Q and A

5 years, 3 months ago

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1. favorite food: soup, preferably without too much in it (it upsets his tum) 

he  especially has a thing for alphabet soup, because he can spell out  words a phrases, and pretend he is "talking" to the soup. it may also be  because it use to be one of his brothers favorites growing up. vince recalls a single time, when his brother asked if he wanted to share some, and he  had turned him down, because he had hated tomato at the time. vince  doesn't understand why this moment haunts him. 

2. if your character could choose any way to die what would it be: the more reasonable side of vince, wishes to die peacefully in his sleep, but another side wants himself to die in writhing in agony, because he feels he deserves it. 

3. Favorite time of the day? Give a reason: vince has two favorite times of day. once when he awakens in the morning (though he has mixed feeling about this time of day) and once when he retires to bed for the night. he enjoys awakening in the morning, because this is sometimes when he feels the most relaxed, and optimistic about the coming day. on the inverse, he often finds himself wishing he hadn't awakened at all, and will sleep past when he should, until his mind becomes foggy. he enjoys going to bed at night (for probably obvious reasons) to finally escape it all (for a little while at least). his least favorite time of day is night/early evening, because the world is so still, and he doesn't have much to distract himself from the bad thoughts. 

4. Favorite color?:

dark blue, like a cold embrace

5. Who's their FAVORITE person?:

will, and he misses him dearly, but doesn't know how to fix things between them.

6. can they dance? how well? what dances?:

a little X"D not very well though, it's mostly all interpretive. (is crying to music a dance?)

7. would they loot a dead body?:

probably. he has respect for the dead, but also really needs some new art supply. he doesn't think the person would probably miss it (he might feel a bit guilty after, though).


1. Does your character prefer SEX or affection? What is the quickest way to your character’s heart? vince would prefer affection, without a doubt. sex, he could take or leave, but he would do almost anything, for someone, who truly loved him for who he is. 

2. Are they afraid of death? nope! he's packed his bags, and is ready to go!
3. Does your character get restless when things are too quiet or do they favour solitude and silence? Why? it's a bit of both. all the eyes, and the noise and the people, easily overwhelm him, but it's an equal terror to be trapped in his head, with the person who hates him the most; himself. 

4. Are they a quick thinker or do they need time to sort through their thoughts? he can come off a bit dense, when it comes to humor sometimes, but he is usually very thoughtful, and can be a creative problem solver, if you give him time to think on something.
5. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert? How do they handle big crowds of people? introvert to the extreme (he is kind of a hermit). he does very poorly in large crowds, but can put on a decent poker face for a while, before devolving into claustrophobia, and outright hysteria. 

6. If your character was suddenly challenged, would they rather run away or stay and fight? flee like the wind (though if someone came to kill him, he probably wouldn't stop them) unless he is standing up for someone he cares for. only then does a different side of him come out. he can be a vicious protector, but is still pretty physically weak, and could be easily overcome.  

7. If your character was allowed to murder one person without any consequences, who would that person be and why? (other than himself?) vince isn't much for grudges, and I'd be doubtful to say he'd go as far as to murder anyone, given the opportunity, but he does wish he could have saved his brother from his parents. also the kids from middle school who relentlessly teased him, especially after he had worn drag to school one day (against his parents wishes), and the rumor that he had kissed a boy behind the theater curtains after school. he use to hate those kids, but now fears they might have been right about him.