2022 Summer Event

2 years, 15 days ago
1 year, 11 months ago
2 1348

Chapter 2
Published 1 year, 11 months ago

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Chapter 2

The sunlight glinting off the ocean waves is what finally woke Cyrus. His hammock sung slightly in the early morning breeze. The sky was still a pale blue with a hint of pinks and purples that would fade with the sun’s arrival. Rokusho could be heard giving an announcement to the Chimereons who’d woken up earlier, something about working on rebuilding. Yawning, Cyrus rolled out of his hammock to get a closer position. Most of yesterday’s footprints had vanished from the shoreline, having been washed away by the waves or wind. Rokusho stood atop one of the larger rocks nearby, waving his arms around as he spoke excitedly. “- enough material to rebuild, we can actually rebuild my ship! I would like to ask you all once again for your help, I cannot do this without you all.” Several Chimereons clapped, others cheered in encouragement. Grinning widely, Rokusho exclaimed, “Alright! Let’s go!”

Cyrus headed to where he was assigned; working on the hull of the ship. Some Chams had arrived that day bringing some fresh building materials such as nails, hammers, and other woodworking tools. A blue Chimereon walked beside him holding a basket filled with tools and supplies in their mouth. “I’m Cyrus,” he stated, smiling down at the Cham on all fours. “Sh-ba,” the other Cham replied, mouth still around the basket’s handle. The Cham realized she wasn’t really understandable and quickly removed the basket, “Saba!” She stated again, smiling in return. “Nice to meet you, Saba. Would you like to work with me for a bit?” Cyrus pointed to the bare portion of the hull that needed the outer boards attached still. Saba nodded and the two of them began to work. Saba held the boards up with her front paws as Cyrus hammered the nails into them. The two worked in relative silence, only exchanging a few words here and there. They took turns retrieving more materials when they ran out and before long they’d managed to build a fairly large portion of the hull. The sun was at its highest now, beaming down on all the Chams working below. Many began to set up tarps, umbrellas, and other various shade covers to protect themselves while they worked. Various Chams had also taken it upon themselves to cook for everyone again, bringing bundles of food to each group, followed by another group of Chimereons delivering drinks to those already served. Cyrus ate with gusto, not realizing how hungry he was given he’d skipped breakfast that day. Saba ate with him, enjoying the quiet company. While they still had some time for their break, Cyrus asked, “Would you like to swim for a bit?” Saba thought about it for a moment before replying, “Sure, but we can’t be too long since we still have more work to do.” Cyrus nodded before leading the way to the water, many other Chimereons already taking their turns in the ocean to cool off, many working their way down too. The ocean was cool, relieving the heat from the sun above. A few Chams were even surfing, riding the waves larger Chams were making for them. Cyrus grinned widely before taking a dive. Saba joined him in the water, but stayed closer to the shore, splashing Cyrus when he surfaced. Once they’d cooled, both returned to their work along the hull, chatting more now that they’d gotten more comfortable with each other. The day went by as quickly as it had begun, the sun setting as a backdrop for another large bonfire. Maybe a couple of more days and the ship would be complete. Saba and Cyrus shared a spot at the bonfire, chatting between themselves and the other Chams nearby. Everyone had worked so hard that day that the night beckoned them. Chams could be seen sleeping where they’d eaten as they soaked in the evening cool air and the warmth of the bonfire. Cyrus said his goodbyes and returned to his cozy hammock, looking forward to another day of work tomorrow.