Late night call

1 year, 10 months ago
924 1 1

This is actually a cutscene from a session! However it’s one of my favorites so I’m putting it here hehe. If you’re interested in seeing it read aloud, go to 1:19:30

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Verena watches as the police cars drive off, her emotions stewing. Every time she closed her eyes she could see Delilah’s face. 

She steps towards her car, trying to feel the business as usual mindset. She’ll need a new topic after this, something to keep herself distracted by. Something to sink into. 

Verena reaches for the handle when, let’s call it, the inspiration hits her. Dynamic Details seems to be the talk of the town, no one can’t seem to not be connected to them. Medical companies always have an interesting story to tell and she has the inside scoop. May as well start now while her adrenaline is still pumping.

She takes out her phone and stares at a contact. The realization that the two hadn’t even spoken in a while washed over her. It was.. uncomfortable. But so was nearly dying for an in-depth scoop. 

So she dials. 

Verena’s phone rings twice, waiting for her to pick up on the other end. All Verena can do is stare off, waiting. 

The third ring is when she picks up. 

Petunia: Hello Verena

Verena: Hey! Long time no see, yeah?

Petunia: it uh. It’s been a while huh. What’s got you up so late?

Verena: Working ha. You know me. 

Petunia: Exciting new article I take it?

Verena: Yep! Met a serial killer.

Petunia: I’m just going to assume you mean something like a prison interview and not think too hard about it. 

Verena: You know that isn’t the case.

Petunia: Please tell me you called to tell me something that isn’t just you met a serial killer 

Verena: Well, I wanted to hear your voice. 

Petunia: o-oh.

Verena: and also I’ve been thinking about a new article

Petunia: Of fucking course you are. Alright. Shoot.

Verena: Was thinking about writing on Dynamic Details.

Petunia: …I’m sorry? You… you mean 

Verena: Yeah! Was thinking you could even help me out, maybe get me in touch with some people, do an interview or two. 

Petunia: You… you want to talk to these… people even after all I’ve told you? How weird they are? How shitty these people are?

Verena: Media loves a good story on an unethical company, what can I say?

There’s an uncomfortable pause. Verena listened quietly to Petunia’s faint breathing.  

Petunia: Excuse you, unethical? Where did you get that from!?

Verena: I don’t think a very ethical company lets their employees harass other employees. 

Petunia: it’s. It’s not harassment. You’re blowing things out of proportion… you. Haven’t met someone by the name of Elliot Biss, have you?

Verena: Yeah?

Verena expected more but was met with the beep, signaling that their phone call had come to an end. 

Verena looks out into the distance, the police cars’ lights fading over the horizon. She sighs, opens her car door and steps inside. 

Might as well follow them to the station. 

At the same time, Petunia stares blankly at her phone. Processing the series of emotions swarming her mind. Whatever finally pushed Verena to this point, it couldn’t have been good. She had to do something.

So she picked up the phone and dialed a number

Derek: Good evening Petunia, what has you up at this hour?

Petunia: Derek. I have some concerns.

Derek’s mouth turns up in disgust. The last time he heard an employee say something like that, it ended with a lot of pain.

Derek: Are they actual concerns?

Petunia hesitates. Staring at a photo, resting on her desk. 

Petunia: I believe we have a potential security risk.

Derek: I’m listening. 

Petunia: An… ex-friend of mine is an investigative journalist, her name is Verena Mendax, I have reason to believe that she is going to be setting her eyes on us for her next article and that she’s gotten into contact with Elliot. 

Derek: Petunia, we have journalists turning up all the time. How is this one a security concern exactly?

Petunia: Her epithet is the problem. It allows her to become someone down to their DNA. It’s allowed her to do more illegal things than I’d like to admit.

Derek: I see. That could potentially cause an issue. …I’ll have David and Beatrice get to work on epithet dampening checkpoints at entrances. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. If you have more information on this ‘Verena’ woman then please let one of us know as soon as possible.

Petunia: Of course. I.. believe I have plenty.

Derek: I am sorry it seems Elliot’s goal is to turn everyone against us, including your former friend. He is apparently very good at doing that. 

Petunia: I’ll be fine. It’s her choice to get wrapped up in his bullshit in the end. All we can do is carry on forward.

Derek: Yes, yes. All we can do is remind ourselves that this is all for the good of humanity.

Petunia: Yeah. For good and all that. 

Derek: I’ll see you tomorrow.

Derek hangs up, leaving Petunia alone with her thoughts once again. Setting her phone down, she picks up her photo and studies it. It was her and Verena from a happier time. A happier time for both of them. 

And then she dropped the frame in the trash, getting up and leaves. 

There is no more time for happiness for them anymore. It’s time she acknowledges that.