just had was good, but this was too many times in a row where it felt like something was off. Kat felt fine, in fact she felt great. But what was up with Aurora ? 

”Is everything okay ?” 

Aurora looked concerned. “I am, are you ?” She walked back to Kat and kissed her, following with a raised eyebrow. Kat couldn’t retract her question. She knew she would be prodded more, or prod Aurora. She perked up after Kat asked the question, as if she had been perfectly fine all along. But that wasn’t the case. Kat felt Aurora getting distant and busier and treated Kat’s assisting her with work to be, actual work. Sure, the espionage Kat did for her put the two of them at risk, but they used to treat it as a secret little game that they did out of love. Or, at least Kat did it out of love. It’s not like she ever got anything out of it besides reciprocating feelings. 

“Yea, I’m alright. I guess I just miss you,” said Kat. That at least acknowledged Aurora’s distance. 

“Aw, babe. I miss you too. We can spend the rest of the day together. I can always cancel my plans.”

What plans ? Kat thought. Surely the answer to that was boring, but what if it wasn’t ? If Aurora was hiding something, somebody, she wouldn’t talk about it so casually. 


Kat hated thinking about it, but she couldn’t help it. Aurora has had multiple partners before, but it seemed that the past few months the two of them were monogamous. Plus, Aurora would have told Kat about anyone else. So it couldn’t be somebody, right ?

Coincidentally, Aurora just got a notification that someone was at her door. 

“Your plans ?” asked Kat.

”Uh, no they - I mean, I don’t know who’s at my door,” Aurora checked her phone. “Um, what the hell ?” She showed Kat the screen. It was Crystal Camryn, looking right into the door camera with a big grin. Like she knew her visiting was confusing to Aurora. Despite being just as an elite of the city as Aurora, they despised each other. 

“Let her in,” Aurora commanded the phone.

”Wait, can I get dressed first ?!” Kat jumped out and put on her clothes as quickly as she could. Aurora didn’t flinch, as she wasn’t worried about appearing in front of Crystal with a robe and messy curls. She and Aurora would always try to play the most powerful in the room, and Aurora knew she exuded more power by not trying nearly as hard. 

“Hiiiii, I hope I’m not intrudingggggg,” Crystal said, intruding into Aurora’s room. 

“Hello, Crystal !” said Kat, peeping her head from behind the bed, as she was still getting dressed.

”ooo fun !” Crystal winked at her. “I‘m so glad to see you, katsumiiiii.” 

Aurora rolled her eyes, then looked up at Crystal, not the least intimidated by the entire six feet and four inches of her. (And probably more, with the platform shoes.) “How can I help ?”

”Help ??? Oh dear, What came of that assumption ?” Crystal horribly lied, and sat down on the bed. “I just came to have a chat with a friend. I’m figuring you’re having a good day ?” She looked at Kat again and gave a smile. 

“Mmhmm,” said Aurora. 

Kat wanted to break the silence, and desperately ask how Crystal‘s day was going out of politeness. But she knew that was a trap. Instead she decided to be snarky. “Sorry you just missed it, maybe next time,” she said, returning the wink that Crystal previously gave her. That got a big smile out of Aurora, which made Kat smile harder in return.

”Oh, You would be so lucky. Besides, I don’t want to interfere with your tight-knit relationship,” said Crystal. 

Relationship ?? The idea made Kat blush, and she waited desperately for Aurora to respond to that. 

“Crystal, you’re the last person to dictate the relationship statuses of others,” said Aurora.

”Oh noooo ! I dreadfully apologize ! I sincerely thought you two were married ! My mistake !” Said Crystal.

MARRIED ?! Now that was a little too far-

”Speaking of marriagedid you hear about Zacharyyyy ?” Crystal smiled. 

“Really, that‘s the transition you wanted to make with the conversation ?“ asked Aurora.

“Um yea, I did. How are you taking it ?” Katsumi was just as confused in Crystal’s direction, but decided that since this is where they ended up, they might as well have a conversation. 

“Hmm….” Crystal smiled, clearly indicated that she was angry about the situation.

”God, Crystal, is this why you came here ? To complain about your ugly brother getting married before you ?” said Aurora, with her patience with Crystal wearing thin. 

“Puh-leaseeee, Aurora. You know us Camryns are meant to home-wreckers, not home-makers.”

”How is she ?” asked Kat. 

“Who ?” asked Crystal.

”The girl. Her name’s Avery, right ?” Kat didn’t know much about Crystal’s brother, let alone his new wife. Aurora glared at Katsumi, as she had a feeling this is where Crystal wanted the conversation to head. 

“Katsumi, Avery’s the reason why I’m here.”

whoop, there it was ! 

“Crystal, can you make this quick ? Kat and I were supposed to-“ Aurora tried to finish her sentence. 

”Awwww, Kat ??? I love that, can I call you Kat too ?”

”Please don’t,” said Kat. The nickname was technically saved for friends, but Aurora was her only real friend so it seemed like a name only Aurora got to call her. 

“Katsumi. Alright. Well, as you may have gathered, I don’t particularly trust Avery. Let alone like her. Five and Meghan chalk it up to her being a gold digger, but I would like to believe there’s more to the story,” said Crystal, referring to her mother and sister. 

Aurora’s eyes widened. Did Crystal know about Kat’s espionage ?

”Neither of us have ever met Avery, nor do we care to. Why did you come here, Crystal ?” Asked Aurora.

“Well, I know how Katsumi helps you out with.. um, data collecting,” Crystal then turned to Kat. “Wondering if you could do me any favors ? I’d at least pay you.”

There was another door Notification. It was Aurora’s assistant. Aurora let them in. ”hello, Blake.” They saw the three women collected in Aurora’s room. “Oh, I apologize if I’m interrupting. Good afternoon, Camryn,” they greeted Crystal formally.

”Mx. Glass. You are not at all interrupting, Aurora and I are just-“ 

”Crystal was just leaving, now,” Aurora said. She then turned to Crystal. “Go bother someone else with your crimes, or whatever.”

”I meant no harm, I-“

“Crystal, get out or I’ll tell your mom what you just told us.”

Crystal scoffed. “Not like she’ll believe you anyway !” Before she stormed out of the house, she looked at Kat one more time. “Offer still stands, Kat.”

Blake felt uncomfortable, and took their laptop to the office without looking in Aurora’s eyes.

When they were left alone again, Aurora looked at Kat and smiled. “Oooo, family drama.”

Kat didn’t respond. She still thought about Crystal. How did she know about what Kat and Aurora did ? Would she expose them if they didn’t help her ? 

Aurora could tell there were a million worries surrounding Kat. “Ignore her, Crystal’s too dumb for anyone to take her seriously. You know it would be my word against hers.”

”You didn’t ask me what I wanted.”

”Seriously ? You wanted me to help her ??”

I would help her.”

Aurora was offended. “You wouldn’t help Crystal Camryn, would you ? I mean, why would you want to ??”

”I don’t. It’s just that, it’s my reputation on the line too,” Kat said, knowing how ridiculous she came across to Aurora. Aurora was one of the most powerful and influential family names in Evelow. If she was caught being involved with stealing information from her peers, it would be the city’s biggest scandal. Kat was a nobody in the grand scheme of things.

Aurora didn’t laugh or mock at what Kat said. ”Kat. It would be so much worse if you worked with her. Promise me you‘ll drop it ?”

Kat was quiet. It wasn’t like she had this deep passion to help Crystal get dirt on her new sister-in-law, but it hurt that Aurora was making all the decisions. Was she jealous ? Or worried Kat would get caught ?

“Let’s get ready. Maybe we can go to the neon district ? I heard there’s a new poke bowl place,” said Kat. 

Aurora smiled and continued her routine. 

The rest of the night went well, although Kat declined to spend the night. She decided there was somebody she wanted to pay a visit.