Blood Pact

2 years, 10 days ago
2 years, 10 days ago
2 1765

Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 10 days ago

Set in DC vs Vampires Alternate Universe

Dick Grayson has been revealed to the world as the new Vampire King but he still has more secrets to keep. Dominik will be by his side for it all… no matter what the results might be.

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Chapter 2

Jason let out a low growl and yanked on the chain around his wrist that kept him in place. Usually Dick at least let him have free reign of the room but today he’d changed his mind. He wasn’t sure why. 

Josie swatted his hand. “Stop pulling at it, you’re going to hurt yourself.” She scolded him as she worried at the bandages on his chest. He’d ripped the wound open several times since they’d been brought to the vampire’s palace. His rage had been bad as a human and now it was worse and combined with a bloodlust that had been hard to satiate. Josie truly believed that she was the only reason he hadn’t gone on a rampage yet. 

“Why do I need this?” He hissed, yanking at the chain again and earning himself another smack on the hand. 

Josie sighed. “Because you keep ripping your bandages off and threatening every guard that comes in here to check on us.” She reminded him, peeling the blood soaked bandage from his chest and cleaning the wound. “And because we have a visitor today…” she added carefully, not looking at his face. She knew all she would see was rage. 

“A what?!” He hissed. “Everyone we cared about is dead, Josephine. Who the fuck could possibly be coming to visit us?!”

She set her jaw and pressed the cloth covered with peroxide to his wound, pulling a hiss of pain from him. “Do not take that tone with me.” She told him seriously, looking up at him. “I’m the only reason he hasn’t turned you into a weapon yet so shut up. And no, not everyone we cared about is dead. If that were the case then you would be dead too.” She reminded him.

“I am dead.” 

“Enough. You’re alive enough for me.” She scolded him. “I talked with Dick this morning while you were sleeping.”

He eyed her suspiciously but didn’t dare try to argue with her again. “Who..?”

“Dominik.” She answered. “He’s requested a visit with us and Dick granted it. So you will behave, understood? He’s our friend.”

“He was our friend.” He corrected. “He betrayed us and all of humanity if you recall. He’s a fucking bloodsucking traitor.”

She sighed as she finished putting on the clean bandages and stepped back. “And that’s exactly why you have that.” She said, gesturing to the chain around his wrist. “He may have changed but the fact that he even wants to see us means our friend isn’t completely gone.” 

He shook his head, watching her. He wished he had that optimism. “He’s a vampire, Josie. He chose it.” 

“And you would have too if I was the one in Dick’s place. Don’t act so high and mighty. Things suck, sure, but we’re still together and our best friend is finally making the effort to come see us.” She told him seriously. “Your anger is getting old. You can be mad all you want at Dick and Dom. Fine. Whatever. But stop taking it out on me. And stop being angry with me because I’ve gotten past it.” She sat down in front of him, looking up at him sadly. “The world’s gone to shit but I’ve made the conscious decision to hang onto the little bit of humanity that our friends have left. That you have left. It’s the only way I can survive.” 

Jason looked down at her sadly, his red eyes swimming for a moment with unshed tears. In truth, his rage was all that was keeping him from completely melting down. But he hadn’t considered how that might be affecting her. She was the only human in this godforsaken place and she was fighting to hold onto that. He’d heard Dick try to convince her to turn several times and every time she argued against it. It was always for his sake. But he wasn’t sure how much longer Dick would allow her to use that excuse. “You’re right…” he agreed, letting out a long sigh. “I’m sorry, Josie.” 

She leaned up, wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his neck. She was silent for a long moment as he returned the hug the best he could with the chain restraining him. And he could have sworn he’d heard a repressed sob but he didn’t bring attention to it. 

She pulled back a moment later, staring into his ruby red eyes. “Jace, I love you.” She told him quietly. “And I’m begging you, please, please just try to get along with Dom when he gets here. For me?”

He nodded, giving her another sad look and cupping her cheek in his hand. He rubbed her soft skin with his thumb, being careful not to catch it with his sharp nail. “I’ll try.” He assured her.