Beneath the Light of the Star ~ ☆

A Bimonthly Lunar Zodiac Column Courtesy of Your Celestial Guide to the Skies, Ezekiel.

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Aries: Dearest Aries, the fires of passion burn so bright in you. Your laugh is contagious; you draw people in with your boundless warmth. At your best, you are truly a marvel to behold. But while you tend that fire, take care to not let it grow into too fierce a blaze. We both know your capacity to burn. This month, the next time you find yourself swept into the throes of passion, I ask you to stop, even if for as little as ten minutes, and sit with yourself. Is your fire fair? And if it is, savor it. Moments like that are made to be remembered.

Taurus: Unstoppable Taurus, great and mighty. No one will stand in your path as long as you are there to forge it. But while you are blazing that trail, don't forget to take a look around. Sometimes, those who stand against you do so for good reason. Being able to hold your ground is an admirable skill, but so is the ability to know who you're holding your ground against. This month, I ask you to stop and listen. Let yourself be challenged, and truly consider what you're hearing. Once your heart is open, I trust you to know the right path.

Gemini: Ever adaptable Gemini, we both know there is nothing you can't handle, but are you certain that you have not split yourself too far? There is nothing wrong with being a sign of many faces: you are so much to so many. But when you are every actor in this show, it can be easy to forget who you are when the curtain falls. This month, I ask you to take some time to yourself. Find somewhere out of the spotlight, and spend some time there. What makes you feel the most like yourself? It is vital you never lose that golden spark.

Cancer: Radiant Cancer, you stand steadfast, strong enough to weather any storm. You have been dealing with so much for so long. It is not easy, I know. I am asking you to endure it. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. You will find your relief. This month, I am asking you to be gentle with yourself. Beneath that tough exterior is a sensitive soul, and you need to offer yourself the kind hand you extend to others. You are not exempt from kindness.

Leo: Proud Leo, you've been feeling invisible, haven't you? I know you have gifts to share with the world: you're a shining star, and a role model to all. Take heart, and keep constant: your skills will be recognized, in time. Your moment will come. This month, I ask you to remind yourself of your worth. Spend some time with those who appreciate you for what you are. Write a list. Or perhaps, if you're ready, take on that dragon that's been haunting you.

Virgo: Dear Virgo, you simply must relax your grip. I know you are working hard, I know you care, but you cannot control everything. Take a deep breath. Yes, the world is a big, scary place. You must let go. All will pass you in a wave, and you will be okay. I promise. This month, I ask you to keep a journal. Even if you only write in it once, that would be enough. Write about what scares you. Demons are never quite so big once they're laid out in front of you.

Libra: Fair Libra, you are stronger than you know. You are someone who prefers direct, simple solutions, but life is not so easy. It comes riddled with challenging, difficult matters you cannot logic out an answer to. It is okay that this is hard. This month, I ask you to sit with it. No distractions. Start small, and let that tangled web of life run through your fingers. You cannot solve everything, but there are ways to ease that pain.

Scorpio: Oh, Scorpio, you are the center of it all, aren't you? Your oozing confidence and charisma draws people in to you; you have the power to be the light in someone's life. But when you're basking in all that attention, I implore you not to lose sight of who you are. It can be all too easy to morph yourself into what other people want. This month, I ask you to think back to your childhood. What's something you always wanted to do, but never tried? This is the month to go for it, Scorpio. Have a taste of something new.

Sagittarius: Shining Sagittarius, you have truly hit your stride. You are headed into a golden era; there is so much to look forward to. Take on every new opportunity you see: so long as you stay true to yourself, your boundless optimism and ambitious spirit will carry you onward to success. This month, all I ask is for you to take a moment to be grateful. It can be easy to get caught up in the sense of success. Don't forget to take the time to thank those who helped you get there.

Capricorn: Darling Capricorn, honey, you work so hard. Such is the nature of your sign, I know, you work hard, and you hold all those emotions down. You give and give and give and give, but when will it be time for you to give to yourself? Be gentle to yourself, dear Capricorn. You are the only you you've got. This month, I ask you to treat yourself to something nice. A bubble bath, perhaps? Get yourself that special something you've been yearning for. You deserve it.

Aquarius: Mutable Aquarius, do you know where you're going? Giving yourself up to the currents can only take you so far, darling. So many hands are extended to you, but it must be you who decides whose you will take. You do not have to endure this life alone. This month, I ask you to open up to someone. Aloof as you are, look around. There are those that will listen, and hand in hand, you can take the next steps.

Pisces: Pisces, ever the dreamer, it is truly a talent, the way you are able to draw so many into your visions. You know how the world could be, rather than the way it is, and you share that with all around you. But take heed: don't get so caught up in your visions that you lose sight of reality. It is too easy to lose touch with those you love in pursuit of all those glistening ambitions. This month, I ask you to take stock of what's around you. Is this where you expected to end up?