Wings of Fire: Dragonets of Change AU

1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 2 months ago
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Chapter 3
Published 1 year, 4 months ago

WoF arc 1 spoilers

Many years ago, a change in the timeline led to the ultimate extinction of the Nightwing tribe, and the Dragonet Prophecy is unheard of. Still, fate brings the five dragonets together, and they must learn to survive in a world so different from what they're used to.

Will the war ever end? Only time will tell.

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Chapter Two

Dune and Hvitur were names Clay had heard frequently, but could never associate faces with. 

He knew that Dune was a SandWing, and Hvitur was an IceWing. They were high-ranking members of the Talons of Peace, assigned to protect the dragonets from above ground. They frequently met with the guardians, but only outside of the cave. 

Sunny's talons covered her mouth as she gasped. "What happened to them?"

Kestrel snorted, more smoke filling the air. "Murdered. SandWing tail barbs straight through their hearts. They were found on the same cliff in the Sky Kingdom. Someone is targeting the Talons."

Sunny began to cry, and Glory silently wrapped a wing around her small body. It was uncharacteristic of Glory, but she was the closest to the golden-scaled dragonet.

Asha shook her head angrily, fighting back tears. "We cannot leave the cave."

"We don't have a choice. Orders from Nautilus himself, we're relocating to the Eastern Coastal Camp." 

One thing about Asha: she never disobeyed an order from the Talons. Clay assumed it was because of respect for the leader, Nautilus. She often told stories about his bravery and devotion.

Asha took a step back, staring at the rocky floor as gears turned in her head. "We should discuss this with Webs." She muttered. 

Kestrel nodded, leading the way to the guardians' room where their third guardian, Webs, had been sleeping after a long day. The dragonets weren't allowed inside that room.

"Did you hear that?" Tsunami piped up. "We're finally going to go outside!"

Glory scowled. Sunny was still under her wing, leaning on the RainWing sadly. "Of course that's what you're focusing on. This is dangerous, Tsunami. It's not a fun vacation."

"It's only dangerous for Starflight." Tsunami retorted. "The rest of us are supposed to be on the surface."

Clay saw Starflight shrink sadly. He turned to his sister, clenching his teeth. 

"Tsunami." Clay said quietly but firmly.

"I just don't understand why we're all trapped here because of him. It's not fair." The SeaWing paid no attention to Clay, still focused on Glory.

"Tsunami." Clay repeated, louder this time.

"Just because his tribe is dead doesn't mean all of us should be treated like orphans."

"TSUNAMI." Clay roared. A stalactite fell into the underground river, and Tsunami froze.

A moment passed. Hostility was still lingering in the air, but the blue dragonet had calmed her senses. 

Quietly, she muttered. "I'm sorry." 

Starflight nodded in acknowledgement to her apology. Clay searched his eyes for any sign he was still uncomfortable, but Starflight looked at him with a 'stop staring at me' look. 

Clay sighed. "It's hard for all of us here. I don't think our guardians are perfect, but I'm glad they brought us together. The least we can do is be grateful for what we have, right?"

The four dragonets nodded. Clay felt a twinge of pride, reaching to give his siblings a big hug. 

Tsunami, Starflight, and Sunny leaned in to hug their big brother fondly. Glory was always hesitant, but despite her dislike of physical affection, she placed a talon on Clay's shoulder. 

"What do you think will happen now?" Starflight asked when the hug broke. 

Before anyone could answer, Asha had emerged from the guardians' cave. She had a sorrowful expression as she scanned the cave. 

Glory was the first to speak. "M- Asha." She corrected herself. "Are we leaving?"

Asha nodded mournfully. "We swore to protect you five with our lives. However dangerous it is to leave our home, it's much more dangerous to stay. I'll make sure nothing happens to you, my dragonets." 

As the dragonets mumbled among each other, Clay and Asha made eye contact. The guardian gestured for him to follow her. 

Asha led the way to the dining cave, empty at the moment. Clay wondered if this was the last time he'd see the stained rock walls he'd spent his life in. 

The bigger MudWing rummaged through the carved rock wall. In case of an emergency, they had enough dried food, bottled water, and medicinal herbs to last the eight dragons a few weeks without having to forage on the surface. The guardians also kept various items on the top shelf, where the dragonets couldn't reach. 

Asha uncovered something shiny, and turned back to Clay. 

Metal clasped around his neck gently as the necklace was fitted. 

"What's this?" He asked, fidgeting with the pendant. A dragon's silhouette was neatly embossed onto the gold surface.

"If you get separated from us, any member of the Talons will recognize it and keep you safe."

"Why do you only have one?" Clay asked, turning around to peek at his siblings in the other cave. Why can't all five of them have the same protection?

"This was made for me when I was a dragonet. It's the only one that I know of." She cupped Clay's hand in her talons. "I know that if any of your siblings gets lost, you won't leave their side. I trust you with this responsibility."

Clay felt a sudden heaviness on his shoulders, despite the necklace being lightweight. He nodded anyways, knowing that he wouldn't want anyone else to bear the same burden. 

Besides, they wouldn't get separated. 

The dragonets would make it to their new home with their guardians, and they'd live there peacefully like they always have.

A buzz of anxiety fluttered in the back of his mind, but Clay pushed it down.

Nothing bad will happen.

Author's Notes

Whew! This one took a while! Hopefully the next chapters will be quicker because they're a bit more... Exciting? Action-packed? 

....Got it! "Thrilling" ;)