Adventures in Lunightia Singleplayer

1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
7 6172

Chapter 5
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

Mild Violence

One little dragon, one big chattery horde of spirits, and a whole new world to explore! What could possibly go wrong?

I write this during class so I always think it's longer than it is because when I write it it's MLA formated with page breaks, remind me to couple up the chapters sometime so that they're back to their original size based on word count instead of page numbers

This work has been converted for free using AOYeet!

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Chapter 5

Eventually, she heard the splashes of someone in a boat crossing the river, and she had to drag her gaze away to greet them. It wasn’t Lexi, as Faith had expected, but rather Lexi’s disgruntled roommate. Well, she wasn’t looking so disgruntled now, but Faith still didn’t know her name, so she had to make do.

“Hello,” said the roommate, “I don’t know if you remember me, but I’m Honey, Lexi’s girlfriend.” Oh, so they were dating. Okay, that made sense. Faith wasn’t sure how she hadn’t seen it beforehand.

“Hello, Honey,” Faith replied, “I’m Faith, but you probably already knew that.” Honey nodded. Lexi had probably told her.

“What brings you to my humble abode, then?” Faith asked, stepping aside to let Honey dock her rowboat and climb back onto solid ground.

“Just noticed you’d been sittin’ still for a while, so Lexi suggested I come over and bring you a snack. Here, I’ve got some apples, some bread... I tried not to let anything get soggy on the ride over, but I’m not sure if I succeeded...” Honey trailed off as she rifled through the basket, looking a little unsure. That was fair, Faith was too.

“Well, Thank you,” she said, “I could really use it. I’ve not been taking as many breaks as perhaps I should…” She trailed off uncertainly.


“You wouldn’t happen to have a favorite food, would you, sweetheart?” Honey asked after the silence had stretched between them a while. “I could make it for you and bring that over next time instead of some damp apples and bread, if you wanted.”


“Oh, apples are my favorite food, actually,” Faith mumbled. “Most things that have to be processed wind up tasting a bit like charcoal… Although, I might just be a bad cook.”


“Huh!” Honey said, “well how about that! Lucky coincidence, hey?”


Faith supposed it was. “Yeah,” she agreed absently, frowning. Chat was laughing at her. Use a smoker instead of a furnce for food, silly dragon! She swatted at the gray-speckled spirit, but her paw just went straight through, as usual. Honey gave her an odd look for her troubles, though.


Wait, shoot. Villagers couldn’t see the spirits that liked to congregate around Players. She probably looked a little silly, now. She wasn’t even sure it was common knowledge among Villagers that Players attracted spectators like runes to enchanting tables. She braced for questions, but none came. Chat, most of whom had noticed her unease, quieted their voices as they swirled around her anxiously.


Faith wondered, momentarily,  if they left any trace of their presence visible to Villagers. It didn’t seem likely to her, but hey, she wasn’t a spectator spirit. That lot worked in mysterious ways. Chat suddenly parted, drawing her attention back to her surroundings. Funny how much they disliked being passed through, for a gaggle of incorporeal spirits that frequently flew through solid objects for the sole purpose of pestering her quicker.


“How about I come by and give you cooking lessons sometime?” Honey asked as she shuffled forward to offer Faith the basket with the apples and only-slightly-damp bread. Faith blinked up at her for a moment, startled, before taking the basket. An offer unexpected, but certainly not unwelcome. She’d never had lessons in cooking before!


“Sure!” She replied, perhaps too quickly. “I’ll have to construct a kitchen first, though… It may take a while.”


“That’s perfectly alright!” Honey assured her, “Just let me know when you’re done buildin’ it and I’ll come by and teach you your way around a stove, yeah?”


“Sure thing!”


The two of them parted ways quickly after that. Faith wandered back into her new house to hae a snack and put away the rest of the food Honey had brought, and Honey climbed back into her rowboat and paddled her way back to the village. Faith watched her departure and contemplated the interaction.


A kitchen, huh? Well, just one more thing to add to the ever-growing to-do list. Living by people was hard work, apparently! At least the few she’d met so far seemed nice. Hopefully they didn’t send over the whole village one by one to give her housewarming presents… She wouldn’t put it past them, to be honest! Having that many guests over sounded exhausting, though. She asked Chat not to let her forget about it. They had a remarkably good collective memory. Well, she’d just have to cross that river when she got to it. Until then, she had other tasks to attend to.


Someone in Chat had asked her to dig a hole.