
5 years, 4 months ago

This is the backstory for Jiao that I wrote before starting our campaign. None of the actual campaign content is in here.

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As far as she can remember Jiao has always been at the arena. She has no knowledge of the whereabouts of her parents, or if they’re even alive. She doesn’t remember their faces and doesn’t own anything that has been theirs. It is possible that they were the ones who sold her into slavery or they died and she was left to be found by the pitfighters. She was brought up around one of the biggest arenas in the south. Also called “little Jiao” she was known as the youngest performer in the pit. Life in the arena was harsh and even outside the fighting pit it could be dangerous.

The owner of the arena was called Rhirdin Sunguard, he had a wife called Melra. Melra was a very sweet woman. She was short and quite chubby but she made up for that in personality. She often helped the maids take care of the wounded fighters. This is how she first came into contact with Jiao. Taking pity in the young girl she took Jiao under her wing. Melra is the closest thing to a mother Jiao ever knew. Melra introduced Jiao to one of the older fighters, a skilled fighter called Zurcem. He taught her how to fight and defend herself as well as he could so she would have a better chance in the ring. Both Melra and Zurcem wanted for Jiao to see the world outside the arena, a girl this young shouldn’t die in a fighting pit. But she was a slave owned by Rhirdin and Rhirdin only granted his slaves freedom when they would slay a dozen others in the Grand Melee.

Rhirdin wasn’t a nice man, not that that is to be expected of the owner of a fighting pit. He was rich, stubborn, greedy and had the worst temper and an enormous ego. To stand against him was asking to be killed. The only one who had a chance of turning a decision of his around was Melra. But she had never been able to have to have him free a slave. Because freeing a slave was “like throwing money away and money is power”. The only reason why he would free a slave who had slain a dozen others was so that the slaves stayed motivated to make it to the Grand Melee.

Jiao and Zurcrem trained every day for the grand melee so she could win her freedom when the day came. Besides training she was also expected to fight in the pit, this dulled any fear of shedding blood and killing others she might’ve had. She got better, survived for longer than anyone had expected and by the time the day of the Grand Melee was here the was an experienced fighter. Her duel wielding skills with greataxes was unmatched. Melra had been trying to convince her husband for months before he agreed to let Jiao join the Grand Melee. Melra feared for Jiao’s life but would rather give her a chance at living free than have her live as long as she could survive in the arena. So Jiao entered the Grand Melee to win her freedom.

It was a warm day. It hadn’t rained in a while and the arena was dusty. The sun burned on her face when Jiao entered the arena. She looked up at where the arena master and his wife sat. Melra smiled at her, but her eyes were sad. The other ports opened and more fighters entered the pit. She knew some by face or weapon, most were young adult men. Some looked scared, others confident. She counted eleven, where was the twelfth? With a rattling sound another port opened, the last fighter stepped out into the pit, covering his eyes against the bright sun. Jiao recognised the older man, it was Zucrem, her teacher. “No…” She looked back up to Rhirdin, he was grinning at her. He chose the only fighter that she cared for to be one of her opponents.

“Go on girl, it’s ok. Win your freedom”