welcome to the uhhhhh the Fucking Forest

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👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

It’s Saturday afternoon  and you and your coworkers have been called to a meeting in same meeting room as when the Paris assignment was given. Chairs in rows with a small platform that they face, which has a screen mounted on the wall behind it. A computer station sits to the right of the screen and platform. Nothing really changed from last time. Besides the atmosphere.  Despite having time after Paris to recollect your thoughts and find comfort in “home” again, a gravity still weighs on everyone who was there. The reality of what this job entails, the fact that in some ways SC failed everyone involved, and the threat Leo made against your ranks specifically. 

"Remember this Carlos... you took something important from me, so I do the same.. Your little sheep here aren't safe. They, like all the creatures you protect, will die painful deaths... and you will watch them." 

It is safe to say the threat didn’t just find purchase in you and your friends, but in Carlos as well. He, along with Haskell, Amon, and Rudy, all stand on the platform. He looks pensive, in thought, and ragged- but who's to say he doesn’t look that way all the time? Still, its evident that Leo’s appearance and Vitality’s reignition has shaken him just the same.  Maureen, who stands off to the side, looks to you all as you enter. “Please find your seats quickly, and we will get to business.”

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡 

Ash found the atmosphere a little..... crushing, to say the least, but they sat down, waiting for their friends to file in so they can sit closer to them, but otherwise just staying silent. 

Lethe came in and nodding to Maureen before sitting down and waiting.

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 

Athena senses the difference in the atmosphere, the aftermath of Paris, lingering in the air despite the normalcy of their day to day after it. She looks at Carlos specifically, noting the difference in him as she took her seat, fingers laced with Kasper’s as she squeezed his hand gently to relieve herself of some tension, sighing softly as she did so

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Haskell stands with their arms crossed, looking largely disinterested (as they usually do), lollipop stick in their mouth and watching people filter in.

Wisty eyes the leaders a bit as she walks in with Romeo, reaching out to take his hand as they go to a seat but otherwise looking pretty much calm.

Thistle slips into the room and settles into a seat next to Lethe, tucking her knees up to her chest in the chair.

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕

Esme is about as nervous as always, whether it's about the general tense atmosphere or the prospect of being in a room full of people is hard to discern. They find a seat at the edge of the room and sit awkwardly. 

Sushi arrives at the very last minute with a mouth full of bagel before flopping into a chair and pulling out his phone. They seem to be browsing Tiktok.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

Alex knew that their next mission would come with some tense vibes, and he's not sure if he was actually ready for it, but they're here now... He took a deep breath and kept his head down while trying to follow Maureens ask and find a seat. He didn't really wanna sit alone though.. so he waddled up to the friendly pink haired face he could find. "Hey.. can I sit with you?"

Jamie had gotten past a lot of personal drama in their down time, but walking into the meeting room brought back the reality that not everything's been handled. All the leads seemed so on edge; a clear difference from the last time they were in this room... He quietly and quickly grabbed a seat near the back, leaving the front open for anyone shorter then him and trying not to draw too much attention since it was obvious they wanted to start.

Tiu | Jarno🌲

Jarno could understand the oppressive feeling in the meeting room, he wasn't faring much better. He shuffled in with his hands in his pockets, giving the leaders a respectful nod as he took a seat in the back row.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Romeo follows Wisty in, taking a quick glance at the stage before ducking his head as much as natural and taking his seat.

Natsumi walks in and looks around, scooting over to take a seat by Ash.

🤺 sirNix | Kasper 🦄 Ducky 🦆 

Kasper walked in with Athena, hands laced together as they all felt the tension in the air. Though his expression mostly remained blank, he had his own set of feelings to sort through as the two took their seats and observed the leaders up on the stage.

Just moved in and stuck in a plane the past few days, Ducky had barely any awareness of the ordeal that took place in Paris outside of a sudden terrorist claim, so he came into the room with quite a visible aura of sunshine around him being able to go on his first mission briefing despite the seeming tension everyone else had. He wasn’t completely blind to the feeling of the room, so he hoped to at least break it a bit. “Afternoon, wonderful folks!” He said with a cheery tone and a tip of his hat as he took his seat somewhere respectfully, keeping himself with a good vibe as he did so.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Ash's face lit up and they quickly nodded. "Of course." While Natsumi took the other seat, Ash gestured to the one on the other side of them. They then waved to Natsumi with a smile, before trying to cool it. Yeah, smile in the atmosphere of a funeral, why don't we.

Lethe nods to Thistle. Hello little void. .... oh hello new person- she blinked at the cheeriness of the large man, before quietly waiting again.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙

Syd walked in and plonked next to Jamie. He didn't seem to pick up on the general vibes of the room. oops. 

Damon walked into the room cautiously, bumping into a few chairs lightly before going to sit down. He seemed slightly nervous seeing haskell but generally just kept quiet to be able to eavesdrop on everyone else's conversations.

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕

Esme squeaks out a quiet "Afternoon!" back at Ducky to be polite.

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 Leslie 🔩

This was the first time Auran walked into an official meeting alone since coming to SpectreCorps. He glanced around the room to see where his friends were, looked at the stage to look at the leaders, and sighed, proceeding to walk over and sitting near Athena and Kasper.

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋

Mialani walks in quietly, slowly chewing some gum to keep herself busy while she looked for a seat to take. The heavy feeling in the room threw her off a bit, but she didn't let it cloud her mind much. Just odd how a room could feel so empty yet be so full... She sits down and plays around on her phone while waiting, not really looking at anything on it. Just opening and closing apps until things move along.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex smiled and plopped into his seat before leaning forward and waving to Natsumi across Ash. "Hiiii~"

Jamie looked at Syd as he landed in the seat next to him. "You seem cheery..."

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙

"Cheery? Naw I'm just glad to be out of the dorms honestly." Grins with lil jazz hands. "Ready to be sent out and see some more stuff."

Damon scooted a little to Ducky with a small smile when the other woof settled down. "I'm glad you found your way here alright."

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶

Hugo had just walked into the room and already he can feel the suffocating tenseness in the air. Given what he's heard, it doesn't take a genius to know exactly why the air is so thick. Still, it's nerve wracking.  He glances over the heads of his co-workers coming in or having already seated, and then to the three people up stage. Oh hey, those are the people he read up on. He feels this is going to be really serious. Another glance and Hugo finds himself an empty seat near the back and gets as comfortable as one can.

iron | Spare

Spare walks in looking tired, having just going through research on psychics and missing person's reports may have done that. He takes a seat away from the rest and assumes from the tone that this is going to be a PSA about employee safety in the wake of Par- wait is that the head of the company?

grooce | caitlyn📚 

Caitlyn was feeling pretty nervous before walking into the room, not knowing what to expect from her first meeting. She looked around for an empty seat and found one in the back.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

"Oh.. is your arm finally healed?" He asked, noticing the jazz hands. And the fact that he's, ya know, here and not dying in bed from rib pain.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

After everyone finally settles into their seats and whispers die down, Carlos seems to steel himself for a moment with a deep breath. After exhaling for a second longer than he had taken in, he faces everyone, stepping forward on the platform.  “I will get straight to the point. What happened in Paris is a failure on SpectreCorps… We were unprepared for what was coming, and as a result of that many people lost their lives. We have to do better, be more prepared, and do it quickly…” he pauses. “...Vitality is dangerous, as you have seen now. For a long while, we believed the group was falling into inactivity, as for the past couple of years since the disappearance of their leader, their trackable activity were mostly empty threats, online harassment, and false claims of responsibility for incidents. But that will no longer be the case… not with Leo being back.” he glances to Haskell, having begun to pace a bit on the stage.  

“Leo is formidable… a hunter by trade, who understands war strategy, and is…. Ruthless. He doesn’t care what he has to do to have his goals met… he will just do it. And he never delivers an empty threat.” he looks out to you all again, eyes sharp. “So the threat he made that night is real. He plans to target your unit specifically, as the youngest recruits at this time. We have no current information on where Leo is, what his plans are…. Nothing. We are completely vulnerable in facing him right now.” his hands clench into fists. “....So I am going to make you all an offer…” he sighs and his eyes soften. “You can leave right now… SC will pay for all your travel fees, compensation for lost income, and you can walk away from this. I do not want to put your lives at a risk you weren’t expecting… this job, it can be dangerous. Very dangerous. But we can be prepared for most of what we assign, because we have the information… but for this, currently, we do not. So, you can walk away from SC… I know it is sudden, but I will need the answer now as we do not have time to waste now that we have to prepare for Vitality.”

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋

Mialani didn't feel like she needed to give much of a verbal answer- she just shook her head and gave a face that said 'I'm good.' She knew this was going to be dangerous eventually, especially after witnessing Barcelona and now Paris... at this point, she's in too deep.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Ash stays sitting. They don't have anything to say here. They made it this far, they're staying. They're going to make this bitch pay.

Lethe crosses her legs. Nothing that 2 centuries of being a vampire doesn't cover.

Kitty | Emilio

Emilio tried to get there first, they really did, but they may have gotten lost along the way. When they entered the meeting room they paused at the obvious tension in the room and the sight of so many unfamiliar faces. He looked around the room with a tilted his head, not sure what was happening but decided to sit near someone with a mask on.  But before he can say anything the guy already started talking. Hearing him out on their situation he tensed as he wondered what they truly got themselves in and looked towards the guy with a mask on. "Umm, did I hear all that correctly?" He asked with a whisper. He was low key scared but they needed this job. They're already here and they weren't one to just quit.

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕

Esme listens with a expression of ever growing sympathy and concern, but ultimately chooses to just... stay quiet. Their investment in taking down a group like Vitality is slightly stronger than their fear, after all, even if it's... definitely near equal. Sushi looks up from their phone. "Bruh, I literally just got here."

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙 

Syd wasn't able to respond to Jamie so enthusiastically when Carlos spoke up. "I've dealt with worse." He said to himself with a shrug before looking to Jamie's reaction. 

Damon was wide eyed. He. I'm sorry did he hear that right???? Who

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty glances at Romeo but stays in her seat, legs crossed casually. Want to stay with her friends (and, yknow, help) beats her sense of self preservation, that bar is extremely low anyway.

Thistle just blinks at Carlos and doesn't move.

Tiu | Jarno🌲 

Jarno didn't move from his eat, but crossed his arms. He joined SC to be an asset in the first place, and he was resolved to see it to the end. He might get hurt in the process, or worse, but his conscience wouldn't let him back down before Vitality had been dealt with.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Romeo's eyes narrow at the stage, but he just looks away, not moving.

Natsumi stares for a long minute processing what was said- cus there was so many words- but they eventually just shaking their head and not moving.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

Alex's hand clench in his lap. He was kinda expecting something like that to be brought up, and it's not like he hasn't thought about it... If this were the same person from before their first mission together, there no doubt in his mind he'd be heading out that door right now. But things are at least a lil different. He leans back a little in his chair and glances at Ash with a smile, noticing they're also not moving from their seat.

Jamies chest sunk a bit at Carlos's words... but it wasn't enough to make him move. He knows what he came here for, and it wasn't just to hide from his own problems. He's got shit he's planning to do still.

grooce | caitlyn📚

Caitlyn had been thinking about this since since her first interaction with the unit. Still feeling this was the best choice and only option for her, she remained in her seat.

🤺 sirNix | Kasper 🦄 Ducky 🦆

At Damon’s comment, Ducky tips his hat at him. “Haha, might have lost myself like a headless chicken for a bit there, but yeah! Made it here just fine.“ 

After hearing what Carlos had to say, Ducky just blinked in disbelief.  “Sir… I just landed???” Though yeah it all sounded dangerous, he’s not about to waste his effort coming here either. 

Likewise Kasper keeps his straight face. Though he glances at Athena a few times, he knows his choice and wouldn’t change anything with his own goals in mind.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Ash smiles back reassuringly to Alex. They were a little surprised to see he was still there, but at least they were still here together.

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫

Athena gives Auran a small smile, reaching out to pat his hand as a sign of greeting before looking back at the stage as Carlos begins. The words he said lingered in the air for a moment, and part of it would seem tempting for someone of little resolve which, thankfully wasn’t her. She shrugs, muttering a soft “thanks but no thanks” in response before looking at Kasper “right?”

🤺 sirNix | Kasper 🦄 Ducky 🦆

“Oh absolutely no thanks.”

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋 

Mialani was trying so hard not to react to all the newbies quietly and some not so quietly claiming that they just got here, but she snorted at a sudden 'sir-?' coming from the crowd. She sunk a bit in her seat and cleared her throat. She really shouldn't be laughing at a time like this, but man she always did have a habit at laughing in the wrong situation.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙

"Ah-" Damon gave Ducky a little pat on the arm. small. He didn't really know what to say to be reassuring beyond that yep.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 

Hugo remains quiet the whole time, an unsettled weight in his gut. What kind of job is this? "I think so..." Hugo whispers back. Maybe he should just go home. It's not worth his life, right? What he can't understand is how no one is getting up to leave. 

He feels a soft buzz in his pocket and he pulls it out to read, staring at the screen for longer than intended.  ....He tucks the phone away and remains quiet. No protests here.

iron | Spare

"What." Spare just got here, he skimmed the reports from Paris, he only just got his head around the idea that terrorist cells are going to be apart of the job, but being actively hunted by them? What the hell. Why would anyone take a job like this under conditions like that. It's not too late, he can go back home, maybe find a smaller company or something, maybe even throw this whole supernatural investigation idea in the (is nobody else taking this offer are they seriously all so confident that-) trash where it belongs and spend the next few years living in a constant state of- Spare keeps his ass planted, at least the hazard pay will be good. Probably.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

As everyone answers, Carlos closes his eyes. Once everyone is done, he nods. “Alright…” 

“Then, in that case, let me explain where you will be going next.” he looks to Haskell and the others, before looking back to the group. “You all are woefully unprepared to fight Vitality when it reaches its peak. Currently, Leo is likely evaluating what he has, who he has, and making the changes needed to strengthen his regime. He does not allow for error, he makes killers not just fighters, and they are just as bloodthirsty as him. They will not hesitate. So you have to be ready.” 

He steps to the side, motioning to the screen as it lights up with a picture of…. A campground?? “This is Vesnic Verde Campground, just North-East of the Transylvania area. We have used this campground for years to host training camps for recruits, company retreats, and more… and we’ll be sending you there for training.” he looks at the group again. “Amon, Haskell, and Rudy will be accompanying you all and holding training sessions of various design to strengthen your abilities and specialties. Higher rank employees will also be accompanying to assist in the training as needed, and protect you all while you’re there. It will be intense, but this is the best way to prepare you for what Vitality may do while we further do research here about their whereabouts or plans.”  

He places his arms behind his back and turns to face everyone. “So… any questions?”

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Haskell gives an apathetic wave.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

Amon gives a proud wave.

iron | Spare

Spare awkwardly waves back.

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋 

Mialani naturally gives a nod as a response to the waving.

Kitty | Emilio 

Emilio enthusiastically waves back.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

Rudy looks at the other two and glares like 'why are you waving??'

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙

Syd does jazz hands it's waving times two.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Haskell stares back at Rudy, equally apathetically.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡 

Ash waves back cheerfully! Hmm.... A campground for training.... Well, they're all for it.

Lethe is fine with this. No questions from her.

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕 

Esme perks up "Oh, oh this is so much more my style-- I mean, uh, looking forward to training...!" Sushi makes a vague noise of acknowledgement and not-so-subtly goes back to scrolling on her phone.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 

Hugo's hesitant in raising his hand, and said hand has its own process of almost raising and not until he manages to get his hand just high enough to count as raised but low enough that if they don't see it, oh well.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

Alex looks at everyone waving... the vibes in the room have shifted weirdly- but he also waves a lil--- Jamie just puts Syds weird jazz hands down

Tiu | Jarno🌲

Oh so it's like army camp then? Jarno's been through that before, shouldn't be too bad then. He was actually looking forward to it, nothing better than to get back into that kind of shape.

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 Leslie 🔩

It was dangerous. He knew it was. He knew he wasn't well equipped for this. But going back? Leaving everything behind? No. Auran sighed and lowered his head, just... gathering the resolve to stay. ".... I'm staying." He continues listening as the explanation is made... and everything is fine.... and then it hits him... "... Are we gonna have wifi?" Cold sweats set in.

Leslie walks in late with starbucks and blinks, accidentally making a little too much noise closing the door. "... Oh! We're going camping?"

grooce | caitlyn📚

Caitlyn nods in response. Training doesn’t sound too bad.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Ash suddenly realizes something. "So When will be leaving?"

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Carlos jut looks over at Hugo and blinks. "...Yes?"

Amon steps in to answer Auran. "Nope! There's no wifi at the camp."

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 Leslie 🔩

Auran lets out a horrified high pitched noise.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

..... Ash feels a huge sense of dread. Th. This is fine.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

Alex also is mortified. --And Jamie feels ill- bitch he needs twitter-

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty blinks. She's fine with the no wifi etc etc but oh she has some shopping to do before they leave...

Thistle tilts her head. What is wifi....................

Kitty | Emilio

"Wait a minute? We're going camping with no wifi? How long will we be gone?" Emilio pouted slightly, unsure about this whole situation. Hopefully it isn't too long.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶

"I have to ask.. I did my research and all that, but, what kind of job is this exactly?" Wifi's the least of his concerns right now.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡 

Lethe spiritually handshakes with Thistle. No wifi? no problem. Never has been.

Tiu | Jarno🌲 

Jarno failed to suppress an audible single syllable chuckle. What did they expect, it's a camp in the middle of nowhere.

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋

"oh no-" Mialani gives a lowkey defeated laugh quietly at the no wifi bit. She's going to have to do a lot of shopping ahead of time so she isn't bored out of her mind during down time...

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

Amon grins. "Tonight!" 

Carlos blinks at Hugo "This... its hard to summarize, uh... we are basically regulators for keeping a balance between the occult and human worlds. We investigate crimes, stop tragedies and mayhem, fight monsterous creatures or evil humans... uh.."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

"Ah of course!" Ash says cheerfully to Amon! This is fine this is fine this is fine- okay we're going to pack SO many board games and card decks- "Also also! How long are we going to be at the camp?"

🤺 sirNix | Kasper 🦄 Ducky 🦆

Upon hearing the news, Ducky instantly got excited in his seat. “Oh- Hot diggity dog!!! We’re goin’ campin’ folks! Did you hear that Damon?? Hoooo-weeee! I sure am ready to breath in that fresh air!”

Kasper stared at the news… an at the announcement of no Wi-Fi he held his face in his hands. “Oh no, Athena…. Oh noooooo-

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Amon hums "Probably at least a month, roughly"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶

"So a supernatural police force slash.. and this might be a stretch, heroes? Correct me if I'm wrong."

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 Leslie 🔩

Auran proceeds to lose all color in his face. "....... How do I talk to David............................. oh god Jiemba doesn't know either-----"

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

"Wha-?? Tonight? We're leaving today???" Stress---- "Do we- even have time to pack-..." Hes not excited for this

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫

Athena nods, she’s done like.. camping once.. but then it was mostly glamping so this was definitely going to be new. It didn’t seem like such a bad thing until ”Nope! There’s no Wi-Fi at the camp.” She paled slightly looking at Kasper with wide eyes before trying to search for Alex, Mialani, and Ash and the rest of the influencer squad Amon was no longer cute for delivering this bad news….. She whines softly, leaning on Kasper’s shoulder for emotional support “woe is me

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Carlos sweats a bit. "I dunno if we'd call us heroes we just do... what we're supposed to.."

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙

Damon is gently terrified. Maybe he should leave after hearing about the whole weeks in a middle of nowhere camp.  He turned to Ducky looking a little paler than usual. Impressive. "...I've never.. been camping before." He said a little softer than Ducky's enthusiasm. 

Syd bounced a little. "Tonight? yeah! Camping time."

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋

"Tonight- Alright- got it." Mialani laughed again to herself. She wasn't too excited about this but you know... it is what it is. She glances at Athena having her  moment and smiles lowkey amused.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

Alex quickly shifted to sit by Athena and give her a hug. Dw bestie they can make it through these dark, dark time...

Kitty | Emilio 

Hearing this Emilio's world comes crashing down and slumped in this seat. A whole month? Just the thought of not seeing their cute son for a whole month hurt him. He will need to take a lot of picture and videos before they leave. "When do we leave?"

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕

Esme raises their hand awkwardly.

Sushi grumbles, going back to no electricity is going to suck but... nothing he hasn't done before.

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫

“TONIGHT?” She let out a soft yelp and cried out covering her face before hugging Alex back “Okay, gotta post a short hiatus announcement on all my socials then g o d. There’s at least going to be running water for baths and showers right??? Indoor plumbing??”

Amon hums "Probably at least a month, roughly"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

"Thank you thank you!" Ash gives a thumbs up and takes a quick glance around their room to all their friends.... Best to pack a lot of extra activities.... probably shouldn't bring anything they actually like either-

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 Leslie 🔩

Auran is staring into the wall.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Carlos looks over to Esme. "Yes?"

Amon smiles at Emilio. "Tonight!"

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 Leslie 🔩

"Man! Why is everyone losing their shit, I'm pretty cool with the factt hat I get to use my fishing skills!" And Leslie is laughing!

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Haskell speaks up now. "Yes, there will be indoor plumbing, and certain buildings have electricity, but not all of them."

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕 

"Just wondering, uh, what we should pack-- for the, um... the terrain, I guess? Is it, like... hilly... or... cold... um."

Sushi perks when they overheard Leslie's words "Oh ship, is there a river or something? I want to go fish too."

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫

Athena looks at Kasper “We need to go to Ross or Target or whatever the fuck Romania’s equivalent of that is because I left all my outdoor stuff in Canada.” She said with a soft whine, pouting at Mialani “It’s not funny, Mia!” 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶

He nods. "Got it. Just wanna be sure what I'm signed up for."

Alright so gotta pack again tonight.. there's not gonna be any internet so he's gonna bring along his guitar for entertainment.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty is now just laughing a little quietly at everyone's reactions to having to be outdoors for an extended period of time.

Kitty | Emilio

"Tonight?!" They let out a big sigh at the thought. Their sister was gonna kill him before this Leo guy got to them. "Is it gonna be hot there?" They thought maybe they shouldn't bring any of their tech wear. Do they need to go shopping for other clothes?

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 Leslie 🔩 

"I'd hope so! Are we getting our own food? Survival camping sounds like fun!"

🤺 sirNix | Kasper 🦄 Ducky 🦆

“Oh? Well, now’s gonna be a good time to experience it then!” He bumps his arm with his elbow and a chuckle. “Really get in touch with our woof side! Breathe all those scents in the air! Howl at the moon! The works! Trust me, once you really get into it, it’s an amazin’ thang to experience!” Ducky was really enthusiastic about the whole thing, and knowing that they were leaving tonight? WOW those delays were a blessing in disguise!

“Babe, find me a dollar tree first. I am not about to mess up any of my jackets there!!! Plumbing is one thing, but do they have laundry services there???”

iron | Spare

Spare can't tell if he should be worried at some of his coworker's ability to stay lighthearted and confident or start expecting less TV psychic and more Mob Psycho 100. He raises his hand to take that offer to leave. "Why are they aiming at us? What did we do that makes us worth the effort of what I'm assuming is a paramillitary organization?" Okay, that works too.

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 Leslie 🔩

Auran is now staring at the ceiling. Mumbling "but my games................"

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex is very concerned for Athena's current mental stability. "Are you ok-?..."

Jamies pretty sure most of his normal cloths already have rips and dirt so his normal clothes are probably fine...

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Amon steps in next to Carlos to answer Esme. "You will be on a campground! There's cabins, a lake, and we'll have some stuff provided to help. It's in the middle of an evergreen forest."

Then he looks to Emilio and thinks. "Well its getting closer to winter, so it's probably going to be cold actually."

Carlos stops and looks to Spare, stalling a moment before glancing to the side. "Because you all, and SC, is important to me... to us. And he knows he can do more damage by attacking you all."

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫

“That’s why we’re going to the department store!! We can find cheap shit there” she looks at Alex solemnly “are any of us?”

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋

Mialani couldn't hold in the laugh. "It's a little  funny." she said through her giggles. "We'll do a speed run shopping spree for clothes and hygiene.. and entertainment." she sighs a bit, knowing damn well this is going to be more of an issue than she's going to admit out loud.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Thistle puts her hands on her face and gives a tiny contented hum at hearing they're going to be in a forest.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Romeo is deadpanning at all the... reactions.

Natsumi seems a bit confused but looks at Ash. "Do i need to go shopping?? What do you do when you camp??"

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫

“Okay okay, we can do that… I’m still doing skin care idfc.. take away my Wi-Fi but not that, I suppose.” She lets out another sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose to compose herself “this is going to be fuuuunn” /sarcasm

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex nods at Mia, trying to reassure from that last answer.. "Y-Yeah! We can speed shop and get some uber cute-comfy camping clothes! And we can stock up so many camping photos to post when we get back!" 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

"Okay-" They take Natsumi by the shoulders with a smile. "Anything you like wearing? Don't pack it. Pack the things you don't like wearing the most. Because they're going to get so dirty-"

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙

Damon let out a weak sigh, nodding as he tried to stay positive. "Ah... yes. Howl at the moon. um..." He glanced over his shoulder at Jamie. "I think I'm in touch with my wolf side enough but maybe... this will be helpful. If you say so." 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶

A small furry apparition nuzzles her head against his leg, having sensed his distress.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Natsumi blinks. "But I like all my clothes??"

Romeo just looks at Wisty like are they all serious deadpan.

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 Leslie 🔩 

Auran snaps back to reality when he notices Lucy!! Scratching that ghost kitty chin--

Tiu | Jarno🌲 

Jarno was entertained by the camp life realities sinking in on his teammates. A lopsided smile rose to his face. It was gonna be so much worse than they thought.

Natsumi blinks. "But I like all my clothes??"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

"Then we're going shopping!" Ash cheerfully announces.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty leans on Romeo's arm a bit, snickering. "Yeah I know, I know."

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

After being given your new assignment, you’re all given two hours to pack up before you’re ushered onto a chartering bus owned by SC. 

The drive is roughly 4 hours, but once there, you all are surrounded by beautiful forests with many evergreen trees. The camp is aligned with cabins that all look similar, though their doors, roofs, and other trimmings are different colors. To the further end of the camp, there’s a large lake with a deck that takes you out onto its surface. A campfire pit sits in a center point between the residential cabins. There are a few cabins that are slightly larger than the others, assumingly more communal spaces like a cafeteria and maybe a training space or two.  

Amon steps out of the bus and takes a deep inhale, exhaling with a relaxed sigh. “Ahhh I love the woods. Fresh air, open clear skies…” he adjusts the sack thrown over his shoulder and turns to everyone. “Alright guys, a couple things about this place: One, there’s no wi-fi. Cellphones barely work out here, so try not to get lost. Even the communicator GPS glitches out. Two, You will be picking your cabin-mates. It’s four to a cabin, and you can room with whoever you want except… feminine people gotta room with fems, masculine people gotta room with mascs. We don’t really care, but there are ghosts that haunt this campground who are from the late 1800’s and they will throw a major fit if you guys mix. We would prefer to avoid that. For those of you who are inbetweeners or neither, just… pick one and hope you don’t get squawked at by an angry old maid.” he huffs  

“We won’t be doing any training today, to let you guys get settled in and adjusted. Hope you all are ready to really rough it up here, because you will be responsible for keeping your space clean, working together to keep the camp in order, cooking meals together, procuring food sources, and more.” He grins “Hopefully that’s not too much for some of y’all.”  He then turns and stretches. “Alright! I’m heading off to our cabin Haskell, Rudy, I’m getting dibs on the best bunk.” and with that he takes off jogging.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Ash hears they can pick their roommates and almost immediately tackles Wisty into a hug.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Natsumi looks around and blinks, staring at the campground. The ghosts, who of course had to come with them. "Wooooow!" they then blink and look around then at themselves. "Uhm... but I'm not. those." they sweat

Romeo sweats a bit. Oh no. They get to pick. Something tells him he'll be... by himself... probably....

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋

Mialani is just going to vibe and wait for people to pick their roomies and see where she ends up.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Lethe looks to Thistle. ".... I know you don't use your space too much, but would you like to room regardless?"

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫

Athena loops her arm around Mialani’s and drags her towards Ash and Wisty “yes? Roomies?”

Kitty | Emilio 

Emilio liked the camp ground but still was unsure of this whole situation. They rub the back of their head and was glad that they hadn't brought any fem clothes but would they even pass for being masc? They hoped so. They looked around and wondered who to room with. They aren't close to people here and some have been here for a while and know each other well. Maybe they will just... wait it out.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶

Hugo takes a step from the bus and takes a moment to take in the scenery. This is beautiful. He's still not too familiar with most of his coworkers, and he can't really room with his already roommate, so for now he'll help others with their stuff before he even thinks about that. On the plus side, it sounds like he's gonna get to do some foraging and fishing. The little ghost kitty hops down the steps of the bus afterwards, prancing around taking a look at her new surroundings.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty laughs and hugs Ash back, spinning them around as best she can, before looking around, grinning at Athena and Mialani. "Oh, sure, sounds good!"

Thistle is....unsure, but perks up a bit. She nods and quietly says "I will likely not....be there much, but that would be nice."

grooce | caitlyn📚

Caitlyn is off to the side not knowing what to do. She’s mentally kicking herself for not interacting with the other members sooner.

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕

Esme is breathing in the forest air and admiring the surroundings with a sense of positive awe.... until the cabin announcement. Ah. They're just going to... wait and see who has extra space, they guess.... Sushi snorts. "Old hag ghosts can suck my taint. I want to annoy them now."

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋

Mialani's eyes light up a bit and nods with a grin.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Rudy grunted and scoffed, pulling the coattail of his jacket off of a branch it snagged. "I REFUSE to sleep in a bunk anywhere near you." He's already annoyed.

Alex heard that they could pick roomies and got.. very nervous... He has no idea who to room with. This feels like middle school being picked for group projects-...

Jamie also doesn't know who to room with, but he more or less doesn't care. Not like he has bad blood with anyone. Guess he'll just see what happens

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Natsumi looks around before stepping over to Alex and taking his hand. Then goes over to Sushi and takes his hand. "We are roommates because we are extra. Yes." smiles

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙

Syd jumped out of the bus and cackled. "Yeah!! Woah it's so pretty here!" he looked around. It wasn't quite Australia but close enough. He's too distracted by the pretty sights than finding a room right away.

Damon is standing there holding his stuff in his arms gently afraid. He's having immense regrets and looks...overwhelmed.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Ash enjoys being spun a bit, and watches their group come together. Well! At least there's something good already about this trip! They bounce happily! "Room-ies! Room-ies!"

Lethe hums and gives Thistle a small smile, before looking around. She clears her throat and waves her hand. "If there's any feminine presenting people who don't have a place to go, we have two more spots open?"

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Ikari, Baka, and Naku, though sticking close to Natsumi, are very... confused about their surroundings.

iron | Spare

Spare... Spare's just gonna take a minute away from the crowd and stretch his legs right over by the deck, he just needs a smoke. Maybe break the one a day rule just once. He'll be fine with any free space. Probably.

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕

Sushi raises an eyebrow at the stranger grabbing their hand for a moment before giving a toothy grin. "Yeah, why not? I like extra. Who are you."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Thistle looks around and points at Caitlyn, looking to Lethe questioningly.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

"Natsumi! Who are you?" they smile

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫

“Nice! I’m glad we’ll get to hang out together! I was worried earlier but I guess this is a good experience to have nonetheless.. giving me Percy Jackson camp halfblood vibes so I’ll take it” she lets out a light laugh @her roomies She looks at Kasper with a light pout though, she’s going to miss cuddling with him at night ngl…

Tiu | Jarno🌲

Jarno finally got up. "Well then, no time to waste, time to get packing," he said and started to walk out. He lived further out than the dorm dwellers, so he needed every minute he could get. He didn't really care who he ended up with in the cabins, he would just pick an available bed when they got there.

🤺 sirNix | Kasper 🦄 Ducky 🦆 

Kasper sighs and kisses his gf on the cheek a last time before heading over to Romeo and sighing again. “Romeo, get your butt here. We can room together if you’re not taken yet.” 

Ducky is so excited his tail is out and about swishing around so excitedly. “Can you smell that forest air, Damon?? Really get a whiff of that late day musk!! Do you have any idea who you’re roomin’ with yet? I should be open to anyone!”

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Lethe looks to Thistle, and then looks to Caitlyn. Oh- She walks over to her and holds her hand out. "Hello- if you don't have a group, we have a spot open."

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Romeo blinks and looks at Kasper. "Uh.. sure." and just follows Kasper, woefully looking at Wisty from afar.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex panics a lil confused when Natsumi grabbed him and said nothing. "Oh- uh, sure!" He then smiles seeing Sushi. "Oh! Roomies again!~"

Jamie watches everyone group up, figuring out the pairs as they go.... Normally he'd probably just join Lethe but guess he can't with the weird gender conforming ghosts...

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle follows Lethe over, quietly fiddling a bit with the fabric of her skirt and dipping her head in greeting.

Wisty smooches Ash on the cheek before looking over to Romeo with a laugh, giving him a wink and mouthing "I'll find you later"~

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙 

Damon was gently startled having Ducky talk to him. "I do not..." he did try to take a sniff of the air... only to sneeze. regret. "Yes it's very nice." He looked over to where Jamie was awkwardly standing. "Do you think it would be.. smart for all three of us to room together? If we're here long enough for the next moon?"

grooce | caitlyn📚 

Caitlyn recognized Lethe and was immediately relieved. “Yeah that would be great, thanks!” She noticed Thistle standing close by and went a bit pale. “Uhh…Hi there.”

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 Leslie 🔩

After a very panicked rushed set of calls to alert Jiemba they needed to pack now and let David know the signal connection was gonna be really bad until they came back to the dorms, Auran finally had things ready. He spent most of the way going over his phone, scrolling social media, and... Ah. They really were in the middle of nowhere, huh? Auran stands there for a bit, and eventually just... walks over to Kasper and Romeo.

Leslie takes a deep breath of fresh air with a "Ahhhhh~!" And then they turn to the group and very loudly asks "WHERE DO US ENBIES GO?"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

"PICK AND CHOOSE FRIEND!" Ash calls back.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Natsumi waves at Leslie. "We are those!"

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕 

"Sushi!" He looks to Alex and finger guns "Hey, yeah! So we just need one more, yeah--" Oh, there goes the yelling person. They look over  at Leslie "WHAT'S AN ENBIE?" 

Esme has put their bag down and gotten invested in gathering leaves.

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 Leslie 🔩

Leslie fingerguns and strolls over to Natsumi and Ash! 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Ash sweats. they're in a room already buddy sorry.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle gives a tiny curtsy and murmurs "...I am sorry, I promise I will...not be in the cabin very much, if-if it makes you uncomfortable." She looks up. "Are there any others who need...." 

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Natsumi blinks. "Sushi?? you are food?" they stare then bounce. "Ah uhm! When you are not she or he, you are N B??" they look to Alex for confirmation 

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 Leslie 🔩

... Leslie walks over to Alex then!

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex tilts his head at Natsumi. "Uh, Im not NB actually-"

Jamie notices the looks, and breathes before joining the other wolves. "Wanna room together..? I don't really know where to go with the gender shit and its easier not having to hide 24/7."

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶

After helping out a bit, Hugo stands by idly looking over everyone, trying to figure out who's bunking with who. He could probably just stay with whoever.

Kitty | Emilio 

Emilio heard someone asking for enbies and perked but saw them walk away and looked around to see if anyone else had a free space.

🤺 sirNix | Kasper 🦄 Ducky 🦆

Kasper looked over to Auran and sighed before patting his back. “There there, bud. It’s a loss we deal with together… we can play board games together if that helps.”

grooce | caitlyn📚

“Oh no, you’re fine!” she laughed awkwardly. “I’m Caitlyn by the way.” She waved at Thistle.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Thistle give a tiny smile and murmurs "You can call me Thistle." she looks around and patters lightly over to Esme. "Esme, I do not know if the ghosts will be upset, but would you like to stay with us...?"

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Natsumi blinks and looks at Alex. "Eh? you're not???"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

"My name is Lethe." She curtsies a bit to Caitlyn, before looking to Esme and waving.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

"N-No... Im a guy-.." He understands the confusion, so he can't be that upset by it.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

"EH?" they seem actually shocked

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 Leslie 🔩

Auran nods "Board games are fun... at least there's that"

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

"Is it that surprising-..." Now he's a lil sad 

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

"UWA nonono I do not mean bad!! just! surprise!! You are very kawaii so-"

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 Leslie 🔩

Leslie pats Alex's back. "Don't worry, you can be a guy and still wear skirts without that affecting anything! Who said skirts have to be gendered anyway"

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕 

Esme jumps, looking back and forth between Thistle and the other girls "Ah-- um, I don't... think... I don't think the ghosts would be okay with that, but thank you..." They wobble back to their feet and tuck their new leaf into their pocket. 

Sushi snickers "Gender is stupid. Anything can be guy."

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

"Ja! Gender is stupid!!" they nod

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

He laughed a lil at them all comforting him "Pff, its ok, don't worry. I know Im  not exactly the perfect picture of manly-ness.. and tbf I wouldn't wanna be." 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶

Hugo glances at Emilio and gives a light wave to get their attention, coming up to them. "You have a group yet?"

Kitty | Emilio

Emilio blinked in surprise before he grinned and shook his head. "Nah man, I don't. Wanna be in a group together then?"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle gives a tiny reassuring smile and murmurs "If there is nowhere else you are more comfortable, though, it may be worth trying? I think...many people will be confusing to the ghosts...so maybe it will not matter too much." She looks down at herself. "...I am not 'feminine' particularly on purpose, anyway..."

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 

"Sure." He should also probbaly introduce himself since they didn't get the chance to last time. "Name's Hugo, by the way." He extends his hand out to Emilio.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Lethe hums. "I'm sure we can figure it out. I may be the most feminine, but my style is also rather.... i suppose the word is 'vintage'? 'Antique'? And I don't mind much." 

grooce | caitlyn📚

Caitlyn joins in, “I don’t really dress feminine either.”

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕 

Esme smiles awkwardly. "Ah... fair enough, I wasn't really thinking about how we dress and more... nevermind. I guess, uh... I guess if they DO get mad, I can move... but hopefully I don't have to? If you're all okay with it..." Aaaand they're rambling again. 

Sushi grins and dumps their bag on the ground "Well, I'm getting in the lake. Bye." And with no further fanfare they're marching off to cannonball into the water. 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Lethe hums. "I'm sure it will be alright. I am perfectly fine with it myself."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle smiles and gives a tiny nod.

iron | Spare

Okay, going from being a "paranormal" investigator to being trained in military tactics is a totally normal thing that happens, and there's not going to be where that thought ends because the cig's out. The crowd's thinning out, wonder what they were all talking about... Oh god the fish person is marching over here what did i do did i do something wrong

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

And with everyone taking their stake on cabins and roommates. Hopefully everyone can used to the idea that life will be... quite different from what they had before. Good luck everyone!