Adventures in Lunightia Singleplayer

1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
7 6172

Chapter 4
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

Mild Violence

One little dragon, one big chattery horde of spirits, and a whole new world to explore! What could possibly go wrong?

I write this during class so I always think it's longer than it is because when I write it it's MLA formated with page breaks, remind me to couple up the chapters sometime so that they're back to their original size based on word count instead of page numbers

This work has been converted for free using AOYeet!

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Chapter 4

The next day, her first objective was to acquire a bed. She’d built a frame already, and she had a lumpy-but-serviceable pillow, but finding enough sheep to make a blanket was proving difficult.

She was just taking a short break to search through her belongings to ensure that she didn’t have any more wool hiding in her storage when she heard a knock at the door. She quickly hurried over to pull it open, only to be startled by the sight of Lexi standing outside with a folded red blanket.

“To what do I owe the pleasure?” She asked, already eyeing the blanket. If she wasn’t mistaken, it was the same one she’d been given when she stayed the night, and she already knew how incredibly soft it was. It would be perfect if she could use it for her bed...

“Well, I noticed you were looking for sheep all over the fields today, so I figured you might be making a bed, and I know you liked this blanket when you were staying over, so I thought I might come by and offer to give it to you?” Lexi replied, shifting from foot to foot as she spoke.

“Oh, yes, thank you!” Faith said, already taking the blanket from Lexi’s hands and rushing over to throw it over the bedframe. It settled into place after a few adjustments, and Faith looked over her work with a critical eye before giving it a sharp nod.

“That was the last thing I needed,” she explained as Lexi cautiously stepped inside to peer at her peculiar sleeping arrangement. It was really more of an indoor hammock than a proper bed with a mattress, but Faith never minded that. It worked for her, and it was easier than making a whole new mattress every time she needed somewhere to sleep!

“Well, I’m glad to have helped!” Lexi said cheerfully, giving Faith a hearty pat on th head. “Get some good rest tonight, yeah? Can’t have you attracting phantoms to the village with poor sleeping habits!”

“Of course!” Faith agreed. “I’d hate to attract any danger before I’m strong enough to fight it off!”

Lexi gave her a bit of a strange look when she said that, but before Faith could decipher it she was already strolling out the door with a casual “I’ll be seeing you!”

Huh. Probably just a weird cultural quirk of this world she hadn’t picked up on yet. She wouldn’t be dwelling on it long, though. Faith coud already feel the itch to build, to create and shape the world around her settling into her core.

She’d be very busy for the foreseeable future, but she made Chat promise to remind her to sleep. It wouldn’t do to break a promise to her new neighbor, after all!

With that matter resolved, she settled into the trancelike focus of material gathering and building, interrupted only by occasional breaks to eat, sleep, and fight off monsters when they came to bother her.

Eventually, she finally looked up to guage what adjustments her work would need before realizing she was done. Chat was hovering around her in their usual halo, all transfixed.

It was far from impressive- nothing more than a short, round house of terracotta and a prosperous wheat farm sprouting up along the river’s coast, but it was her first proper build in this new world she’d found herself in, and it was home.

She took a certain comfort in that, in the knowledge that she’d built this place for herself. And, when the time came, she’d do it again- as many times as she needed to. She would always be able to make a place for herself. Someone in Chat began to hum one of the ancient melodies that the Universe had known since before time began, and as she found herself and the other chatters joining in, she found herself wondering really, what more could a dragon ask for than this?

She stood in that spot for a while, admiring her work. She’d have to move eventually, of course, there was more that needed doing- there always was, and there always would be- but for the time being, she rested.