little scene

1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 6 months ago

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Chapter 1

"ROSAAAA~" Aelia waved her dominant hand in the air with a big and bright smile on her face, her eyes near shut due to the size of her smile. Rosalina tilted her head in the direction, only having to look a little to the side to see her best friend. A small smile graced her face as she giggled a bit "Hi Aelia" more soft spoken than her pal, it was practical muscle memory as her body pushed her out of the chair she was sitting in. Aelia hurriedly ran over to her friend and before Rosalina had taken a few steps she was quickly wrapped in a hug that a bear couldn't compare to.

"I missed you!" Aelia did a full body wiggle rocking Rosa side to side as she hugged Aelia back, silencing the wiggles her friend created. "It's only been a few hours-"

"It feels like it's been forever already" Aelias body practically melted as she 'moped'. Letting Rosa go and Rosa doing the same she hopped up and down excitedly in a small rotating form. "I can't wait to show you everything I learned today!" Rosa stopped, legs together and hands up to her chest in a cute little pose she giggled with little stomps before grabbing Rosas hand "I need to show you something first though!~" Her tone was similar to a song bird, a very happy one at that. Something You'd hear early in the morning when you've just awoken. How ever it was the middle of the day and people did not fairly appreciate the shouting while they studied.

"Aelia quiet down.." Rosas voice was loud enough for the excited woman to hear before she covered her mouth whipping her head back to Rosa "Oh- Sorry.." Rosa gave a slight 'heh' before shrugging with a nod "What were you going to show me?" Rosa watched the dissappointment from Aelias eyes be rapidly replaced by the excitement A whisper yell of response as the two walked down the sidewalk "It's in my dorm- but you're going to love it!"