
1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
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Chapter 2
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

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Quarios are greedy, thieving canines. They tend to live in packs of four, though it's common to find loners, and are dangerously slick with their tactics to obtain. If you have something that the canine wants? Watch out! They'll stop at nothing - from tricks of false injury all the way to significant signs of aggression - they will be the last one standing when it comes to something they want.

Regardless of whether it's food, something shiny, or maybe over a rock, once it has the canine's eye, there's no convincing it to back off. The best thing to do is to let it have the object.. And hey, if you do that, they might even become a friend!

Q. How do they look?
A. Quarios have beaks mixed with muzzles instead of a normal canine muzzle, or instead of a normal bird muzzle. Otherwise, they have the appearance of a canine!