Has anyone ever told you?

1 year, 10 months ago

Originally published Dec 29, 2014. Collab RP with horselady36501 on DeviantArt.

Total Word Count: 6190 Amadán Word Count: 3260 Rogue Word Count: 2930

Theme Lighter Light Dark Darker Reset
Text Serif Sans Serif Reset
Text Size Reset

Featuring Amadán and Rogue
Spring, Year 760 of the New Age
Deep Oakfern Caverns


Amadán  cursed under his breath as he stumbled over an unseen rock in his path,  only managing to maintain his balance for a few precarious moments  before ungracefully falling and bumping his chin on the cold cave floor.

“Oh,  j-just what I need,” he grumbled, pushing himself back up. He always  seemed to be in a bitter mood at the start of springtime, what with his  antlers having dropped. Every year -- every blasted year! -- he  was mistaken for a doe at least once thanks to his lack of muscle and  and short height. Now, out of frustration, he found himself aimlessly  walking deeper and deeper through the caves, not really paying a mind to  where he was going, but rather just following where his twitchy legs  led him. Come to think of it, had he ever been in these tunnels before?  He paused and peered through the shadows with a sudden uncertainty. The  caverns arguably all looked the same, but he couldn’t help feeling like…

“Of course. I-I’m lost.”


Rogue  sighed and untucked her head from her tail as she woke late in her lazy  day, she was down deep in the caverns, Baelish hadn't been around in a  few days, the little fawn was fun but he was a lot to handle at times,  and that spider of his she swore was staring at her with his beady black  eyes all the time. She was bored today though and didn't know what to  do, but she knew she needed to get up. Appon standing she yawned and  stretched her legs telling her she had been curled up for a little too  long, they were a little stiff, she looked down and then sighed again in  her long slumber she had lost most of her paint, only a faint blue glow  was visible. Rogue knew of only one place that had the blue color she  liked and it was down by the pool a little ways walk threw the dark  tunnels. “i guess thats something you can do Rogue… hope i don't get  walked on” she said to herself, being her dark color and little glowing  paint on her she could be hard to see in the dark cave.  She soon set  out walking to the pool.


Amadán decided he had  little choice other than to wander onwards aimlessly. He sniffed the air  in search of any nearby herdmates, but most scents he happened to  detect were either stale or beyond his reach. He lashed his tail,  growing impatient. There had to be someone nearby, surely…?

Yes! He caught wind of a doe not too far away from the path he was on. He  broke into a trot excitedly; for one who’d been walking to avoid others,  he sure was glad to find he wasn’t so alone. In his haste he hadn’t had  time to notice one whose colors blended in so easily in the shadows  until it was too late. His clownish legs failed to stop in time, and in a  heap his body crashed into whoever had been unlucky enough to be in his  way.


Rogue hadn't noticed him heading her way,  she had been watching the ground with her head hung a little low, and he  came up just so fast. She squeaked when he crashed in to her “ouch!”  she yelped and tumbled a little with him, legs getting all mixed up,due  to her age she was still much smaller than whoever it was she was now  tangled up with. they didn't tumble far, but once they did stop it was  quite obvious they were in a mess. Rogue sighed “im sorry, i should have  paid more attention and looked up” she said softly as she did her best  to try and get untangled without hurting whoever this was, and keep from  getting hurt too bad herself.


“Oh! I-- h-hang  on, stay s-still...” He got his scrawny legs untangled and stood up with  a grunt, giving the little doe an apologetic look. He was about to help  her up when he paused, giving her a puzzled look as her quiet words  suddenly registered.

“Wait, what a-are you apologizing to m-me for?” he asked, a little taken aback. He’d have expected her to be  snapping at him at the very least, not blaming herself, of all things.  “I’m the one who sh-should’ve been looking where I was g-going.”


she  sighed and shook her coat a little more of the dried up glow moss fell  off “because its my fault for not redoing my markings sooner so you  could see me” she replied softly and smiled his stutter was kinda cute.  “now then are you ok?” she asked softly hoping she didn't hurt him in  there tumble, it would have made her feel even worse if she had.


Amadán  tilted his head suspiciously, put off by her modesty. It was true that  her paint was dim, dim enough where he had a hard time distinguishing  what color it had once been, but that didn’t excuse the fact that he’d  have been able to avoid a collision had he been walking. A selfish part  of him refused to say so aloud, however.

“...Uh, I’m fine,” he  replied, wondering whether or not to request help in finding his way  back to somewhere familiar, till concluding that would only add to his  present awkward embarrassment. Perhaps to do so indirectly, then...?  “There… aren’t many in this a-area, are there? I didn’t notice a-anyone  around u-until running i-into you.”


she sighed in  relief that he was ok, and smiled softly over at him then sighed softly  again with his question, it only reminded her of just how lonely she  was most of the time, “no.. theres not many out this way… its pretty  quiet, sometimes i go days or weeks with no contact” she said softly,  she did enjoy her privacy but during that time she tended to not really  even get up from where she had slept that night. “you don't get out this  way much do you?” she asked softly and smiled his scent was one she had  never smelled before she she thought he was a  newcomer. “are… are you  lost?” she asked softly before he could answer her first one.


Amadán  lifted his head up with a huff, as if he was offended by her entirely  correct suggestion. What a curse is was to be so young and proud.

“M-me?  Lost? Certainly not,” he replied stubbornly. “I… haven’t been around  h-here for some t-time, i-is all. I know a-all the tunnels like the  b-back of my h-hoof.” A little voice in the back of his head hissed, A transparent jerk, you are. Show a lady some respect, if you aren’t hogging it all for yourself.

“I’m just out here, ah… l-looking for s-something, see,” he threw an excuse in hastily, shuffling his feet.


she  watched him and smiled then giggled softly then sighed softly “well  then if you know where your going i wont keep you…” she said softly and  lowered her head a little, she thought he might be bluffing but she  wasn't sure. “but may i ask what your looking for?” she asked softly and  tilted her head a little, part of her hoping he would join her but the  voice in her head telling her he simply didn't want to spend any more  time with someone like her, so little and weak in magic, perhaps he had  know why her mother abandoned her, because she was so weak in her magic.  


Amadán liked to tell himself he was seasoned  liar, and a good one at that, but to come up with something fast never  seemed to turn out in his favor. He tried to think quickly; oh, if he  could just see her face clear, maybe he could get a grasp on if she was  seeing through him or not. But with the lack of paint on her--

Paint! “I’m looking for a c-certain type of glowing moss for p-paint,” he  declared with a sudden confidence. “I use a s-special color for my  charm, a sh-shade of blue.” He held up one leg, showing the two little  pebbles that were tied to his ankle. It wasn’t a complete lie, the  luminescence was growing faint, but he hadn’t the slightest clue as to  whether or not the color he normally used was anywhere near.


Rogue  glanced down at his charm and smiled it was a pretty blue, and one that  grew by her reflecting pool, she only thought of it as hers since her  and little Bae were to only two there at any regularity. “that blue  grows by the reflecting pool not far from here, i was heading that way  myself if you would like to join me?” she asked him with a soft smile,  once at the pool she would be able to see him clearly as well the  luminescent moss reflected off the water and lit the place up  beautifully


Amadán was reluctant in giving her  an answer, partly out of surprise (and relief) that the color was  actually around. Having dug himself that deep, he figured there was no  turning back now. Hopefully he could get a grasp on his sense of  direction once there… or find more ways to tiptoe around actually asking  for help through casual conversation.

“Ah, yes, the p-pool,” he said, as if he was familiar with the location. “I’d b-be happy to come along… l-lead the way.”

He  paused for a moment. If he was going to go along with his facade, he  may as well get on her good side. Slyly, he gave a friendly smile and  added, “I’m sorry, I don’t believe I-I caught your n-name.”


she  smiled and swished her tail a little, she thought of telling him he  never caught it because she never gave it, but decided that would be  simply rude. “my name is Rogue” she said softly and started to walk to  the pool “may i ask what yours is?” she said with another swish  indicating to him that she was heading out now and walking past where he  had come from. She was suspicious of his claim to know the area, when  he had passed the opening to the tunnel that led to the pool, but then  she thought perhaps it had just been a while.


“Amadán,”  he replied as he followed beside her. Normally the proud stag would’ve  thrown his head to accompany his introduction, but it was a pointless  move without his antlers, besides the fact there wouldn’t have been  enough light to see anyway. He was suddenly reminded of how he’d ended  up where he was in the first place, and swished his tail distractedly.

“I d-don’t suppose I’ve ever seen you b-by the pool before,” he went on casually. “Do you v-visit the spot often?”


Rogue  walked along beside him but a little in front, her ears flipping back  and forth as she listened around them and to him, she made a mental note  on his name and then smiled when he asked her the question “well  actually yes, but i have never seen you… or anyone really other than Bae  the little dark colored fawn. but then if there are more than three  others there i leave and come back another day, i know they wouldn't  want me there anyway” she finished softly and dropped her head a little  her eyes wanting to tear up a little but she just blinked them away, not  wanting to give anyone more of her tears. If they didn't think she was  worthy, she  didn't think they were worth crying over, it really did no  good to cry anyway, it just wasted your body's water. She sighed a  little and let her ears droop some her depression creeping back up on  her.


Amadán’s ear twitched uncomfortably as he  listened. Where had that last bit come from? That seemed rather out of  the blue. He shrugged it off.

“I don’t go v-very often,” he said  slowly. “I only refresh the paint on the ch-charm in the spring. I  usually wear it on my antlers… it’s much easier to t-take off when  they’ve dropped.” Well, at least that part was true.


Rogue  nodded a little as he talked, and noticed his stuttering had gotten a  little better, she had to wonder if it was a sign for something or if he  had just relaxed more with her, not that she was anything to be scared  of, even her mother thought she was nothing. “well that must be nice to  only have to do it in spring” she said softly and smiled a little, and  sighed softly as she walked “you know you don't have to walk with me… i  would understand if you didnt want to be seen with me once we get there…  i can even wait to walk in so it looks like we didn't get there  together…” she said softly and looked up at him a little but kept her  head down low and submissive to him, he was older and worthy of respect.  


Amadán shook his head at Rogue’s suggestion,  though he appreciated the shy regard from the timid little doe; his big  head lavished in attention. He might have an ego, but he wasn’t so  mighty as to refuse someone’s presence. Besides, he’d be stranded in the  dark without her. He couldn’t help but wonder if he intimidated her,  though he was no larger than she -- well, his unusual movements  sometimes had an unnerving effect.

“N-nonsense, I don’t mind  company,” he told her, staying beside her. He added on account of her  note of the pool normally being vacant, “It’s u-usually pretty lonely  there, any-w-way.” He peered ahead, wondering how much further it was to  reach it.


Rogue couldn't help but smile when he  said he wanted to stay walking with her, she even lifted her head a  little feeling more relaxed with his presence, she then took a deep  breath as she saw the familiar glow of the cave, as soon as they were in  there he would be able to see her clearer and she could see then if he  was really willing to stay longer. “yes i does get lonely i guess, but  its only that way if you use to company, im use to being alone” she said  softly, as they got closer to the cave, the glow growing more.


“I  suppose…” Amadán glanced at her, wondering if she was always by  herself. She didn’t seem particularly used to having someone talk to her  for so long. Didn’t she have anyone else around?

The glow of the  cave caught his attention, piquing his curiosity. Perhaps it could shed  some light on which way he was meant to take to get back… literally,  too. He snickered quietly, then remembered that he’d told her he’ was  going to paint his charm; he may as well while the color’s there, or so  she’d said. It would probably be rude to just leave.


Rogue  glanced up at him and smiled softly now seeing more than just what his  own paint showed her. He was a dark chestnut colored and built a lot  like her. She looked back at the cave it had a few other tunnels open up  in to it and a little water trickling down in a small waterfall, that  fed the pool. The water was crystal clear and highly reflective of all  the glowing moss, just about every color there was. Rogue walked up to  the water and lowered her head to get a drink.


He  followed her inside and looked around in wonder at the way the water  reflected the array of mosses, having to squint at first as his eyes  adjusted to the light it created. To think the place wasn’t normally  visited; what a well-kept secret the deep tunnels had! It didn’t take  long to him to spot one patch of moss that indeed looked like the same  turquoise he preferred for his charm.

He looked over at Rogue and  realized it really wasn’t all that surprising that she’d camouflaged so  well in the blackness earlier, seeing as her coat was a sooty grullo. He  joined her at the edge of the pool and casually toyed with the water at  his feet with what magic ability he had.

“Looks quite f-festive,  doesn’t it?” he commented thoughtfully as he slowly stirred the water in  a tiny circle, sending small ripples across the surface and slightly  distorting the bright colors it mirrored. Normally he was one who  preferred lurking in the dark, but he had to admit the area had quite an  appeal.


she smiled at him joining her then  watched the water as he played with it and his magic she giggled softly  and sent some ripples his way causing a cross in the ripples. “it does  look quite pretty, in here… thats why its my favorite place” she replied  softly and sighed a little then turned and started walking over to the  blue glow moss, she then started to repaint her markings.


He  stayed by the waterside, sitting down and gently drawing ripples back  and forth. He didn't practice his magic as much as he'd like to, for he  found it very enjoyable, so he manipulated it when he had the  opportunity.

"Do you ever p-practice magic?" he asked without looking  over his shoulder. He drew the ripples into a box this time, changing  direction now and again.


she continued with her  paint, mostly so she didnt forget but paused when he spoke “yes.. i  practice it every time i come here, not that i have gotten any better,  but i do practice it” she replied softly and sighed, some days she  wished she had a teacher, for both her and Bae so she could keep her  prommiss to him. She turned and walked back over to him a little glow  moss still on her nose from where she had painted the paw print on her  rump. “would you like to practice?” she asked softly she had never asked  anyone that before and didn't know what to expect for a response.


Amadán  paused his water stirring and gave a sly smirk and a sideways glance,  replying cockily, “If you’d l-like... I don’t m-mean to brag, but I-I’m  rather good for a b-beginner.” His tail lashed behind him while he made  another collection small ripples. “K-know any tricks?”

He was  expecting to see something he already knew how to do, making assumptions  based on her young age. How his childish pride knew no limits; he’d  take any chance to show off if he thought he could.


Rogue  looked at him and thought a moment on if she knew any tricks… she  hadn't really tried much but there was one thing she liked to do to Bae  sometimes.. well one time. She looked back at the water and started to  push it back and forth working it a little bigger each time, till she  made a tiny wave and let it go up to his hooves, “thats the biggest i  have gotten it to go so far… other than that just ripples and small  water werley things” she said with a soft giggle and looked up at him  “how about you what can you do?” she asked and was starting to feel a  bit excited.  


Amadán watched the weak wave  reach his feet, his face betraying his honest surprise. He didn’t know  how to do that yet… He paused when she asked him about his own skills,  thinking about what he could do to make him seem more experienced than  he really was. He wouldn’t let himself be upstaged! Yet his mind had  nothing to offer him in support.

“Well, I…” he began slowly, starting  to drag out ripples as he had before, unsure of what to do. Part of him  wished it would suddenly turn into something impressive, be naturally,  no such miracle came to be. He gave a sigh of defeat.

“That’s… really  all I c-can do,” he admitted tentatively, feeling rather dumb as he  sagged his shoulders. “I don’t a-actually use magic that often...”


she  smiled and watched him waiting for his trick, when he admitted he  didn't use it much she sighed softly and walked a little closer to him  then nuzzled his cheek a little softly “want me to show you?” she asked  softly and stepped back a little then swished her tail softly as she  looked back at the water unsure of why she even offered, surely he  wouldn't want to know her stupid little trick. it wasn't much anyway.  She sighed was about to walk back over to the moss.


It  wasn’t common for him to accept guidance from others so easily, but the  fact that the uncertain doe had offered in the first place seemed to  push him to accept. He pitied how meek she seemed around him, noticing  her consideration of turning away, but he figured that awkwardness must  come with hiding away so often.

“S-sure,” he replied quickly, trying  to sound encouraging. Magic wasn’t the easiest to explain, he figured.  “How w-would you, uh, s-start?”


Rogue paused in  her movement to leave when he accepted, part of ehr wasnt ready for him  to accept, then another was overjoyed. She looked up at him and smiled  blinking her big brown eyes a little and thought about how she did it.

“well…  all i do is push the water away, then pull it back again over and over  building it up a little at a time… till i feel like its where i want it”  she said softly and slowly hoping it made sense, she looked back down  at the water and focused again pushing and pulling the water as if  trying to make sure that was really how she did it, the water went back  and forth creating a little current all on its own then splashed up at  his hooves again. It was still just a tiny wave, barely even enough to  get one hoof wet, but she was proud of her little trick.


Amadán  twitched his ear, feeling a tad doubtful. “P-push it away?” he  repeated, casting his gaze back at the clear little pool. He watched  Rogue demonstrate it again, trying to look carefully and figure out how  she was doing it. How to push the water…?

He thought about how  he’d made and dragged the ripples he tended to stick to and wondered  how he could make enough space and force to turn them into a little  wave, as she had. He lifted his head with determination and lashed his  tail.

He started with ripples again, but focused harder in pushing  them back and forth like she’d said. It strained his mind to try so much  though, and he shook his head in frustration at how little progress was  showing for his efforts. Nothing more than slightly larger ripples were spreading across the water.

“Oh,  c-come on, it shouldn’t b-be this hard…” he muttered to himself, trying  again fruitlessly. He lashed his tail again, unwilling to give up quite  yet, but getting more irritated the more he failed.


Rogue  watched him and sighed she wasn’t a very good teacher it seemed. She  flipped her ears back and forth thinking for a moment.

“try with your ripples just… maybe .. pulling the water to you make it stretch up to your hoofs”

she  moved over a little closer to him and nuzzled his shoulder in  encouragement. Flipping her ears forward to focus on him and she smiled  softly.

“you can do it i know you can Amadán i believe in you” she said softly and smiled up at him sweetly.


Amadán nodded and tried to steel up his focus. Think, he told himself silently, how did you learn to drag ripples in the first place? He forced himself not to shift his feet out of impatience and lose his concentration. Oh, that’s right, you got a headache because magic is a pain! He closed his eyes and took a breath, trying to shut out his negative conscience.

He  tried to imagine how it had looked when Rogue had done it, the way the  clear water lightly folded over on itself. It was a lot like his  ripples, except, instead of parting the water, it was stretched more as a  whole… Pushed! That was what she must’ve meant. Maybe instead of  pushing it down, he should push it towards him. Was that it?

It  wasn’t until he felt something hit his hooves that he popped his eyes  open. He grinned and threw his head in glee. “I-I did it!” he cheered  before pausing. “... I d-did do it, right?”


Rogue  watched him and smiled seeing him close his eyes to focus, she had seen  others do this as well, she chose to watch what she was doing but knew  everyone worked in there own way. She looked back down at the water and  watched seeing it move a little, a tiny current moving just below the  surface. she smiled over at him and then went back to watching he was  doing it, he was moving the water, this gave her hope that maybe she  could teach others after all. She saw the wave a moment later splash up  on to his hooves and she giggled and grinned then turned to answer him  “yes… yes you did do it!” she replied a bit of excitement in her voice  for him.


Amadán smiled brightly and puffed out  his chest a little. “Well, it’s only n-natural that I’d be able t-to!”  he announced proudly. “Honestly, it’s a-all so simple, really. I’ll be a  master o-of magic, one day, let me a-assure you!”

His boasting was  hardly kidding, despite how small his milestone was in comparison; he  was much too happy with his accomplishment to deflate his arrogant head  now. The skinny buck gave the small wave another shot for good measure,  and was quite pleased to find his capability truly wasn’t a one-time  thing. The wonders a small victory could do for egomania...


Rogue  nodded and smiled softly, she had helped him but he almost sounded like  he would have gotten it all on his own to her. she sighed and slumped a  little then looked back at the water, she knew it wouldn't be long  before he would be doing great things and she would still be at tiny  waves. “well im happy for you and i have no doubt you will be great one  day, maybe even the greatest Oakfern has seen in a while” she said  softly then went to turn to walk over to the glow moss. She was unsure  of so much, and felt so little, it had take her so long to learn that  trick, while she was happy he picked it up quickly it made her wonder  about her own skills and that maybe her mother was right for leaving  her.


Amadán was so busy silently celebrating  that he almost didn’t notice the change in Rogue's disposition. His  smile waned as he turned to look at her, puzzled. He walked after her.

“W-whatever’s  the matter?” he asked with one ear flicking back and forth in  uncertainty. Had he not actually done it right, maybe? She just told him  what he wanted to hear? His already-restless body suddenly became aware  of the damp chill of the well-lit cave, and he shivered on scrappy  legs. He longed for his nest… his den! He still hadn’t found a way to  discreetly request the pathway to a familiar area of the caverns...

In that case, some friendly concern couldn’t hurt.

“Are you o-okay?” he went on, putting on a more gentle expression.


Rogue  looked up at him and put on a fake smile “oh sorry , im fine, you  really did great, you learn fast, it took me forever to figure that  trick out, but you're truly great at magic” she replied softly to him,  thinking that he was far greater at magic than she ever would be. with  that thought she simply turned around and looked at the exit of the  cave, then over at another one that led to a different set and she  wondered about going that way instead of the one they came in at,  thinking of getting lost and leaving herself to whatever happend.


Amadán  was somewhat taken aback. That’s what it was? He’d just picked it up  faster? He’d be right annoyed himself if they’d swapped places, but… She  sounded more defeated than anything. He didn’t really know what to say  as she got up to leave. A part of himself warned other than to let her  little note go, one that seemed to have little interest in getting back  to his den and was rolling her words around in an oddly familiar  confusion.

Wait. That sudden, out-of-place self-pity. She’d done that before, hadn’t she?

“I know they wouldn’t want me there anyway.”
“I would understand if you didnt want to be seen with me once we get there…”
“I’m used to being alone.”

At  the late realization, his facade of concern started to grow sincere and  his eyes narrowed seriously, though not unkindly. He started when he  remembered she’d started to head away and scrambled after her in a rush,  catching up to her to pass and confidently place himself in her path.  Even her stride looked down-trodden, he now came to see. Through the  darkness that had clouded them upon leaving the bright cave, he kept his  eyes staring evenly at her own barely-visible ones.

“W-why do d-do t-that?” he asked her, his voice unusually stern. “Demote y-yourself, I mean.”


Rogue  stopped suddenly so not to run in to him and looked at him “i only say  what has been proven to me time and time again… even my own mother  didn't want anything to do with me, she thought i was magicless and  abandoned me. others leave when i show up, and avoid me,  the only  friend i have is fawn thats too young to know any better.” she replied  and started to tear up as she looked at him “im worthless and i know it,  i just have chose not to do anything about it yet, i'm not worth anyone  else's effort here and i dont know how to get to Blackwood for one of  them to do it for me” she said with a few soft sniffles.


To  hear her confess to such genuine insecurity was staggering, but somehow  Amadán didn’t pause, as he would’ve expected himself to. Instead a  familiar sinking feeling brought words he hadn’t even consciously chosen  to say. He never could be serious when he tried, especially in actual  heavy situations, but this was one he didn’t even need to think about.

“You  s-sound like my mother,” he said quietly. He cast his normally-bold  eyes, now clouded, down at his feet, but didn’t lose his stable  composure. “She was c-convinced she had no purpose i-in life and that  she brought e-everyone e-else down. The only re-reason everything seemed  to turn out that way f-for her was because she had th-that mindset.”

He  looked back up again, his voice taking up a hint of the confidence from  before. “Sh-she disappeared one day. I don’t l-like to think about  w-why… not because I particularl-ly miss her, but be-c-cause it makes me  sad to know she m-might still be around if she’d l-listened when  someone told her they care. Maybe n-nobody even said so.” With a subtle  tilt of his head, he added, “Has anyone ever t-told you they care?”

Rogue  took a deep breath and looked up at him then blinked a few times  thinking back, her head starting to slowly shake from side to side "no  not really, I mean Bae said I would do as a friend and teacher one day  but he's a fawn and never used the word care, I don't really think  anyone has ever, not since mother left me I don't think anyone really  does care, I could be here or gone and no one would really notice I mean  if I was gone tomorrow would you even know? Or care? Probably not since  we just met but even then I'm nothing special" she said softly and  dropped her head back down then looked back at the damp stone floor.

He felt his dislike of physical contact be momentarily overruled as he slowly took a step closer and nuzzled her comfortingly.

I care,” he said firmly, surprising himself with honest the words were  and managing to keep his voice from shaking for that one small  statement. It was all he could find to say, but something told him  nothing else was needed. He hardly knew Rogue, but suddenly it felt like  she was an old friend, one he’d lost touch with and let down. Now she  needed help, and he prayed she’d take what little he could offer.

She  looked up at him surprised and curious "you care...about me?" She asked  and took a step closer to him "but why? I can't do anything for you all  I know are these caves and tunnels, your already better at magic, and  your much bigger than me so why do you care about me?" She asked an  blinked thinking, trying her best to figure out why out of everyone he  cared? She couldn't put in to words how good it made her feel that  someone cared about her all she could do was smile and wonder.

“Worth  is not m-measured in sk-skill or size,” he answered, with a small shake  of his head. “N-no matter what anyone might tell y-you.” Casting his  eyes down to where his charm dimly glowed around his ankle, Amadán felt  his fur grow hot and prickle uncomfortably as he added, “I b-believe  someone should be j-judged on their character a-and deeds, not s-silly  things like t-that.”

Saying such was somewhat difficult and made him  vulnerable, he thought, as his morality hit him with a rueful pang. It  was a rare feeling, being at all aware that he wasn’t the kindest of  souls, something his conscience would occasionally whisper when in a low  point such as his current spot. He could practically hear that part of  his mind laughing at him, You must be joking! You’re just as guilty, white knight! But his eyes flickered up to her darkened face again as spoke again, with less confidence but all the same conviction.

“Anyone who p-puts others down i-isn’t worth paying any m-mind to. T-they’ve no right t-to y-your time.”

Rogue  knew nothing of his internal struggle all she saw and heard was him  being sweet and kind. She smiled softly and took a few more steps to him  then hesitantly wrapped her head around him in a soft hug, "thank you,  thank you for caring about me you have no idea how much that means to me  to hear someone say it, and to say all the other nice things, are  you... Are you a friend? I here the others sometimes talk about having  more than one and I know I have Bae but" she sighed softly and let him  go then stepped back and looked up at him "I think I would like it if  you would be my friend as well, if you would like it too?" She asked him  and smiled softly.

A new, sweet warmth spread  over Amadán and he managed a relieved smile. Had he actually been able  to help someone for once? It was a nice feeling, he decided, to be  picking someone up rather than dragging them down, though he wondered  how long it would last. He didn’t even flinch at her close contact.

To  her quiet question he answered, “Of c-course.” He couldn’t help but  inwardly wonder how she may have ended up had he just let her walk away  before, or if he would have ever seen her again, but he shrugged the  thought away. She was a kind doe who he was happy to have found a friend  in.

In the midst of his happy thoughts, a reminder came crashing  back, and he blinked as he recalled he still hadn’t a clue where they  were. Oh, he may as well say so now, else he’d never get back…

“Uh… h-hey, d-did I say I come here a-all the time earlier? B-because, uh…” He shuffled his feet. “... I, uh, don’t. Usually c-come this deep, I-I mean. Think y-you could… um… help me g-get b-back?” Managing to finish slightly less awkwardly, he added with a hopeful smile, “We could t-talk on the w-way, if you want.”


Rogue smiled and stepped back "I figured as much, but I would be happy to show you the way back and I would like that, talking that is" she giggled softly and smiled then turned to head out of the cave to a tunnel "well, you coming?" She asked and looked back at him then started to show him the way back out.