STS | Guppy Daily Life

1 year, 7 months ago
11 months, 30 days ago
2 8526

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

Constantly being updated

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Author's Notes

Word Count: 3,368 words

Characters Mentioned: Baykit/paw, Coconutkit, Daffodilcatcher, Daphnepath, Deerkit, Driftspring, Embergaze, Feverkit/paw, Firestrike, Flurry, Foxgloveleap, Hootkit/paw, Hornetpaw, Larkpaw, Lavenderfang, Mothdust, Oliveweb, Pearwhisper, Sealsplash, Shadowkit/paw, Sweetmilk, Thistlemist, Tigertail, Twilightwatcher, Quailkit/paw, Wheatkit

None of the characters mentioned above are mine

08/31/22 - 11/03/22

Guppykit is trying to wiggle herself between her mother and brother, trying to get into the warmest and best spot.

Guppykit mewls after her mother separates from her and her littermate. She tries desperately to crawl back to that sense of warmth, but she doesn't seem to find it... so she just cries with outstretched paws.

Guppykit is content on exploring the den, now that she's a little bit older! The fact that she's blind and deaf does not stop her endeavor as she wiggles away from the nest.

Guppykit whines as she's picked up, but that is the extent of her noises when she's placed back onto the nest. She finds a comfy spot a distance away from her mother and lies there.

Guppykit tumbles around the nursery, bumping and pushing anything and anyone who gets in her way. She's really good at rolling, so it seems... "Momma, looksies! Hey Momma! Baykit? Baykit, look over here!"

Guppykit practically forgets that she was seeking out her family's attention, an insect crawling in the nursery making her eyes widen. She bats at it for awhile until Embergaze arrives, to which the kitten runs into the tortoiseshell's leg and lands on her rump. "Huh? Roll?" she ponders. "Like, the thingy I was doing? When you go like 'waaah' and flip? I do it when my legs go numb and they got no feelings."

Guppykit giggles at the nickname, showing her widest grin with baby fangs that are just beginning to grow in. "Haha, um, sometimes...? When I sleep on them," she says. "And then when I stand up I go woooaaah and fall over, but it's not like that, sometimes it doesn't happen. But sometimes it does! Hey, why do you call me little fish?"

Guppykit gives Embergaze a few fat licks against her nose, doing a happy dance when she's going through her grooming. Once she's done, she runs away from her mother and proceeds to look for the bug she found earlier. She glances to Wheatkit in the process and waves at him.

Guppykit keeps running in and out of the nursery… for whatever reason. When she catches Baykit’s eye, she gallops over to him. ”Baykit wants to play?” she asks hopefully.

Guppykit widens her eyes at the question. ”You just gotta run around and chase around and flip and stuff! Here, Imma show you!” She leaps onto Baykit, biting on his ears. ”Like thiph!” She barely has the attention span to listen to what her mother said. ”Mean things?”

Guppykit is a bit overwhelmed at all the sudden attention... but she shows her sense of emotion through pacing back and forth and tumbling around certain places of the nursery. "I would like it!" she responds to her mother, but she decides to give her brother a break for now. She pads over to Pearwhisper and Twilightwatcher and greets the both of them with respective head bumps to their legs. "Momma, this one says I'm pretty! Why am I pretty?"

Guppykit tries to escape the grasp of Embergaze, whining as she's being groomed. "No adventures... Baykit is just staring, and then I took his ears, and Momma didn't like that, so I stopped doing that, and then everyone came in!" She immediately pouts. "Can I go now? Hey, can I go outside? Momma said there are monsters and I wanna see them."

As of late, Guppykit is wanting to explore outside of the nursery. Being confined is so boring, and she wants to stretch her legs! She exits the nursery without letting anyone know, swiftly returning to Daffodilcatcher's side with concerned brows. "Hey Momma, Momma, Momma! What do... the monsters look like? I think I saw one," she whines. "Momma, is it big big big? And tall?"

Guppykit gulps, clinging to Baykit's side as Daffodilcatcher feeds into her imagination. "U-um... I dunno," she mumbles. "B-big and brown and... I dunno the other color. Momma, what's gonna happen to us? Is it gonna eat us?" A tear runs down her cheek as she imagines her family getting gobbled up.

Guppykit wasn't sure what was worse... getting eaten or getting flattened. Either way, she does not want it. "I won't bug them, I promise, Momma..." she whimpers, giving a group hug to her mom and brother. "I'm pretty, I promise... I'll be a pretty girl, and a nice one too."

Guppykit is pestering the kits in the nursery to play with her. But they cannot go outside- it's too dangerous out there.

Guppykit gawks at Shadowkit. She contemplates for a moment... but logic seems to be of no use. "Momma said I'll get crushed by monsters," she purrs. "They're big and tall and mean and ugly.... Buuutttt... if you wanna risk it with me, we can destroy the monsters!  That way they can't come in and eat all of us."

Guppykit gasps at Driftspring's presence, admiring how cool the molly looks with her scars. She immediately fixates on the gift that's given to her, grabbing it in her maw and running around with her new moss friend. It seems she's forgotten about the monsters, for the most part.

Guppykit runs around in circles.

Now that she's been introduced to the outdoors properly, Guppykit wanders around no problem with her moss-friend in tow. She accidentally drops it in the dip.

Guppykit gets yonked by a Lavenderfang. She doesn't fight it, going limp in the molly's mouth. She does point to the dip. "I dropped my fella!" she states.

Guppykit watches Wheatkit do an ear floppa.

Guppykit has literally no idea what's going on. Oh well! She wags her tail at Oliveweb's arrival and takes the new friend that's given to her happily. "On my goodness! This a friend?" she asks genuinely, seemingly forgetting that this is probably a replacement for the one she lost...

Guppykit's eyes blink at different intervals as she stares up at Oliveweb... Then she looks down to her new friend. "What's your name?" she asks.

Guppykit doesn't realize Oliveweb is continuing to talk to her, as she's preoccupied with the cone with eyes. "Aw, I love you too, buddy! Forever and always..." She hugs it close, mumbling some other words that are too quiet to hear. She picks her head up. "Guppy? That's my name, silly!" she mishears. "I like Guppy though. It's a good name."

Guppykit races to the much bigger felines with their gatherings of pinecones. She takes Sealsplash's pinecone and begins to play with it like a doll.

Guppykit gnaws on the top layer of the pinecone before she's interrupted by Quailkit. Glancing up at the kitten with wide, curious eyes, she nods. "You gonna play with me?" she asks, giving a toothy grin before hopping up and leaving the cone behind.

Guppykit skips to the nursery. "Really? Promise?" When she catches sight of her mother, she lies down on all the feathers, using them as a comfy bed rather than a toy. "Come take a nap with me!"

Guppykit attacks Flurry's tail while the queen's distracted.

Guppykit gallops away from Flurry after her mother's scolding, tail drooped against the nursery's ground as she makes her way to her family's nest. She curls up and pretends to go to sleep, but instead she plays with  her pinecone.

Guppykit grooms Flurry’s new litter, getting very close to the kittens that are obviously not related to her… but she doesn’t mind. She gets interrupted when Embergaze pulls her away. ”I’m a Momma!”

Guppykit tumbles in the nursery, covered in dirt. She announces to everyone around her that she just took a nap in a pile of leaves- and that it sucked. She hesitates when she spots Daffodilcatcher, but she runs over to her mother anyway and glances up at her, almost like she was expecting something.

Guppykit watches Mothdust play with a bunch of plants.

Without removing eye contact, Guppykit also begins eating the plants, uncaring about the drool already staining the salad. She breaks the silence with dandelions in her mouth. "Phanks for the yummies!"

Guppykit tilts her head at the new kit Feverkit as he approaches her. She boops his nose with her own before laughing and running away, not even answering his question.

Guppykit goes to find her momma Daffodilcatcher.

Guppykit presses a paw to her mother’s, glancing to her face for any further reaction, before she crouches with her rump in the air. She wordlessly tries to initiate play, but her crouch doesn’t keep up as she accidentally keels over.

Guppykit gives Baykit some licks.

Guppykit asks her brother what he's looking at- and where his moss friend is so they can play dolls! She pulls out her pinecone with eyes and begins to act like a mouse.

Guppykit intently watches Daffodilcatcher and Baykit converse, her tail flopping back and forth on the nursery ground.

Guppykit chews on Baykit's paw as they listen to Pearwhisper. As he listens to her, at least.

Guppykit is happily preoccupied with the items Lavenderfang brought to the nursery. She chokes on a piece of feather that gets stuck on her tongue.

Guppykit, with widened eyeballs, blinks curiously up at Hootkit. She sticks her tongue out at him. "Hello! Hiyo! You wanna play? I haven't played in a long time, like... not at all. Nope, nuh uh. Do you wanna?"

Guppykit, as always, is ignorant to how Hootkit appears in this moment. She leaps out and gnaws on the other kit's paw before glancing up at him in confusion. "Momma? No," she says.

Guppykit giggles, not taking Hootkit seriously... at all. She licks his face after skittering back up on her paws. "Momma let's me play with everyone all the time!"

Guppykit glances between Wheatkit, Hootkit, and Deerkit. She squeezes herself near the two siblings, making herself very known. ”Hello my friends! Can I play staring game too?”

Guppykit stares at Hootkit as he's asleep.

Guppykit grins up at Daffodilcatcher. "Yeah! Oh..." She pads over to her mother's side, rubbing up against her leg before spotting Embergaze. "Let's walk! Let's walk! Can Baykit come? And Momma?"

Guppykit wiggles her rump as Baykit agrees to join them. She bumps their sides together and immediately tries to wrestle with him.

Guppykit rolls from the nursery all the way to the warriors den, until she collides with a tree.

Guppykit seems unbothered with the situation, laughing as Quailpaw lifts her up. She bats the apprentice’s nose. ”Whatcha doing?” she asks, confused by the grooming.

Guppykit nods her head dramatically to the point where it’s impossible to groom the mess of fur on her forehead. ”Dirty?” she questions. ”I like it! Oh, where is your momma? Is your momma my momma or the other momma?” She tilts her head. ”That’s silly! My momma said you’re a pretty cat if you don’t cry, not if you stay clean. Which one?”

Guppykit snuggles up to Quailpaw, unable to keep herself from initiating physical contact. ”I like Firestrike,” she comments, leaving a gap before her next statement. ”Momma doesn’t like it when I cry. It’s okay ‘cause I haven’t cried since I was a baby.” She grins. ”I love you, Quailly! I say that to my momma, but her name isn’t Quail.”

Even though she’s growing bigger, Guppykit still hasn’t lost her kitten energy. She climbs all over Baykit and is insistent on play-fighting.

Guppykit runs away from Baykit as soon as she initiates the fight. She zoomies to the nursery and asks Sweetmilk to lick all the new babies.

Curious as to what they’re doing, Guppykit follows Hootpaw and Foxgloveleap very obviously, wanting to join their activities.

Guppykit prepares to follow after Hootpaw anyway before she's yonked by Embergaze. She tells her mom she wants to hang out with her friends!

Guppykit sits next to Baykit as she watches all the cats come in and out of the nursery. She tells her brother that he looks like a roley poley.

Guppykit stares back at Baykit, taking that as a sign of him wanting to play. She bites his butt.

Guppykit continues to nom on Baykit, even as Tigertail comes to visit them. She glances up at her grandmother before continuing to gnaw on her brother's flesh.

Guppykit watches Thistlemist eat something off her back, so the kit goes digging in her fur for a snack!

Guppykit wags her tail as she watches Hootpaw and Quailpaw talk. She wants to snuggle them but decides to leave them alone so that they can do important adult stuff. Still, she stares as Quailpaw runs away.

Guppypaw grins at Oliveweb as she touches her nose. She doesn't let the warrior escape, however, and she keeps sloppily licking Oliveweb's face until she's pulled away by Embergaze's appearance.

Guppypaw stares at Thistlemist and Oliveweb... maybe? Her eyes are currently going in two different directions.

Guppypaw waits expectantly for her mom to come over and lick her too, but when it never comes, she glances around as if she were lost. She sees her brother Baypaw and smiles back at him, tongue poking out.

Guppypaw is not in the apprentice's den- instead, she pops her head out of the nursery with a mouthful of worms. She gives them to Oliveweb. "Tah-dah! Do you like? I collect them all day!"

Guppypaw smiles in reaction, spitting out some dirt that remains in her mouth before she obeys Oliveweb and puts them in a bush somewhere. She then goes to find her pinecone which takes about 10 minutes before she yells out a 'ready!'.

Guppypaw scoops her pinecone tightly in her jaws before following after her mentor, tumbling and falling over a few times despite nothing being in her way. "I promised my momma I'll be very good for you. Don't get in trouble, small thing! I won't 'cause I gave you the worms." She stops walking for a moment. "Oh wait, what are we doing again?"

After her little trip with Oliveweb, Guppypaw is adamant about exploring on her own today! She seems a little bit lost as she stands in the clearing though...

Guppypaw watches as both of her moms look really happy! For some reason though, there's a really weird feeling in her chest as she looks at them. She goes to find Baypaw and asks him if they can cuddle.

Guppypaw comes across Baypaw fiddling with his fur. She has no idea what he's doing, but she chews on his ear as he's busy.

Guppypaw has no idea that Oliveweb is looking for her. She waddles out of the apprentice's den with the entirety of her face covered in tree sap.

Guppypaw loudly calls out for one of her mothers... or Baypaw! She can't get the sap out of her eyes...

"I climbed a tree!" Guppypaw responds, immediately lightening up now that she knows her family's near... most of her family, at least. "And I saw some bugs, so I followed them... and they didn't lead to good things."

Guppypaw gives Embergaze a big hug. "I got it all out! I took a bath," she replies. "Well... I fell into the bath. Not on purpose! I saw some slippies too."

Guppypaw immediately gets distracted by a leaf that falls on her pelt, moving away from her mother and trying to bite it off. She perks up. "I like slippies. The things in the water? I eat them sometimes."

Guppypaw crawls into Oliveweb’s nest and cuddles with her.

Guppypaw looks up expectantly at Feverpaw and Shadowpaw. "Can I play too?" she pipes up.

Guppypaw prepares to take her leave after Shadowpaw shuts her down, ears drooped against her head, until Feverpaw's words perk her back up again. She nods her head and promises to get the prettiest! Scurrying off, she realizes she doesn't really know what cerulean is... or an ivy leaf.

Guppypaw blinks curiously at the unfamiliar cat... Oh right, one of the babies! She gives Coconutkit a few happy licks instinctively before saying she's on a mission to find an ivy leaf! Cerulean one, whatever that means. She instead gets distracted by her surroundings and drags a stick in the dirt.

Guppypaw... isn't quite sure what she's doing either, but she seems really entertained by it! She's visibly joyful when Coconutkit joins in. Eventually, she makes a bunch of scribbles in the ground. "It looks like... a face! Uh-huh! Oh sorry... should we go to the explorings now? I can lead since I'm bigger."

Guppypaw is too busy playing with Coconutkit to notice Oliveweb's arrival. She lifts her snout in the air. "Are you gonna help us find the ivy leaf?" she asks rather happily.

Guppypaw, after her training, goes to find Feverpaw with a blue flower in her maw! She explains she found the ivy leaf.

Guppypaw smacks Hornetpaw square in the face.

Guppypaw isn't really sure what to do. Hornetpaw didn't respond to her smack! She decides to just chew on Bubbles as he chewed on her tail. Eventually she motions for Baypaw to come over so they can cuddle.

Guppypaw stared at Hornetpaw, then Baypaw, then Larkpaw, then Hootpaw. Woah, lot's of cats... She places her head on Baypaw's comfy belly, using it as a pillow. "Hootpaw! Come cuddle?" It seems she's wanting a cuddle pile.

Guppypaw feels a weird feeling in her heart when Hornetpaw and Hootpaw leave. After she said something too... She suddenly wants to run away from everyone and sleep with just Bubbles. She wipes the wetness from her eyes on Baypaw's belly fur.

Guppypaw is too busy digging holes to care about training. Actually, she's forgotten all about training... She likes staring at all the bugs that run away into little tunnels.

Guppypaw follows Daffodilcatcher around, deciding to say hi to her mom's new apprentice!

Guppypaw eats the slush that's caused by the melting ice on the ground.

Guppypaw tilts her head at Daphnepath's words. Who's this cat? She sticks her tongue out when she catches sight of the yellow snow, to which she eats it as regularly as she did the regular snow!

Guppypaw flattens her ears against her head when she's immediately scolded. She seems very confused... and a bit ashamed. She runs away from Larkpaw.

Guppypaw retreats away from the scene, already spitting out all the stuff she wasn't supposed to eat. She wonders if she's going to get in trouble with her moms before she spots Embergaze trotting over to her, with Hootpaw slightly behind. She scuttles over to Hootpaw's side to hopefully avoid Embergaze's assumed wrath, spilling a few 'sorries'.

Guppypaw feels relieved at Embergaze’s departure, but also a bit sad. Did she hurt her feelings? She wants to go find Bubbles, but also doesn’t want to separate herself from Hootpaw in case other cats come after her. When Oliveweb approaches, she seems to have slowly gone back to her normal self. ”All better now.”

Guppypaw also watches Firestrike's kits, getting amped up and ready to play, her tail flopping around from behind her. She takes out all her energy on her pinecone.

Guppypaw blinks at Baypaw, a bit confused. "We weren't sharing nests?" she asks. "I cuddle with you all the time, when you sleep."

Guppypaw flops on Baypaw, already ready to nap with him. Even in the middle of the snow.

Guppypaw tries to find some comfy moss for Baypaw, but the cold makes her retreat back into the apprentice's den where it's warm.

Guppypaw is out playing in the snow without a care in the world, not really noticing that everyone was so sad. She gives Baypaw a few licks when she sees him. "I found a buggy, but it was all frozen..."

Guppypaw laughs at his statement as if he told a joke. "Then we all gonna be froze?" The word snow makes her shiver... and she thinks back on that moment in the middle of camp that makes her face go hot. She doesn't really know what that feeling is... but it's not a good feeling.

Guppypaw nibbles on Baypaw's ear as he's looking away. "Our friends gonna keep us warm," she says confidently. "Oh- but we gotta keep Bubbles warm too even though he's spikey. I don't remember where I put him." She wanders off to find her pinecone.