Clangen: CreekClan

The record of my old Clangen game that unfortunately was a casualty of my own stupidity with the new update. This exists purely for my entertainment and organization purposes. Feel free to read if you like, and while it's not required to understand my continuation of the game with SunClan, it is pretty much the prequel

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Year 1


Moon 1:

1) Pikefoot becomes the leader of CreekClan and selects Silverfur as her deputy
2) Pikestar, Milkear, and Silverfur head off on patrol. They meet a thankfully non-hostile TornClan patrol at the border, but things get awkward fast
3) Daisypaw, Beebounce, and Springhawk head off on patrol. Beebounce suggests this might be a good place for them to practice teamwork, and everyone has a nice practice session

Additions: None
Losses: None


Moon 2:

1) Silverfur invites his non-Clan friend, Nikki, to join. Nikki does so and changes her name to Kiteswipe
2) Absolutely no one was surprised when the pair became mates
3) Silverfur, Milkear, Pikestar, and Beebounce head out on patrol. They find a loner interested in joining the clan, but ultimately decides not to
4) Daisypaw, Springhawk, and Kiteswipe head out on patrol. The two adults get into an argument, look to DAISYPAW to settle it, and honestly should not have been surprised when the apprentice stammered in panic

Additions: Kiteswipe
Losses: None


Moon 3:

1) Silverfur, Milkear, Daisypaw, and Beebounce head out on patrol. They catch scent of a fox, and drive her and her cubs away
2) Springhawk, Pikestar, and Kiteswipe head out on patrol. Pikestar starts questioning the loyalty of one of her clanmates, but when she brought it up to the patrol everyone just kind of stood there awkwardly

Additions: None
Losses: None


Moon 4: 

1) Daisypaw earned her warrior name, Daisyholly!
2) Blackkit reached six moons and was assigned Silverfur as her mentor
3) Kiteswipe, Springhawk, Daisyholly, and Milkear head out on patrol. Kiteswipe caught scent of an old friend of hers from when she was a loner, and got sidetracked from the patrol to reminisce of old times
4) Beebounce, Blackpaw, Silverfur, and Pikestar head out on patrol. They find a loner interested in joining the clan, but they don't quite convince them to make that choice

Additions: None
Losses: None


Moon 5: 

1) Sparrowkit reached six moons and was assigned Beebounce as his mentor
2) Milkear earned a scar fighting a fox
3) Milkear, Beebounce, Kiteswipe, Springhawk, and Sparrowpaw head out on patrol. They come across and successfully drive off a rogue from CreekClan territory!
4) Daisyholly, Blackpaw, Silverfur, and Pikestar head out on patrol. They get into an argument and, rather than looking to Pinestar to resolve it, they look to her deputy, Silverfur. Not expecting it, Silverfur stammers incoherently

Additions: None
Losses: None


Moon 6:

1) Rowankit reached six moons and was assigned Daisyholly as her mentor
2) Daisyholly, Milkear, Rowanpaw, and Springhawk head off on patrol. They catch the scent of fox, and though they're able to drive off the mother and her cubs it wasn't before said mother left Rowanpaw with a hole in her ear
3) Pinestar takes the apprentices Blackpaw and Sparrowpaw out with her on patrol. They meet a PatchClan patrol at the border, and as the other cats aren't hostile said apprentices learn a lot about the other clans as they talk
4) Beebounce, Silverfur, and Kiteswipe head off on patrol. They - even Silverfur's mate! - start doubting Silverfur's ability to be CreekClan's deputy, though his performance on the patrol silences all doubts as to his capabilities 

Additions: None
Losses: None


Moon 7: 

1) Beebounce retired to the elder's den. Despite this, she's still continuing to train Sparrowpaw? Is that even retiring at this point?
2) Silverfur, Daisyholly, Sparrowpaw, and Rowanpaw head out on patrol. Sparrowpaw excitedly suggests this place might be a good spot for an apprentice to practice, but the other cats weren't comfortable with the idea of training in such a location
3) Kiteswipe, Blackpaw, and Milkear head out on patrol. They find a loner interested in joining the clan, but don't quite convince them to join
4) Pikestar and Amberhawk head out on patrol together. Springhawk tries to get Pikestar to tell her stories about her warrior days, and the she-cat obliges

Additions: None
Losses: None


Moon 8:

1) Milkear took all three apprentices out on a patrol for some reason. Naturally, with so many young apprentices scampering around and only one warrior to keep them in check, they don't find anything useful
2) Kiteswipe, Springhawk, Silverfur, Pikestar, and Daisyholly head out on patrol. They find a fox, and in the ensuing fight to drive out the mother and her cubs the vixen leaves Kiteswipe with a scar

Additions: None
Losses: None


Moon 9: 

1) Pikestar, Rowanpaw, Daisyholly, and Silverfur head out on patrol. They catch scent of yet another fox, but this time fail to drive it off. At least no one in the patrol was left injured?
2) Springhawk, Sparrowpaw, Milkear, Kiteswipe, and Blackpaw head out on patrol. They come across a rogue and confront them, and though they do drive them off CreekClan territory Sparrowpaw is left with a scar from the fight

Additions: None
Losses: None


Moon 10:

1) Blackpaw earned her warrior name, Blackclaw!
2) Springhawk, Blackclaw, Rowanpaw, and Sparrowpaw head out on patrol. They start telling ghost stories out of boredom; unfortunately, a branch snaps and scares the entire patrol into bolting back to camp. To say Pikestar was not amused would be an understatement
3) Kiteswipe, Pikestar, Daisyholly, Silverfur, and Milkear head out on patrol. They find a loner interested in joining the clan, who, after taking a while to think it over, decides against it

Additions: None
Losses: None


Moon 11:

1) Sparrowpaw earned his warrior name, Sparrowbriar!
2) Daisyholly and Sparrowbriar became mates! (Blame the random event generator, they're both even troublesome in personality lol)
3) Milkear, Pikestar, Blackclaw, Sparrowbriar, and Silverfur head off on patrol. They find a loner interested in joining the clan, but they ultimately decide against it
4) Daisyholly, Kiteswipe, Springhawk, and Rowanpaw head off on patrol. They successfully catch a large rat!

Additions: None
Losses: None


Moon 12: 

1) Rowanpaw earned her warrior name, Rowanheart!
2) Milkear, Pikestar, Blackclaw, and Springhawk head out on patrol. They successfully catch a mouse!
3) Sparrowbriar, Kiteswipe, Daisyholly, Silverfur, and Rowanheart head out on patrol. They meet a ParsleyClan patrol at the border, who thankfully isn't hostile. They have a nice conversation before going on their separate ways

Additions: None
Losses: None