
All past grudges and sorrows ceased in the oblivescence. /Literature club August contest.

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You had zero confidence` that all will go fine.

It was almost a month of heavy thoughts if that be right or wrong in general. The stereobate`` of the ritual which Yoko offered was quite a bit same as they made when summoned Borscheclef, so it might be successful, but your father is not just a character`. Ritual might end either with celebration, either with tragedy`. This... Still makes you worry.

At the week's beginning you've sent a letter to your mother, seeking for support in her reply. You got a letter from her almost immediately, that fast as Zeta and Delta post-offices might work.
She said she'll take a few days off her job and came here. You thought it will calm you down, but now you're worrying about worse ending even more.

Week end, twilight`. A road` to local cemetery. Cemetery's gate`. And the father's tombstone.
You kneel down in front of it and asked the spirit of your father to forgive you if something will go wrong. You've talked with Nalu and Yoko a lot about the nuances of ritual and you reduced all "hidden pebbles" in it as max as possible. All must work clear and strict like the clock.

Shoggoth drew necessary symbols with surgeon's precision, Yoko and Crow placed the candles at the right places. The rest of cultists formed the circle, holding their hands, Nalu opened the book with the text of the ritual and all begun.
You turned your head` to your mother. She stayed emotionless like a wax figure, only wind waved her long hair and petals of roses on her tail and halo. You worried twice about what on her mind.

With hope` that all will go fine you turned back and concentrated on Nalu's monotone voice. On a few` seconds realm seems to glitch an you clearly saw your father's appearance`.

— It's time to return home again, — you said and landed your hand to him, then grabbing the spirit's palm like if it was real.

You noticed how he shivered and realm glitched again. Worrying reached out to the max level.
Your cult kept the circle, doubling the Nalu's words. Sun almost set down, and wind became stronger, you saw ripples on your father's haloes.
Like if whole your life runs in front of your eyes, from your childhood till your father's burial.
In a second the voices became silent and the wind calmed down, finally blowing up the candle lights. Your father's hand was really real and even warm.

Your father always was with a faint in his heart, even if he always tried not to show that. So even now he shivered and looked around with a fear in his sight.
— K... Kesshot? What happened? What happens?

A smile touched your lips. How long you didn't hear his voice.
You felt how your mother put her hand on your shoulder and you freed father's hand and stepped back, allowing her to come closer.

— You're a coward, Victor, — she said and he freezed looking in her eyes like under hypnosis. — But I'm glad to have you back.

She hugged him and he hesitantly hugged her back. All past grudges and sorrows ceased in the oblivescence``.