Haua Lore Event

2 years, 2 months ago
2 years, 29 days ago
3 1708

Chapter 3
Published 2 years, 29 days ago

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Chapter 3

Tio lead the way into the cavern, closing in on the piercing light emitted from within its depths. It glowed a pale white, hints of opalescent blues and pinks danced across the cave walls. The statue sat in the center, beautifully carved in the shape of Inmus. The gemstone it held sparkled different colors, each angle showed something different than the last. Aurora stared at the statue. It gave off such a wondrous visual, but Aurora felt very uneasy around it. Auil also felt a sense of unease around the statue. It gave off an energy that neither could really place; not malicious, but something otherworldly that held an air of change about it. While the two pondered the statue, Retro swam closer, inspecting it from different angles. Before anyone could object, Retro snatched the statue up, holding it out to look underneath it. The light shined even brighter, blinding many who were near. Retro felt a familiar tingle in her legs. Her tail tucked against them, beginning to fuse together, and her kicking feet began to flop in unison. Tio quickly knocked the statue from Retro’s hands, sending it back down to the sea floor where it landed softly in the sand. Retro’s legs began to return to normal, allowing her to pull her tail back free from them. Auil and Aurora held onto their friend as she transformed back to her normal body. When she had fully recovered, Retro wiggled her toes, double-checking everything was alright. She glanced up towards Tio who was examining the statue from a safe distance. His face lit with realization as the pieces clicked together for him. The gift of Inmus was to permanently become a merfolk, and Tio’s gift of being able to change partially came from this gift. With excitement, Tio exclaimed his discovery to the group, having the evidence of Retro’s near transformation as evidence to back his claims. Everyone was gathered around listening attentively as he spoke, captivated by the tales Tio had told coming together as he spoke. Using the spear he held, Tio carefully lifted the statue into a netted bag he carried, being careful to not touch the statue directly. There was much chatter between the group as they returned to the city if Liue. Retro held back with Aurora and Auil as they swam, still recovering mentally from the near mishap she had narrowly avoided. She would definitely have to thank Tio later once they’d returned. Being stuck permanently as a merfolk was definitely not on her agenda. When they had made it safely back to the city, Retro was glad to finally be out of the water. Although she was a bit unsteady at first, Retro managed to stumble over to Tio to give him a proper thanks for helping her out earlier and preventing the catastrophe she had almost experienced. He accepted her thanks graciously and was very adamant at reassuring her that her change would have no lasting effects. Soothed by his words, Retro returned to where her friends waited for her. They returned to their room, Tio having mentioned one last major meeting before they would leave Liue in the morning.