An unknown type

1 year, 11 months ago
1 year, 11 months ago
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Chapter 5
Published 1 year, 11 months ago

Becca had thought about what Rook's type could be in the past, but not since they started dating. That is, until she gets a message that makes her re-think about it.

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Author's Notes

TW: some self-depreciation (not as much as last chapter but it there)

Chapter 5

Even when Becca had replied to the message with a simply “Sure. I’m in my room”, her heart was pounding even louder. Feeling herself get restless, she paced up and down her bedroom as her brain went haywire. If Rook was gonna break up with her, shouldn’t he have done it over text? Why be so willing to meet in person? She would’ve told anyone who asked that he did it in person. God why did a simple text get her so nervous.

When her door opened suddenly, Becca thought she was gonna have a heart attack, but seeing it was just Rook calmed her down a little. There wasn’t any turning back now. All the second year could do was hope she could hold back the tears.

“So what did you want to talk about?” Becca had tried to lighten the mood with a smile but Rook still had a serious look on his face as he crossed his arms. Well, he seemed serious but in reality he was worried.

“I overheard you and Vil’s conversation.” It wasn’t obvious on the outside but Becca was panicking on the inside. Why did he of all people have to overhear them? Her plan to change herself only worked if the person she was doing it for didn’t know. Now everything was gonna go wrong. Why couldn’t she do anything frickin right!?! Why was she such a failure?!

“Ma chérie, you’re not a failure. And you don’t need to change” Tensing up when she realized he heard all that, all Becca wanted to do was jump out the window. At least she could laugh at the vice dorm leader saying she didn’t need to change. That was a lie. Everything was wrong with her.

“Don’t lie to me. The only thing I got going for me is that I’m easy to exploit. I’m about as attractive as a rotten potato, I’ve got the personality of a walnut, which is putting it kindly. And hell, you’re probably only here since your usual cuddle buddy is busy. Why else would you be with me of all people?! Why.. Why don’t you love me?”

At that moment, Becca felt the tears flow out of control and she could barely think straight. Squeezing her eyes shut and preparing for the sound of footsteps walking away and a door slamming, she instead was met with something firm, but warm. The second year was too afraid to open her eyes but it didn’t stop Rook from hugging her closer. He didn’t even need to ask what caused this, he was there when Becca played that recording in Vil’s room after all.

Although he couldn’t see what, or who exactly, sent the recording. He had a feeling he knew. Vaness has had it out for him ever since he started dating Becca. The Octavinelle student was also the only one who would try to break them up like this.

Feeling Becca shaking even more, he shook the creepy student out of his mind and brought the trembling second year to bed. Who knows how long she had been feeling like this but she was too scared to bring it up? The thought of her dealing with the thought of needing to change for so long worried him.

Laying down beside her, Rook formed a plan in his mind. Tomorrow, it was gonna be all about Becca. One day may not make up for however long she’s exactly felt like this but it was a start. A start the now asleep second year needed more than she'd ever let on.