Wings of Fire: Dragonets of Change AU

1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 2 months ago
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Chapter 8
Published 1 year, 2 months ago

WoF arc 1 spoilers

Many years ago, a change in the timeline led to the ultimate extinction of the Nightwing tribe, and the Dragonet Prophecy is unheard of. Still, fate brings the five dragonets together, and they must learn to survive in a world so different from what they're used to.

Will the war ever end? Only time will tell.

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Chapter Seven

"Tsunami! Glory!" Clay cried. He reached to hug them, but a guard held out a spear, stopping him. 

Clay opened his mouth to talk to them, but realized his siblings' snouts were tied shut.

Scarlet chuckled, her voice sickeningly sweet.

"They're persistent, you know. Had you accepted my offer, they would have heard every word of your betrayal. Unfortunately, you're so loyal to each other it's disgusting."

Clay held back tears as he looked at his sisters.

Glory was baring her teeth, her frills flaring dangerously. If she wasn't chained up, she would surely use her venom on the SkyWings' faces.

Tsunami sat quietly, staring up at Scarlet. Clay couldn't read her face, but he deeply wished he could at that moment. He tried to catch her eye, but she seemed to be avoiding him.

"Guards, take them away." Scarlet clapped her talons together. "See that the SeaWing is ready for the arena tomorrow."

Clay's throat closed up. "Wait." He choked. "You can't send her to fight yet."

One guard lifted their spear, but Scarlet lifted a talon, motioning to stop. "And why wouldn't I send her in, little dragonet?"

Clay set his jaw. "She's not ready to fight. I'm the oldest, let me go first."

Chains clanked against each other as Tsunami perked up. 

Scarlet smiled. "Well, why don't we see what the SeaWing has to say about that?"

A guard untied the chains in one fluid motion, and the blue dragon opened her mouth.

"Don't let him go." She hesitated, her voice quiet. "If you really hate SeaWings, prove it. Give me your worst."

"I like the enthusiasm." Scarlet smirked.

"Tsunami, please." Clay pleaded. "I'll get you out of here." 

He turned to Scarlet. "Do whatever you want with me, just let them go."

Just when Tsunami was about to argue, the queen clapped her talons together. "This is getting awfully exciting, but I believe I've made up my mind." 

All attention was on Scarlet.

"If both of you would like to fight, so be it. Tomorrow will be especially thrilling, won't it?"

Glory tried to say something, her voice muffled by the chains. 

"Don't think I've forgotten about you, RainWing. Your time will come shortly. Guards, escort them out."

The dragonets tried to protest, but the guards were already pulling them away.

"Tsunami! What are you doing?" Clay roared. 

"We're going to die here one way or another." She snarled. "You're just making things complicated."

"We can get out!" He insisted. "Don't give up. They'll come for us. Asha wouldn't leave us behind."

"Yes, they would." Tsunami snapped. "Don't you get it? We're not important to the Talons. As long as Starflight arrives safely, they don't give two claws about what happens to us. So save yourself the trouble and accept that we're going to die."

Clay tried to find a response. Anything. But his throat dried up, and soon he was pulled away from her. He feared this may be the last time he spoke to his sister.

Clay felt particularly small as he arrived back at his pillar. 

"What happened?" He recognized Fjord's voice but it took all his effort to understand what the IceWing was saying. "You look terrible."

"Yeah." Clay replied weakly. He turned away and curled up to sleep for the night, though he didn't feel tired. Luckily, Fjord didn't press further.

Clay didn't get any sleep. He spent hours turning over different conversations. Different actions. Anything he could have done to avoid this. 

It seemed like he laid there forever, but when the sun showed its face on the horizon, the night melted away and he wished he had more time.

Clay scanned his surroundings. On one side, Fjord was fast asleep. The other side was empty.

He looked farther, trying desperately to catch a glimpse of familiar scales. 

Was Tsunami right? Would Asha just leave him behind to die?

She couldn't. She made sure the dragonets stayed together at all costs. His necklace was proof of that. Right?

Clay was just a kid. If Asha cared at all, she wouldn't give him so much responsibility. She left him behind, and the necklace meant she wouldn't be accountable for their deaths.

Clay would be accountable for their deaths instead.

Tears started to form, and he let them run down his cheeks until his eyes hurt.

His face was still soaked in tears when a dragon approached.

"...Um. I'm sorry, I'll come back later."


Clay sniffed, desperately wiping away any trace of tears on his face. "No, please stay."

Peril hesitated, prompting Clay to move to the side of his pillar so she had room to land. Because the pillars were meant to hold adult dragons, there was enough space for the two to sit comfortably, even with the risk of firescales. 

Peril dropped a rabbit in front of him, which Clay didn't even notice that she was carrying the whole time. It was completely charred and engulfed in smoke.

"...That's okay. I'm not hungry." 

"You haven't eaten since you arrived." Peril replied, avoiding eye contact.

"I really don't feel like it. Please." 

"You can't starve yourself to death. Believe me, many have tried."

It was apparent that Peril wouldn't take no for an answer, so Clay reluctantly started to eat. When he took the first bite, he suddenly became aware of just how hungry he was. 

Clay missed food so much.

"So. I never got your name."

"Clay" He replied with his mouth full.

"Clay." Peril repeated. "It fits you."

He ate in silence until the rabbit was completely finished. 

"Feel better now?"

"Yeah. Thanks." Clay's voice was genuine. "I still feel like crying, though."

"I heard what happened. You really… care about these dragons, don't you?"

"I do." They locked eyes.

Peril turned away quickly. "That's cool, I guess. I've never had anyone like that. Most dragons are scared of me."

"You are a bit scary." Clay managed a laugh. "It doesn't help that your job is to kill dragons. I could never do that."

"You're so weird." Peril turned back to him, eyes wide. 

Clay smiled.

"You know I have to kill you, too. I'm not supposed to get attached to anyone." Peril's tone completely changed. 

"Why do you even work for Scarlet? She just makes you do horrible things."

"...It's complicated." 

Clay reached to put an arm on Peril's shoulder, but hesitated just in time. Peril noticed.

"Scarlet was going to make you fight the SeaWing." Peril blurted. "I'm sorry. But I fixed it. You're welcome. Don't tell anyone."

"What?" Clay exclaimed.

"I know all the arena matchups she has planned. She wanted to make you two fight, but I changed her mind, and if she finds out, I'm dead, so please don't tell her, okay?"

They paused.

Clay didn't even want to think about what would happen if Peril didn't help him.

"Why?" He managed.

"I don't know. Please don't make me think about it."

Clay looked at her. "I- I don't know what to say. Thank you. I owe you my life. I could never live with myself if I had to fight my siblings."

Peril studied him. Clay suddenly looked down and gasped.

Peril followed his gaze.

Their tails were touching, and Clay felt no pain. Only butterflies in his stomach.