Who the Hell is Print Screen, Anyway?

1 year, 9 months ago
1 year, 7 months ago
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Chapter 6
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

draw a blank | idiom • informal | to fail to get an answer or a result

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Desperate Times, Desperate Measures

It had been some time since Jasper first made their compromise with Ingrid, that mad doctor, and initially chose their alias. Drawblank. A bit on the nose. 

Jasper was never the best at fighting in close combat, especially now. Down an arm, without the majority of their powers, they certainly struggled. But, with the aid of Ingrid's tools, they managed well enough. It was frustrating, at first, constantly beat down, tossed around by people they would have once considered peers, heroes, haughty and over-confident. 

A well-timed shot to the head or chest usually fixed that. 

In the past, Jasper would never hurt another living person. Even now, they often hesitated to deal with killing blow. But they were angry, desperate. And desperate times call for desperate measures, even if that means needing to double over a trash can, sick to their stomach, hours after it happened. 

At least Ingrid seemed proud. Though, maybe "proud" was the wrong word. She was glad her weaponry was efficient, she was eager to have the bodies that Jasper painstakingly carried back to her lab, she was willing to go through with the experimental procedure. Jasper only cared about the last bit. 

It required rigorous physicals, first, revealing things that Jasper could have already assumed. No blood, not like a normal person, just that dark, static-like void. Foreign bodies that entered their flesh would get pushed back out by it, something that proved to be problematic to Ingrid's initial plan. 

Luckily, though, she had an alternative. Something she had otherwise left untested, something that could prove itself to be dangerous. Essentially, irradiating them until something... happens. Nobody in their right mind would agree to that, getting locked into a metal chamber and shot with vaguely-put "beams", for far longer than comfortable.

Jasper, clearly, was not in their right mind, and agreed immediately. 

It hurt.

A lot.

An otherworldly amount.

But only very.



It was like a flash of clarity, of which Jasper had never felt before. Like a piece of a puzzle had finally been slotted into the whole. Like a door, shutting them from their full potential, had finally been unlocked. 

With the hiss of static and a smell like lightning, Jasper had powers again.