Clangen: SunClan

With disaster having befallen CreekClan, the story continues as three survivors continue their clan's legacy in their new home...

AKA Clangen updated and I borked it and lost all my save data. And then I realized I borked the update and had to start all over again :'D

This exists purely for my entertainment and organizational purposes, and I update the cats's THs after a play session (which is a year, and said updating takes a while). Feel free to read along if you like

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Continued from Clangen: CreekClan...

CreekClan's deputy, Rowanheart, along with her mate Sparrowbriar and friend Jayleaf made the journey to their new home, a place where the sun goes to die in a river so great you cannot even see the other side. But even though the trip from their old territory was long and arduous, they didn't end up traveling alone. By the time they arrived at the sun-drown place, they'd picked up a group of loners over the course of their journey: Snips and her kit Violet, the elderly Pear, Heather and her kit Ragweed, Nettle, and Ponds.

But finally, finally, they were here. This was the sign Cloudwater had given them; their new home would be at the edge of where the sun comes to drown. Together, everyone worked to set up camp in a promising spot on the beach, with caves, scraggly bushes, and driftwood to seek shelter in for dens and little pools for fresh water.

Given that only Rowanheart, Sparrowbriar, and Jayleaf had warrior training, and Rowanheart had previously been deputy, it was only right that Rowanheart step up as their new clan's leader. The entire group though was involved in deciding its name; in the end, after several rejected suggestions, Pear pointed out that they had a simple way of solving the problem: name it after Rowanheart, much to the she-cat in question's panicked dismay. She shot it down rather more heatedly than she probably should have, and after some debate the group decided that since half the cats in question weren't even clanborn, not even including any unborn kits into the equation, sticking to that tradition probably wasn't for them. After all, the founding had been a group effort, had it not?

In the end, Ponds's suggestion of naming it after StarClan's sign for them to follow, the dying sun, was the one voted on. And so SunClan came to be.

Name decided, the cats began exploring SunClan's new territory, the beachlands so different from the river, cliffsides, or grasslands the cats had known before. Eventually, Heather found a strange, echoing pool in a cave full of moss, and upon closer inspection, the cats realized that they could see Silverpelt in the still waters, despite it being completely covered. This was StarClan's sacred site, they knew. And it was here in the Cave of Echoes where Rowanheart received her nine lives and truly became Rowanstar of SunClan.

The three warriors began training their new clanmates in their ways, and the cats slowly settled in to their new lives. Heather, perhaps unsurprisingly, felt StarClan's call to become a medicine cat, and would take her lessons in the Cave of Echoes. By the time the other adult loners were named Snipheart, Pearivy, and Pondtail as warriors, Heather had finished her medicine cat training and taken on the name Heatherbrook.

The clan was ready. They had their leader, their medicine cat, their- oop, their medicine cat was giving birth, time to slightly panic. Thankfully Briarkit’s birth was an uncomplicated one, albeit a bit early. Good thing they'd prepped for this, what with a heavily expecting mother in the group!

But now, now SunClan was ready. These cats would rise from the ashes of destruction, and thrive in the place where the sun comes to die.