Visok | Fall Event 2022

1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 7 months ago
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Entry 3
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

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The Full Moon - minievent

It wasn't his fault someone blocked his shelter and he ended up in the open. Residents of the city were heartless enough to not let him in and would just clean up his remains in the morning or something. Armen hoped whatever horrors roamed through the streets at night would get them. With a heavy feeling on his chest, he tried to find a place to get in. No success whatsoever or at least not enough time to find it; white mist started to form.

Armen soon discovered why the city was so dangerous.

It wasn't him to be afraid so maybe it was some kind of curse keeping him in his place as one of the creatures raised his forepaw to strike him. But not today, he was lucky. The white dog formed from the mist and helped him out. Armen knew his name from the note, but got used to just calling him 'white dog”.

 ,,So…are you one of the creatures? Just with a brain?” Armen gulped to get rid of the tight throat, the locking fear slowly fading away. It was a logical conclusion; the stranger was a white and could form from mist just like them. 

,,What?” he glimpsed the flash of anger in the dog's eyes, but it was not time for quarrels. They had to run now if they wanted to see the light of a new day. 

But what to do? They got caught up in an unlucky place. The way from the city was too far away to just run for it, that was for sure. The cries of the creature faded and it growled. Soon its friends would join it and the two wouldn't stand a chance. Not like the monster would wait for others - it clashed out on them with a terrifying roar. They jumped to a side, barely dodging it. 

And then they just ran. 

Armen could hear the sound of its claws cramping the ground as it chased after them. They jumped over a small fence into a narrow street, trying to further the distance between their pursuer and get closer to the edge of the city. Its screeching faded out, but new footsteps joined them and cut off their way in front of them. A creature number two rushed towards them down the narrow street, its sight locked on its target. Ready to hunt them down. 

They jumped on the boxes left in the street and over the wall. They both came to the conclusion there was no way they could get out of the city and had to hide somewhere here. Buth all doors firmly locked, it seemed this was really their demise. Or maybe just Armen's at least; the white dog could probably just turn to mist and get away this way. 

,,My shelter! Care to try to push the rock out of the way with me?” no time to waste as claws belonging to several creatures was heard nearby. And the shelter was now the best option. 

They both pushed and pushed and managed to free the entrance just in time. Swiftly squeezing in, they closed it by a heavy piece of wood behind them. A terrifying yelling was heard at that moment, accompanied by others right after. Armen made his way deeper to the shelter. It was actually a tunnel under the hut. He was really lucky to find this place back then during the day.

Upset roars could be heard faintly from here; the monsters were not happy about their disappearance. They knew they were somewhere here, but were unsuccessful to find them.

,,See, I listened to you and prepared a place to stay at night,” Armen whispered and lied down. He stretched. It should be alright here for the rest of the night, right? The wood was heavy, they didn't seem to have much brain cells and inside places was apparently safe as long as one kept quiet. ,,Why does anyone live here anyway? Wouldn't It be better to just leave? Or it is some curse,” after this much speech, he felt silent. He didn't feel like talking for today no more.

Well, I have to admit it was actually quite exciting. But there goes my play of an investigator, Armen thought. The white dog would probably kick him out tomorrow and secrets of Visok would stay hidden to him. Maybe there was more dangerous, mysterious places like this city Armen could investigate. He heard about some Spyx in a jungle…He had nowhere to go anyway.

He closed his eyes and listened to the sounds of the city and its monsters.