Warptober 2022

1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
9 3069

Chapter 7
Published 1 year, 6 months ago

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D-22 Devil

Alarms blaring in the distance, the flash of lights scanned inside for an intruder that was already outside at least. A priceless gem in his pocket, it was nabbed for more personal reasons than a mission this time. Mined from a crashed asteroid, it was unique in its ability to reflect and absorb spells. A valuable tool if he could get it cut into a pair of pics. It was a huge pain trying to dismantle certain locks simply to get at the enchanted springs underneath protective barriers. A good crafter would change these beauties into something that'd be able to cut the time it took to disable traps by more than half. Not much when he didn't take long to begin with, but anywhere from minutes to seconds shaved off could save his skin.

Unfortunately for him, there was a little problem he hadn't accounted for. When vaulting himself over the fence, Love had the misfortune of a harsh wind catching his scarf to the top of the metal fence, one end knotting over the other. Just short enough, he could skim the ground with his toes as he hung over the side, but couldn't get the whole foot down for leverage. An unseen shadow strolling by stopped for a moment, then backed back up.

"I think this is my favorite position yet." A far too familiar voice coming from the shadows, Love squinted as the Thief all but materialized before him. By this point, he wasn't even surprised to find them, smiling with a greeting back, "Considering you've seen me in the most, I think I'll take that as a compliment. Hold on wai- what're you-" Squirming a bit as the other came close to stroke his sides, Love turned that pretty bright red Thief seemed to enjoy so. "We've got quite a lot of time to haggle if you want to start~"

Sure he was doing this on purpose, there may be time, but Love wasn't exactly a fan of having his chest or stomach touched, even his markings pained on his back instead. "A thousand, devil," Pausing for a moment, they raised an eyebrow, even Thief wasn't about to start off that high. Smart enough to pick up the hint that Love was uncomfortable however, at least they were soon escaping into the night together.