A Moment of Peace

1 year, 9 months ago

Originally published Aug 21, 2018. Collab RP with horselady36501/HLsFawnlings on DeviantArt.

"It's a good place when all you have is hope and not expectations." - Danny Boyle

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Featuring Rogue and Amadán

Autumn, Year 771 of the New Age

Oakfern, near the Warren






             “... And then this one creates the green color.” Amadán dropped the  small herb into the mixture, using his magic to stir the watery paste.  He turned to Rogue beside him and smiled; it was surprisingly nice to  share how he mixed his paint, as simple as it was.


    The  stag had worn the same color practically since fawnhood, and in any  other case, he’d thought the topic mundane. Instead there was enthusiasm  in his voice, and knew it came from sharing it with not just anyone,  but Rogue; talking about anything felt warm and effortless with her.


             “I add s-s-some white at the end t-to make it l-l-lighter,” Amadán  added, mixing in a final dash of pale moss, “a-a-and that’s it!”






             Rogue watched him and listened intently. He had her full and undivided  attention. She nodded softly watching the stag mix the herbs and colors  “oh wow, i never thought of mixing quite like that, i love it. Your so  smart Ama” she replied and giggled softly. She loved the color he  painted with and wished she had been as creative as he was. 




    Baldur,  the father of the fawn she had lost, was never this way with her. It  made her wonder how Amadán thought of her? She would be honored to be  something more with him. He was smart, brave, strong, and so very sweet  to her. Even if he didnt think he was or anyone else for that matter.  The thought made her heart flutter and beat a bit faster. 




    “Ama,  would you like help applying it?” she asked him softly. She knew her  magic was at least good enough to paint without getting to messy, though  she wouldn't mind if she had a bit of his color on her too. It would be  a little peace of him all for her. 






            Amadán  paused, then gave the doe a sheepish smile and shrugged. There was a  distinct chill in the cave, what with the winter winds that had crept  their way below, but he felt terribly warm.


            “Well, I-I-I was thinking, maybe,” he started, “it m-m-might be fun to, ah, s-swap our colors.”


            With every tilt of his head, Amadán  could feel the charm they’d made seasons ago swing from his antlers. It  was an unending reminder of that day, a reminder of defeated demons and  pledges to the future, but most of all of the warmth of Rogue at his  side; to hear her kind words, to see her comforting eyes, to feel the  true value of the friendship they’d forged and how precious she was to  him. Swapping paints may have been a simple idea, but to Amadán it meant  something deeper than just something ‘for fun.’






             Rogue giggled softly and how adorable he was, so nervous, it was just  so cute. “I would love to swap colors with you. Honestly Ama it would be  a honor to where your colors.” she replied softly to him. Suddenly  feeling as warm as he was. Her heart thumping faster in her chest. Part  of her wondered if he could hear it with the echos in the cave. 




             Her eyes looked up at him, then darted to his trinket and the same  thoughts of being beside him drifted to her mind as well. It caused her  to look away shyly. Her head tilting away but her eyes going back to  him. She knew it in her heart, no matter what his feelings to her, she  was in love. At what point did it all happen she didn't know but this  had to be what it was. Real Love. 






             It was a sweet reassurance to hear Rogue agree; and when she turned her  head away, Amadán couldn’t help but chuckle. Funny, how her bashfulness  made him feel confident. Maybe it was the want to make her feel  confident, too.


             “H-hey...” he said, tilting his head to keep his face steady with hers,  hoping her downcast eyes would meet his again. He smiled when they did;  the stag had become so fond of those eyes, something he was most aware  of when he couldn’t look at them. Rogue had such a pure heart, selfless  and kind, and it shone in her dark gaze. Strange, how he’d never thanked  her for it.


            Maybe he ought to.


             “...You’re inc-c-credible, you know that?” Amadán was smiling still; it  felt so natural to say so, because he so badly wanted her to hear it.  “I c-can’t even… begin to imagine w-w-where I’d be if it weren’t for  y-you.”






             Rogue was swept away with warm emotions when the words tickled her  ears. Her heart thumped a bit faster and she took a quick breath.  “Really Ama? You mean  a lot to me too. I feel im truly blessed to have  you in my life.” she replied and smiled up at him. 




Her  heart still thumping in her chest she took a step closer, though they  were already quite close. She then tenderly nuzzled him under his chin.  “I care a lot for you Ama, i… i dare say… even love you.” she said  softly hoping the stag didn’t reject her love for him. 




She  held her breath waiting for his reply to her emotional opening of her  feelings. It was the first she had ever said it outloud. And the first  time she could really tell how strong her feelings for him were. Though  she would understand if he didnt feel the same way for her. After all  even her own mother rejected her. 






             Her touch would’ve made him flinch away years ago, but he felt only  comfort and security in it now. With a soft breath Amadán  nuzzled her back, letting his cheek rest against the top of her head.  There was something foreign in speaking so openly about his deepest  feelings, and yet so comfortable, and he had no doubt in his mind that  this was where he was meant to be, with her.


             “I love you, too,” he said, taking the effort to speak it clearly and  not let his stutter break his words. He knew she would not have minded  -- the few moments he didn’t feel so conscious of his awkward speaking  was with her -- but he wanted her to know he meant it, that it wasn’t  just another phrase that he let tumble out without thinking.


             To be able to stand there with her in a moment of precious peace would  have been unimaginable to him a short time ago. Now he hoped it might  never end.






             Rogue felt any hesitation she had melt away as he so calmly and clearly  replied. The four words sealing in her heart. She knew she wanted to be  his, and only his from then on. While her heart and love was now his,  she still had one other thing to deal with, and that would take time.  For now she was happy to just be snuggled so close and feel so safe with  Amadán.