
2 years, 1 month ago
2 years, 15 days ago
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Entry 6
Published 2 years, 15 days ago

Just a range of, shorter length, stories to do with the group and their dynamics. They fall in the lines of, sort of canon. They defiantly are situations that actually happen to them, but don't really fit anywhere linear so can either be rewritten into something more, in-depth or not really mentioned as something that happened, in some cases it might mention in passing.

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Did I say marriage?

Doctor glances over at the man that’s sat at the dinning room table with him. The other is furiously writing something down,
“What are you doing?” Doctor asks, head tilting to the side slightly. At the words, breaking the silence come out, Wayde snaps his head up and puts the pen down to smile over at Doctor.
“So, you know how Stone’s birthday is coming up,” Wayde states, and Doctor hums in agreement as he gently cradles his mug of coffee. “Right, so as it’s his birthday, we love him and it’s the first one we’ll all be celebrating together, I was trying to plan some sort of big surprise for him.” Wayde rambles, his ears perking more and flicking as he talks excitedly about the man, they both love. They then turn the notebook around to face Doctor, and he pours his eyes over the information put in front of him. It seems like a good start at least, Doctor can already see a couple of places where he’d be able to alter the idea to make it make even more sense, and in general just be easier for all of them to make it simpler for them to deal with. Doctor then hesitates near the end of the page,
“Wait…” he pauses and Wayde looks over as to where Doctor has paused at in the notebook.
Wayde then faulters, and blushes slightly, and starts to fumble and grab the notebook back, which Doctor lets happen easily.
“It’s not what, I… Sorry that was just rambling.” Wayde spits out, while looking like he’s ready to get up off of the table and run away, but Doctor gently places a hand on the book, encourage Wayde to stay and hear Doctor out rather then just panicking and running off.
“Is that true… Do you want me to marry Stone?” He asks, his voice barely above a whisper, as if he says it louder then something might get down and get him for putting that out in the universe. Wayde freezes up slightly and then looks over at the older man, and the emotions that are currently flashing through his face, Wayde’s pretty sure he’s never seen that many emotions go through Doctor, let alone that fast. Wayde splutters slightly,
“Well yeah, he adores you and he told me, before me and him got together that you were the one he would always adore. We, we discuss the future sometimes, when we’re out at work, or when you’re staying up late working, he always says how he wants a ring on his finger and to call himself your husband.” Wayde explains, slightly embarrassed about explaining it all. He’s still not quite as close with Doctor as he would like to be, especially considering that the two of them are now both dating the same man, but the other is a strange one to read, so he’s not going to really panic about that right now. Wayde looks over at Doctor and just smiles softly,
“Sorry for throwing all of that at you Doctor, please don’t panic about it all. Shit, I’m sorry. Please don’t feel pressured to do anything or any of that, I should have proof read my notebook.” Wayde rambles out a little panicked. “And I, I need to go. I’m sorry.” Wayde practically runs out of the room, cheeks bright red as he goes. Sure he’d be ecstatic if the other two got married, but he knows Doctor has a lot that he needs to go through before he makes any form of decision like that, and he especially doesn’t want him to feel forced into any of this. If the two end up engaged, Wayde doesn’t want to have forced any part of this.