Haua Lore Event

1 year, 11 months ago
1 year, 9 months ago
3 1708

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 11 months ago

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Chapter 1

Retro entered the tavern through the thick tapestry that hung in the doorway. Clinking glass, chatter from every direction, and soft music flowed through the air. Incense filled the large room, coming from the small stage area to the left. Following close behind, Aurora lifted the curtain to follow, needing to bed down due to her height. The light was dim, and they needed to let their eyes adjust before they set forth to an empty table, fresh cutlery having already been placed in the center, ready for use. Patrons to their left and right exclaimed words of adventure and treasure, but neither knew their context. Retro took her seat first, facing the small stage where a Froad played a sting instrument softly. Aurora sat beside her, removing the chair entirely and sitting on the floor with a cushion that had been available for larger guests. She could see the bar and stage from her position, and noticed a quite eccentric Froad talking away at the counter, many ears turned in their general direction. Aurora surmounted that this Froad’s name was Tio given the conversation and too began to listen to the tales being told. Tio told of a great treasure that could be found and was seeking those who would like to join him in the search. Many were already muttering about the adventure they were to have, others about the ludicrousy of it all. Aurora turned to her friend who happened to also be listening in. “I’d like to join if you would, we were looking for something to do today, and this seems like it could be fun.” Retro thought back to when she had been turned into a mermaid for a brief amount of time. Swimming with a fish tail hadn’t been so bad, plus she got to see so much of the ocean she had never seen before. Retro nodded in agreement, she too would love to go explore the ocean once again. Retro spoke up so Tio could hear and announced that she too would accompany them on this treasure hunt. Tio clapped excitedly and grinned at the idea of more wanting to join the crew. Tio continued to talk about the treasure and tried to recruit more members for his expedition while Retro and Aurora ate their meals. It would still be a couple more days before anyone would leave for this trip, so the two friends decided to rent a hut on the beach and to walk along the water to explore tide-pools for the rest of the evening. The salty air blew softly along the shore, setting the waves into a rhythmic crash and receding pattern. Kelp, shells, and other crustaceans walked along the newly exposed shoreline as the tides receded. Their footprints led across the sand, only lasting a few moments before the water reclaimed them. Aurora walked on fours, allowing for Retro to talk to her without needing to yell, both discussing the upcoming adventure. It was late when they finally made it back to their hut, night having come and covered the beach in a blanket of indigo. Stars danced in the sky, reflecting down onto the water below, forming an almost endless expanse, their meeting point indiscernible from each other. Aurora slept on the floor of the hut in a large pile of blankets and pillows while Retro claimed the bed for herself. They’d have another friend joining them tomorrow and both were excited to reconnect with her again as well. The three of them were going to have so much fun once Tio set out. It was only a matter of days now.