STS | Guppy Daily Life

1 year, 7 months ago
11 months, 30 days ago
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Entry 2
Published 11 months, 30 days ago

Constantly being updated

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11/04/22 - 05/18/23

Guppypaw bites Hootpaw’s ears before asking if he wants to play pine cones.

Guppypaw excitedly skips away, bringing Bubbles with her afterwards. She steals one of Coconutkit’s pine cones to give to Hootpaw. ”Okay! This is Bubbles. Say hi to Bubbles!”

Guppypaw blankly stares at Hootpaw. She takes Bubbles in her paw and makes him walk. "Are you not gonna say hiya to lil' ol' me?" she says in a deep voice.

Guppypaw giggles as Hootpaw plays along. ”Oh- you good at this, Hootie. We gotta play more often.”

Guppypaw follows Thistlemist.

Guppypaw blinks up at Oliveweb. The two mollies kind of remind her of her parents... in a way. She seems too distracted to reply to Thistlemist.

Guppypaw smiles at Moonpaw, not quite understanding what her words mean. "Oh... are we gonna play games?"

Guppypaw is confused when Oliveweb drapes her tail over her shoulders. A... spar? Oh, they're gonna fight? "Oh... Are you sure? I don't know if my mommas want me to fight. I promised not to cry..." She isn't sure if she can keep that promise if she gets hurt, but she tries to apply what Oliveweb has taught her so far to her defensive stance.

Guppypaw suddenly switches from defense to offense, charging forward proudly at Moonpaw before she slides from the snow and flops down face-first.

Guppypaw buries her body in snow.

Guppypaw doesn’t respond to Shrikefrost at first, thinking he may be speaking to someone else. She eventually lifts her discolored face to look at the warrior, saying she’s just taking a nap. A really long one.

Guppypaw wabbles upwards, eyes darting around camp for any signs of any of her relatives. She buries her face in Shrikefrost's chest. "Has Momma Ember come back?"

Guppypaw loudly plays with Bubbles in the apprentice's den, not really thinking on if she'd be interrupting anyone's rest.

Guppypaw's head jolts up at the sudden knocking, followed by Java's voice. Who's this? With Bubbles in her mouth, she replies with a "Who's there?" before going outside to meet this cat. "Oh hi!"

Guppypaw drops Bubbles as she darts back into the den. "Sorry- who's there?"

Guppypaw giggles at Java's acting, excitedly getting back up to meet him at the entrance, but then realizing he may scold her again for doing so. She lingers inside instead. "Uhh.... yes!! Come on in, Wolfy!"

Guppypaw keeps smacking a tree with a stick.

Guppypaw smiles at Tigertail. "Sparring with tree! Watch this." She spins in a circle and then hits the tree.

Guppypaw laughs with the stick in her mouth. "Yeah! Well, I just thought I needed to get better... 'Cause warriors fight and stuff. Do you fight?"

Guppypaw runs up to Gossamer and Oleander like they were just regular clanmates. "Oh, hi! Is my mama here with you?"

Guppypaw can be found cuddled in a warm spot of the apprentice's den. Almost as if she had an active radar, she assumes someone is looking for her... so she jolts up and races out of the den and into the snow. She glances up expectantly at Hootpaw.

Guppypaw's wide eyes blink sporadically before she rests her head against Hootpaw's chest fur. "Momma didn't come back with the new cats. I... Can we go look? Look for her? Why is no one looking?"

Guppypaw doesn't know how to react to Hootpaw's words. Is she supposed to say something? Her questioning herself ceases when the tom follows through with another statement. Her face contorts in confusion. "I just woke up! Oh, are you super sleepy now? Do you wanna go back to sleep?"

Guppypaw decides to not pester him any further and gives him a curt nod. Being nudged results in her toppling over her paws, tripping a bit in the snow, but being able to withstand her clumsiness for once. "'Kay, I can count if you want me to," she affirms.

Guppypaw stares as Hootpaw paces around camp. She follows his trail for no particular reason.

Guppypaw tells Hootpaw that she wants to help him find whatever he’s looking for! Or was he just lost and that’s why he looks mad?

Guppypaw gives Hootpaw a big, sloppy lick to the face. She says she has things to work on too, a particular mission coming to mind, but she refrains from telling him. They could always work on them together!

Guppypaw spots Daffodilcatcher speaking to her apprentice, watching her mother with intensity behind a tree. She seems apprehensive for a moment before she pads over to the light-colored molly and brushes up against her pelt.

Guppypaw takes a few steps forward as Daffodilcatcher leaves, hoping to follow after her mother, but eventually she allows herself to be left behind. She stands motionlessly, still in thought, when Hootpaw comes. She happily chimes out that she'd love to eat together. Did he know that putting snow on prey makes it extra crunchy? Not the yellow snow though, the white kind.

Guppypaw is hard to find today. Oliveweb finds her in a pile of moss all by herself, but the apprentice is excited to be able to get out. She sends a passing wave at Baypaw when he comes into view. "Hi Baypaw! Bay, look! It's Guppy!"

Guppypaw happily watches the ceremony, debating on standing next to Hootfrost as he received his name, but that probably wouldn't have been allowed. Instead she runs around in circles until the crowd begins to disperse.

Guppypaw waits patiently for Quailpaw to come back, as she's done similarly for another cat. Eventually she gets too cold, seeking Hootfrost afterwards with no intentions on playing or doing anything, really. She just wants to be near someone.

Guppypaw tilts her head at Hootfrost's sudden comment, smiling up at him as she usually does. She says she hasn't left camp in a long, long, long time- Baypaw catches her eye, and she flicks her tail unsurely... her gaze switching back and forth from her brother to the tom curled around her.

Guppypaw isn't really sure what's going on. She just knows she's with two cats, who in this moment, are very upset because of Quailpaw's disappearance. That must be it... She keeps her paws underneath Baypaw's, all the while still being near Hootfrost's form. She thinks this is a good place to be for right now. They won't go missing, not when they're beside her.

Guppypaw stays by Tigertail's side in the herbalist's den, unless either of the herbalists force her out of the den. She licks her grandmother's pelt.

Guppypaw nods her head determinedly, happy that her mentor is entrusting her with this mission. "I already gave her lots of licks. That makes me feel better." She secretly hopes Oliveweb doesn't go away, but the warrior probably has other responsibilities...

Guppypaw begins her day by going on a mission to find cool things for Tigertail. She digs and digs and digs until she discovers a big root in the ground. Naturally, she pulls it out and gives it to her grandmother.

Guppypaw goes to Hootfrost's side, recognizing that her friend is a warrior... and she wonders if he'll go out on the adventure! She doesn't seem to recognize how dangerous it is. She asks if he's going, can he keep an eye out for her mama?

Guppypaw tilts her head as Hootfrost says goodbye. She bites the insides of her mouth, brows knitted a bit. "Hootie, don't go..." she mumbles. She isn't sure if she wants to stay as the patrol leaves or to run off and find her brother.

When Hootfrost leaves her vision, Guppypaw decides to look for Baypaw through the crowd. "Bay! Baypaw! Bay? Bay! I'm still here!"

Guppypaw takes the mouse from Lavenderfang gladly, mowing it down as if she hadn't eaten for awhile. She spends the rest of the day near Baypaw, following him around like a puppy no matter where he goes.

Eye crusties are stuck to Guppypaw's face. She doesn't stay by Baypaw or anyone else too much, lingering by herself with her pinecone.

The rat attack, paired with Minnowfleet's harsh words, leaves Guppypaw intensely afraid. She doesn't react much though outside of her now lone-sighted eye peering up at the tabby stranger, then to her great aunt Rosebeam as she chimes in as well. "Oh... I'm sorry," she mumbles. "No one is around anymore... 'cause of that. I won't go out like that anymore."

Guppypaw looks down with shame, embarrassment, and any other synonym that could describe the pit in her stomach. She welcomes Baypaw's presence and touch, but the fear of upsetting her family outweighs any love she could possibly show in return to her brother. She didn't want to be a disappointment... or to make anyone upset or angry. Tonight, she did a really bad and dumb thing.

Guppypaw quietly smiles at Hornetclaw's gift, eating the prey quickly in thanks, but nothing audible comes from her maw. When Gossamer makes her way through, the apprentice sniffles at the pinecone, a reminder of Bubbles who she seemed to lose on her way back from the journey. She asks the molly if she can help find him for her while she's sick? That way they can play together.

Guppypaw is excited at Gossamer's return, but her chipperness doesn't last long when she realizes that Bubbles was not in her possession. She knows it's childish to cry over a dumb thing, but... he's the only friend she has left, next to her brother. She tells the red molly that she's tired and if she wants, they can nap together.

Guppypaw chirps that she's feeling a lot better! Well, her scars don't sting as much anymore... Suddenly, she apologizes to Oliveweb before saying that she didn't mean to do something dumb. Now the clan is mad at her, and Bubbles left her, and she doesn't know what to do.

Guppypaw smiles warmly at the statement. Yeah, he must be waiting for her... She briefly wonders if Hootfrost is waiting for her too before she decides to settle next to Oliveweb, lying down and curling around her mentor's form. "Okay. You staying here with me?"

Guppypaw is pulling some of her fur out when Pearwhisper approaches. She gets up from her nest and goes to her grandmother, and subsequently her brother too, and she watches her family interact with each other.

Guppypaw's forehead bumps into Baypaw's shoulder, emitting loud purrs as she gets to feel his fur again. She asks him if he's done any cool things recently before Minnowsleet gives her a fish. She grabs it in her maw, and although it's a bit difficult to keep ahold of with the scales, she manages to hold it and spits out a thanks to the tom. "Mister- come back?"

Guppypaw pesters Crookedfoot and Stormpaw, wanting someone to talk to. She just rambles about how her day is going, but her day just started, so it's not going very much?

Guppypaw watches Oleander curiously as the older feline drops off herbs. She yells a loud 'hi!' to her before she's able to escape, but then she abruptly returns to conversation with Stormpaw.

Guppypaw is chewing on something she probably shouldn't be chewing on when she spots Pearwhisper. She looks up at her grandmother expectantly, headbutting her chest soon after.

Guppypaw purrs at the lick, insisting that she's healing really good! Stormpaw is a really good friend and also is an apprentice, just like her. She asks Pearwhisper if Hootfrost has come back yet.

Guppypaw silently takes a seat next to Deerpaw.

Guppypaw's tail wags when Deerpaw dignifies her with attention. She doesn't respond immediately, but when she does, her words are somber. "Not good..." she admits. "Um, Baypaw is still here, right?"

Guppypaw watches Deerpaw creepily from afar but decides not to approach him. Instead she rolls around in the dirt.

Guppypaw wags her tail as Shadowpaw motions towards the tracks. She asks if it could be a butterfly?

Guppypaw sniffs the tracks closely, getting some dirt in her nostrils. She lets out a sneeze and watches both Sealsplash and Bluepetal approach. She scampers away to find Baypaw.

Guppypaw watches curiously as her brother fixes his friend, giving her memories of her time with her pinecone... and also her previous moss friend. She asks Baypaw if he wants to collect random stuff on the ground with her- his moss friend can come too.

Guppypaw follows Hornetclaw around. Though not obvious at first, she makes her appearance known after tripping out of a bush.

Guppypaw doesn't realize that Hornetclaw is talking to her until she looks up from plucking some twigs out of her fur. She scrambles to her feet and says she's aye-okay. "Whatcha doing?"

"Why?" she asks before comprehending the offer given to her. Guppypaw thinks on what to respond with, her eyes drifting along camp as she struggles to focus. "Oh, okay... Welcome home gift?"

Guppypaw waves at Oliveweb when she sees her mentor, then motioning for her to join her and Hornetclaw. "Hi! I'm over here!"

Guppypaw is currently distracted, watching all of the cats currently active in camp. It takes a moment for her to focus back to the conversation in front of her, eyeing Oliveweb and nodding her head despite not really hearing what she asked. "Oh, I do like Baypaw, yeah! He's my brother."

Guppypaw mouths a thank you to Hornetclaw as she gnaws on a few of the rocks given to her. Maybe Baypaw would like these things... She gets up to find her brother's nest, sloppily placing the decorations in any place she deemed fitting.

Guppypaw carefully makes her way into the water as well, remembering that water can be dangerous, and a lot of cats warned her about it. She curiously watches her brother and his friend play.

Guppypaw grins at the invitation, paddling over to the other apprentices and saying that she's okay with splashing! She asks if they should play a game in the water?

Guppypaw watches Twig from afar before approaching them and cuddling up beside them.

Guppypaw smiles, her still working eye closed as Twig puts flowers in her fur. She feels happy, really happy. "You look like me," she comments, unaware that the cat beside her can't hear her. "More than I look like either of my moms... I love you! Goodnight."

Guppypaw is chewing on a stick when she notices Twig approach her. She gets excited and immediately pops up, walking to them curiously with the stick in her mouth. "Hello!"

Guppypaw laughs as the flower is placed on her head before lightly bonking Twig with her stick. Dropping it on the ground, she touches Twig with her paw and says 'tag!' before running away.

Guppypaw turns her head to see if Twig is following after her before tripping and falling face-first in the grass.

Guppypaw lifts her dirty face to look at Twig, tail wagging despite her mishap. "It's okay! I get hurt a lot. Actually, that didn't hurt too bad... We can still play tag, if you want."

Guppypaw stares at her reflection in a puddle.

Guppypaw perks up at Phoebepaw, not really remembering if she's interacted with him or not. Well, she's seen him a few times. She shakes her head honestly, "No..." Her dejected nature doesn't last long though. "Hi. Are you okay?"

Guppypaw doesn’t really know how to react to a fellow apprentice dying… She goes to Baypaw.

Guppypaw is near a pond, tucking a bunch of flowers in her fur as she looks at herself. She tries covering her scarred eye with her bangs, but they're far too short to cover anything.

Guppypaw seems to have given up by the time Pearwhisper approaches, the molly looking at her grandmother with a defeated expression. "For Hootfrost, when he comes back," she pointedly says. "Um... but I'm not looking the way I want to." For a moment, she pauses, before pointing at her face. "How do you be pretty with these?" she whispers.

Guppypaw lowers her head in thought before clinging closer to Pearwhisper. She says her scars are stupid, 'cause she did a stupid thing... and everyone was mad at her for it. But she just wanted to find her family again. She asks if Pearwhisper could tell her a story.

Guppywhirl excitedly hops away when her new name is announced. She's an adult now... she's not some baby anymore. She goes to Baysnap and gives him a hug.

Guppywhirl turns to meet Minnowfleet, curiously tilting her head when he drops off the two skulls. She licks the fish skull she was given to see if there were any remnants of flavor, but when she figures out it's way older than she imagined, she speaks. "Mister, come back?" she asks expectantly. She then gives Twig their own tight hug in return, thanking them.

Guppywhirl decides to stay near Deerpaw, knowing he was probably concerned about Wheatpaw. Why would he leave? Was he trying to look for the patrol too? She hopes he doesn’t get attacked by rats.

Guppywhirl stares at Deerpaw for awhile before giving him a few licks on his face. "Yeah," she chirps. "You okay? We can be okay together." She similarly dips her head when Twig approaches, laughing when flowers are put in her fur.

Guppywhirl looks upset when Deerpaw admits he isn't well, and her paws itch against the grass in thought. "Oh..." she hums. "Well, I'm a warrior now, so we can leave camp together to go find Wheatpaw. I'll make sure to find him, and then when we do, I'll tell him, 'Hey, don't leave camp, okay?'"

Guppywhirl smiles, tail wagging as she lifts Deerpaw up and motions for them to leave camp. She calls Wheatpaw's name the entire trip.

Guppywhirl gives Deerpaw and Twig a passing 'hi!' as she carries a fish skull in her mouth. She seems preoccupied with something; she's on the case to look for Minnowfleet.

Guppywhirl nods her head extatically at Baysnap's invitation, intertwining his tail with hers. Immediately, she lets go and runs off. "I gotta get my friend!" She comes back with the fish skull.

Guppywhirl blinks as Hornetclaw inspects her. She inspects him back.

Guppywhirl sniffs the objects given to her, taking a little nibble off the shell before chirping out a "Thanks!" The new felines entering camp spook her, so she takes the shell and mouse away into a bush and watches from afar.

Guppywhirl pops out of her bush to finally take a look at the newcomers. When she hears them talking though, she doesn't like the words... She stands next to Cinnamonpaw, Mintpaw, and Spicepaw before speaking to them and the new apprentices. "Um... hi," she hums. "No one stinks. Everyone smells really nice, okay?"

Guppywhirl is happy when everyone starts introducing themselves, any remaining tension in the air going right over her head. "Guppywhirl!" she follows up with.

"Hi," Guppywhirl manages, smiling back in return. "Nothing, just checking on you. You're friends with my friends."

Guppywhirl giggles before shaking her head. "Phoebebloom! ...and Hootfrost." She blinks for a moment. "Oh, you're friends with them, right? They're my friends. Or are you and Phoebe siblings, 'cause you look so much alike?"

Guppywhirl lets out an 'ohh' of understanding. Well, she thinks she understands. "I have! I've hung out with Phoebebloom," she states. "We talked, and stuff... I like you guys. So, it's okay that I sit with you, right?"

Guppywhirl, despite being given more space, subsequently tries squeezing closer to Larkclove. She nods her head softly before taking in the sun with her eyes closed.

Guppywhirl gallops to meet Embergaze- her momma just came home. And she has so much to tell her! Her graduation, her… graduation. She found a couple rocks too! But… she sees three other kits. She wiggles her nose, taking in their scents, before cowering away from the crowd that has formed. She stands near Oliveweb before resting her eyes on her former mentor’s fur, allowing the tears to flow.

Guppywhirl sniffles a whole lot, gladly taking in the silent comfort that Oliveweb offers. She tries to say something, but it only comes out as a blubbery mess. In truth, she doesn’t really know how she feels about the situation. Her mom’s dead; it’s just a tom and his kits.

Guppywhirl sleepies sadly.

When Guppywhirl awakens, the first thing she notices is the pebble placed next to her. Sleepily, she brings the pebble closer to her form before placing it in her mouth. Nearly choking on it, she spits it back out and decides to just leave it beside her. Then, she realizes that Twig is napping beside her! She forgets, temporarily, everything that's going on around her, letting out her own purrs.

Guppywhirl watches Embergaze and Snap from afar, timid and anxious. As they exit the nursery, she scrambles to find something else to occupy her time. She goes to her grandma Pearwhisper and watches her work with Lavenderfang.

Guppywhirl is clawing at a tree angrily, something very unlike her.

Guppywhirl immediately stops when she sees Oliveweb, concern plastered on her face. She expects to be scolded, but she's soon calmed when she isn't, instead being asked a question. "Nothing..." she mumbles, realizing maybe she shouldn't be doing this to the poor tree. "Just lots of sad times lately. Sorry tree."

Guppywhirl glances down at her paws, unsure of herself. Should she...? It's not like Oliveweb did anything wrong- she doesn't want to accidentally yell at her. "Uhm, okay." She pauses before gradually inching closer to her former mentor, deciding to sit down. "My mo... Embergaze. He lied to me." She sighs. "I don't have no one left. Everyone is gone now."

Guppywhirl nods. She knows what Oliveweb is saying is true- she does have plenty of other cats. She isn't sure about her parents, but... she has everyone else. "Love you, Olive," she hums, seemingly satisfied with their conversation, pulling the warrior in a hug. She doesn't notice anyone who picks up on their conversation.

Guppywhirl feels sad for the cats who have passed away... She didn't think sickness could get this bad. Even Snappaw, someone who she swears she shouldn't like- even if she didn't know the apprentice very well. It takes everything in her being to not give Embergaze any comfort, deciding that they're just strangers in this moment and nothing more.

Guppywhirl bumps into Lavenderfang, too busy staring off to notice herself heading straight towards her aunt. She falls on her rump and stares up at the cat, not having seen her for a bit. She sniffs her.

"Yesssss," Guppywhirl mumbles, though it sounds like she isn't quite sure of it. "Are you okay? Any bad things happen at all?" She tosses out another question, desperate to get enough words in. "Where you doing?"

Guppywhirl thinks nothing of the patrol at first, just thinking it's a bunch of cats hanging out. But then she sees... pelts she hasn't seen in a long time. She gasps, turning away from Lavenderfang, completely ignoring her proposition, though unintentionally. She scrambles over to the group, unknowingly passing her own mother to find Hootfrost. And when she sees him for the first time in a long, long time, she breaks down into ugly tears.

Guppywhirl looks at Milkweedshade with hopeful eyes as she finds the specific cats to go on the hunting trip with her. She follows her around like a puppy, hoping she gets picked too.

Guppywhirl frowns when Milkweedshade denies her, hurt but deciding maybe it's best to make her own patrol or... help out another way. When Spicesnap speaks up though, she gives a toothy grin. "Will find stuff, promise!"

Guppywhirl wants to talk to Dustybone, but he appears not really... there? She gives him a loud "Hi!" instead before returning to chasing her tail in circles.

Guppywhirl falls over when she's dizzy enough, barely able to catch sight of Feverheart. When she finally lifts her head in time for Dustybone to offer for her to come, she smiles. "Yes, let's go!" She glances back and forth at the two expectantly, happy she's able to spend time with her... friends? She thinks they're her friends.  

Guppywhirl is slowly gaining her confidence again, recovering from her sour conversations with her… family. She spots Hootfrost attempting to leave camp, but before he’s fully able to, she comes up from behind him and decides to join his adventure! ”Hi Hootie, can I come?”

Guppywhirl nods her head, determined to do a good job. "I will, promise! I've been hunting with a whole bunch of cats- oh, and I think I did amazing. I can show you all the skills!" She stays by Hootfrost's side, as promised... most of the time.

Guppywhirl caught something BY HERSELF this time! No group hunt required. She places her prized bird on the pile and sits down, waiting for someone to pick it up to eat

Guppywhirl smiles, tail flopping back and forth. ”Enjoy!” she chirps. ”Oh, I caught it by myself.” She makes sure to state this point before leaving Sablespark to their own devices, sniffing around to see if anyone wants to go hunting. She’s on the prowl, so it seems.

Guppywhirl sniffs around for someone to talk to, finding a bright white feline in the process- oh, him! She gallops to Maggotscorn's side and sniffs him up close, licking the side of its pelt without really saying anything.

Guppywhirl blinks up at them, tongue poking out of her mouth. She doesn't seem too bothered by its scowl, instead waiting patiently for it to gain his composure before they pose their question. She says it went great, but that was a long, long time ago. "0liveweb's the best," she purrs. "Um- oh, do you know 0liveweb? She's very cool. Do you wanna hang out also?"

Guppywhirl carries around the feather left in her nest, though she isn't really sure where it came from. Morbidly curious, she watches as Embergaze and Morrigan interact. She finds herself huddling back into the warrior's den sadly and flopping onto Hootfrost's nest, with him most likely still being there, and she licks the top of his head similar to how Embergaze did it.

Guppywhirl looks for 0liveweb or Thistlemist- or better yet, both of them. She has a present for them! Dropping an entanglement of worms tied together with grass, she smiles.

Guppywhirl is taken aback when she's hugged. Unprompted. And then the laughs come, from both of the mollies. She doesn't really know how to react- she hasn't been hugged without her hugging first. She hugs Thistlemist back with tears in her eyes, laughing too.

Guppywhirl curiously watches Morrigan and Baysnap interact from afar. She frowns when her brother leaves, not really catching on to what was said. Embergaze's kits still scare her... so she stays away.

Guppywhirl just came back to camp herself, tired from doing... something. When she sees Hootfrost, she scrambles up to him and ponders aloud about the flowers, saying they looked pretty! Or yummy, depending on if he was going to eat them.

When the flowers are placed before her, Guppywhirl freezes in place. For her...? He said so... that they were for her. She seems hesitant all the same, glancing up to Hootfrost for reassurance before eventually she places them in her fur- and his as well. "Thank you." Suddenly, she dragged him to the outskirts of camp with her, saying she had to check her reflection in the water to see if she was pretty enough for him.

Guppywhirl watches Larkclove... splash water on her face? Unsure of the reasoning- maybe it's a fun game- she follows her lead and splashes water on her own face.

Guppywhirl laughs as she soaks her face, but she raises it back up in confusion at Larkclove's words. Beauty emergency? Was she cleaning herself? Before she knows it, both Leopardsky and Phoebebloom appear, and she greets both of the toms with a happy 'hi!', unbothered that Larkclove is now hiding behind her. "We're taking a bath. Wanna join us?"

Guppywhirl seems to perk up even more when Hootfrost is around, immediately going to his side and brushing up against him. She nods her head fervently, still soaked with water. Then she realizes, and says maybe she should dry off first…

Guppywhirl decides to follow Java around on his escapade. When the tom meets up with Vipershadow, she seems more preoccupied with the moss friend.

Guppywhirl smiles when Baysnap joins the ever-growing posse, rubbing up against her brother with a purr. She skitters out the herbalist den when Java turns to leave.

Guppywhirl subsequently follows Java as he leads them to wherever. She glances to Baysnap every once in awhile to see if he's still following. When they come across the moss friend, she softly picks it up in her paw. "...My friend!" she exclaims. "The one I dropped a long time ago. Maggotscorn said he died- but he's alive!" She wraps Java in a hug, thanking him for saving her friend, squishing the moss in the process and probably ruining it more.

Guppywhirl freezes when paws are placed against her eyes. She’s gone blind! Maybe she looked at the sun too much… But Hootfrost’s words soon after cause her to immediately relax. ”Hootie!” As if they hadn’t seen each other in years, she pulls him into a tight hug.

Guppywhirl thinks babies are pretty neat! Then she looks at Hootfrost's displeased face. Maybe she shouldn't be happy.

Although curious of the newcomers, Guppywhirl is almost avoidant of the kits. A lot of them were really boisterous! To her delight, she sees Hootfrost and Baysnap hanging out, and she insists on lying beside the two and squeezing them close. ”I didn’t know you guys were friends,” she chirps happily.

Guppywhirl watches a child harass her boyfriend. She isn't sure if she should intervene or just... let it happen. I mean, even if she did intervene, what would she even do? When Hootfrost evades the nursery, she scampers over to him and settles beside him. She asks if he had fun with the kits, blissfully unaware of his agony.

Guppywhirl doesn't mind the pressure of Hootfrost laying on top of her, instead basking in his presence. "No plans... nope! Wait, I do have a plan." She pokes her tongue out playfully. "Hang out with you."

Guppywhirl wants to hang out with Baysnap. She follows him around all day.

Guppywhirl is taken aback when Morrigan approaches her, unsure if the younger cat was approaching her and not someone else. But when he comes closer and closer, she freezes. She doesn't say anything, instead just staying in a catatonic state.