wc dump 2!

1 year, 9 months ago
10 months, 18 days ago
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Entry 4
Published 1 year, 9 months ago

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Romantic moment between Muddedshine + Wish

Muddedshine sat near the bank of the river that wasn't too far away from Whisper Winds' camp. He had been escaping away from his clan's camp quite often nowadays.. all he wanted to do was spend his time with Wish, honestly! He peered down into the water he sat in front of, a big grin on his face. He believed he looked great! Feeling confident, he rose to his feet, okay! Wish should be here soon. He glanced around himself; yep, the flower petals were spread, there was a pile of lovely, tasty berries, and there was a pile of moss and soft, green leaves for them to sit in. Everything was perfect! All that was missing was Wish himself.

Wish had been looking forward to spending time with Muddedshine for days. He wasn't sure if it was a date (the way Muddedshine had described it was confusing), but he had high hopes! A romantic moment with Muddedshine... Wish purred as he thought about it; honestly, any moment with Muddedshine was a good moment, especially a romantic one! His eyes sparkled as he wandered through the forest. He couldn't wait to get to their designated meet-up spot!

The lonesome tom took a long time to get to the meet-up spot. It was no longer bright out, but luckily, it wasn't dark yet. The sky was a gorgeous shade of orange, with streaks of pink and blue here and there; the sun in the distance slowly set while the moon was gradually rising. The sight Wish was greeted by - Muddedshine sitting in a soft pile of moss, petals of various red flowers scattered around him, and a pile of berries a few inches in front of him.

"Wish!" Muddedshine greeted with a grin; sure, he was annoyed that Wish had taken so long. But really? How could he stay mad! He was too happy to see him, anyway! Any moment he could spend with him was a sacred moment he would never want to waste feeling upset. He let out a purr. "Get lost on your way here? I was getting a little worried you weren't going to show!"

Wish grinned in response and padded over. He sat down beside Muddedshine and leaned on him a little. "Yeah, maybe a little lost. But here I am! I was rather worried that I wouldn't make it back here, but I am proud to announce that I have, in fact, made it, and I am available to spend time with you for however long you can stay out... How long can you stay with me, Muddedshine?"

"Ah, well... the sun has begun going down by now. However, I won't begin my walk back to camp until darkness falls upon us. So, until then, we've got some berries to savor, soft moss and leaves to lay in, and I honestly chose this spot so we can look out over the river!" Muddedshine purred in response, a prideful glint found in his eyes. He knew this was wrong - to be falling for a loner, but oh, how his heart ached! Now that he had Wish, he never wanted to lose him. The level of attachment he felt, especially after the past visions he had received... All he could see in his future was this handsome tom. "And it's a close source of water to drink. Quite the steal of a deal, huh?"

"I love it here!" Wish announced to Muddedshine, purring in his cheery voice. He nuzzled the side of Muddedshine's muzzle before he moved into a laying position. He didn't rest his head down on his legs, yes. His heart warmed and glowed whenever he was around Muddedshine, and he didn't quite know why! He felt he could count each of the twinkling stars in the sky if it meant spending an extra moment in his presence! Whenever they were separated, he felt almost cold on the inside. But the moment he was with him, the whole world seemed to shine just one light brighter! "What type of berries did you gather?"

Muddedshine moved to lay down, too and subconsciously twirled his long, sleek tail around Wish's long, soft, and furry tail. "Some blackberries, raspberries, a couple of blueberries, and mulberries. I was unsure which type you'd like most, so I got a large variety! All the types I could find, I gathered. Hopefully, you enjoy them!"

"Everything about this place is wonderful, including the berries. Even the flower petals are gorgeous... Ah, look at how they spin in the light breeze!" Wish looked off at the petals spinning in the gentle breeze. "So peaceful and elegant!" He exclaimed before facing the pile of berries. He leaned forward and took a few into his mouth, slowly chewing and swallowing the small variety he had picked up.

"Yeah, that's pretty!" Muddedshine deeply purred in response. He leaned against him in return and closed his eyes. He let out a soft sigh. Ah, he couldn't imagine this moment being any other way. "Wish?"

"Yeah?" Wish rested his muzzle on his front paws and closed his eyes. This was the most perfect moment he had ever spent with Muddedshine.

"I'm feeling sleepy... what if we went to sleep for a little while before I have to go for the night and return to my clan? I would love to lay with you, even if we don't sleep." Muddedshine rested his muzzle on his front paws. He felt incredibly comfortable, warm, and genuinely felt all melty on the inside. He was ready to just... sleep!

"Alright, yeah. Let's sleep! And when we get up, I can walk you halfway back to your clan's camp?" The loner warmly offered. Of course, he was willing to spend additional time with Muddedshine! Any time with him is a good time... and a nap?! Of course, he'd love to take a nap!

Together, the two toms cuddled up on their bed of fresh, gentle leaves and soft, emerald moss. Red, plucked petals from various flowers swirled around them from the light wind blowing them about. They cuddled close, effortlessly bringing each other warmth and comfortable; they sheltered each other from the harsh outside world. All they knew at that moment was each other.