Comp. of Couriette writing

1 year, 11 months ago
1 year, 11 months ago
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Chapter 2
Published 1 year, 11 months ago

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Komi's backstory

All of Komi's life, she's enjoyed taking care of and rescuing lost and captured sea creatures. No, she did not have a torso tank, but that did not stop her, as she still had a sphere tank! She would be the most outgoing and open-minded Couriette when it came to new ideas and inventions to more easily secure lost sea creatures. Then, Komi's whole world began to crumble.

She was rejected.

One day, while Komi was out swimming through heavily polluted waters (practically sludge!), she came across a small fish swimming through the water, supposedly looking for food. Komi, wanting to help, swam to the fish and moved her paw up to wave. The fish didn't give so much of a friendly gesture in return.

"Um, what are you? You don't look like a fish," the fish briskly commented on Komi's appearance. They swam to be directly in front of Komi, to try to get a better look at her appearance.

Komi was, admittedly, a little taken aback, but nonetheless, she wanted to help the fish. "Oh, I'm not a fish! I am a Couriette!" Komi proudly announced to the fish! "And I'm here to save you from these murky waters! Are you ready to go? I'll be sure to bring you to another freshwater lake! Just like this one, too, but cleaner and fresher to be in!"

"What? No! I don't want to go with you. If you're not a fish, you're not trustworthy. And if I wanted to go somewhere different, I'd find my own way!" The fish said solely in attempt to make Komi feel bad.

Komi's heart skipped a beat. No, no! Surely the fish was just playing around? But after further investigation, she found that the fish was not only serious, but also ready to speed off. In fact, after telling Komi about how weird and creepy she was, the fish zoomed off, never to be seen again.

Komi was destroyed at the idea and fact that she failed an aquatic creature, and potentially let it die. She didn't believe that it survived living in that dark green water, and even thinking about that makes her feel anxious and pure frustration towards herself.

Ever since she had failed that fish, she has refused to help another aquatic creature- or even go into water at all! Because, stars.. what if she fails another? Failing one was bad enough, but two? She didn't think she could ever live down another failure, if not even her first.

As days began to turn into weeks, Komi's sphere began to crack and chip from never being relieved of its pressure by being in water. The Couriette didn't see much reason in having the sphere be repaired, and at that point, she stopped carrying water in it. From then on, for the most part, Komi began to fade out and away from her fellow Couriettes. And by then? Because Komi was no longer deeply involved with saving others, no one noticed.