Chiworld's History

5 years, 4 months ago
5 years, 4 months ago
1 438

Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 4 months ago

Mild Violence

This is just a collection of stories about Chiworld, the world in which my original characters (not counting fan characters) live. You will learn about many important events in Chiworld's history, and about your favourite characters of mine.

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The Beginning of All Time

Wave'Rei, the wise goddess of water.

Gaia, the forgiving goddess of nature.

Skystar, the cool goddess of the wind.

Crimson, the passionate god of fire.

Kaio, the cheerful god of light.

Konsuma, the devious god of darkness.

Chiworld was created by a pantheon of gods and goddesses. They were celestial beings roaming the universe, lost without a purpose. Fate would have them meet, and realize that they all had something special to offer. Crimson created the base the world was born on, as well as it's core. Gaia planted the seeds of all plant life, allowing the inhabitants to thrive. Wave'Rei created the oceans, deep and refreshing. Skystar created the clouds and sky around Chiworld. Kaio created the light which shone all over Chiworld to keep it safe and warm. Lastly, Konsuma created the darkness which allowed for relaxation and rest. Each member of the pantheon had also been allowed to create life. So the animals were created by each of the members depending on their preferences, but they all worked together on one species: the human.

They loved all their creations, and were pleased with the world they had made. However, one god was not satisfied. He could not stand to share the spotlight with anyone, and wanted all living beings to worship him. He refused to win the humans over with kindness, and threatened them instead. He demanded to be called a king, and for sacrificial offerings to be made. When he was refused by the humans, Konsuma threatened to devour Chiworld, and everyone inside it. The gods and goddesses tried to reason with him as best they could, but he wouldn't listen to reason at this point. With their powers combined and sorrow in their hearts, the pantheon sealed him away. Konsuma was once their friend, and it hurt like the deepest thorns to lose him to his own greed.

Wave'Rei gave her blessings to the Kiraito family, to allow them to fight against Konsuma should he ever return. The women of the family inherited pink hair vibrant enough to cut through a dark night sky as a mark of her blessing. A young queen named Asami fought Konsuma long ago, and then retired to leave the throne to her daughter Tekki. Despite being a fairly young princess, Tekki can sense that one day, she will have to face the same battle as her mother did. 

Despite King Konsuma being sealed away many years ago, his devotees still remain on Chiworld. They work towards the day when the seal can be broken, and he will return. What form he will take on next is unknown.