I Crave Violence, I Crave to be Free

1 year, 7 months ago

Mild Violence

The choice between suspicion and blood magic...but a third option is presented: Submit to the Beast, prove yourself to the Clan. It doesn't go as planned....

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The coyote screamed as it broke free of the cage that had kept it contained for so long. The vicious creature hadn’t taken kindly to the strike that had caused its cage bars to snap. Now it rose in his chest and reared its ugly, bloodstained head with a guttural snarl. He could feel the proud, black tipped tail of the Beast curling in pride and rage. Rage at being struck, and even more rage at the thick rope that wound around his limbs and held him firm to the chair. He shook and writhed in the chair, deaf and blind to everything and everyone around him–the coyote ignored the stares of those around him except one.

Rae. The Beast snarled as it saw her. She did this to us. She struck us. Kill her. Kill her. Consume her. She must pay. She did this. Kill h–

It was cut off as another figure stepped forward, cutting off his line of sight. He shuddered and writhed in a renewed effort to free himself and punish this intruder. He snarled, throwing his head back as the Beast let out an enraged howl. The figure before him was tall and slender, shadows seemed to surround it, but no matter. The Beast had only to free itself. It had to loosen the ropes. That was all. 

Damn these ropes! Damn whoever tied them! Shug, some small part of him supplied. Free! We must get free! Get out! Make them pay!

Something dark and shadowy approached him, his feral, animalistic brain saw only the long wooden stake, recognizing it as a wild animal recognizes a gun. Away! Get away! Danger! Bad!

He threw his whole body back, the chair beneath him groaned and creaked as his weight shifted, and he could feel the chair’s front legs lift briefly off the ground. Yes! Freedom! Taste it! We will be free and we will make them pay for what they’ve done to us! We will feed! Hungry! So hungry!

He gasped as the dull ache of constant hunger suddenly surged into a roaring inferno. He was starving. He had to feed. Foam and spittle dripped from his jaws as his writhing increased even further. The chair groaned beneath him, shuddering as he did. Dully, he heard a few sounds of alarm and dismay. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Whatever this was. He was so hungry…and the shadowy figure before him held the stake. 

Free! Free! Break the ropes! Kill them! Kill them all! Kill the ones who did this!! Danger! Bad! Get away!

He threw himself backwards once again with a roar, and suddenly a loud –CRACK!-- resounded through the hospital. He was falling, but there was a different sensation too. Pain. Hurts. …..Out….Get it out….!

The coyote was frantic, but weaker now. It whined and snapped at the air, struggling against the sudden paralysis that overcame it. He was lying on the floor now, something was in his chest. Something hurt. He had to fight. He had to free himself. But he couldn’t move and the thing in his chest was driven even further through by the shadowy, slender thing. 

Free…freedom….so hungry…must eat…must consume…

His vision faded into blackness.