wc dump 2!

1 year, 6 months ago
7 months, 16 days ago
9 6766

Entry 5
Published 1 year, 6 months ago

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Muddedshine laid back in his den. All of the work that had been going on lately was deeply exhausting, but now? He could finally rest! At least, he thought he could. He felt the rumbling of hunger in his stomach.. ah, great. It was late, he was hungry, and he already knew their food supply was diminishing. And aside from that, it would be wrong to eat while no other cat was eating, let alone awake. He let out a huff and rolled over - so much for having excitement over receiving a calm, peaceful sleep...

When morning hit, he pounced to his paws. He was determined to join the morning's early patrol! Muddedshine zipped out of the den, and hurried to the center of the camp, where Mossstar could be found with Sunstone, ordering other cats what he wanted to do and when. As soon as the warrior approached his leader, Mossstar gazed at him. "Mossstar," Muddedshine greeted, but continued before he could reply, "I am looking to join the morning patrol today. Or, perhaps the late morning hunt? Where am I useful most?"

"Hm, the morning patrol could use another cat. You're welcome to join either, though. Which would you prefer?" Mossstar replied, but was visibly annoyed at how rushed Muddedshine was. He had just woken, only to hurry along and subtly demand to join a hunt or patrol? Calm down. "There's also the midday hunt... Actually, here's what you're going to do. You're going to join this morning's patrol, then later in the day, you're going to join the midday hunt. Perhaps I'll even send you to gather herbs! We'll have to see, won't we? Go join Rosestripe - she's going to be leaving with the patrol shortly."

Muddedshine let out a huff; yeah, alright, lesson learned. He followed the instructions given, regardless of what arrogance laced his leader's words, and padded over to Rosestripe. The molly was more than happy to take Muddedshine along with her, seeing how it would be only her and one other cat, otherwise. It was only a few moments before they set off, out of camp, and into the forest that surrounded their camp.

Together, Muddedshine and Rosestripe patrolled the edges of the territory that shared boundary lines with another clan. When all was done, they began heading back to camp together. Their walk was rather sluggish, as their entire patrol had been uneventful; they were walking slow to ensure they wouldn't need to turn back for any reason at all.

Unfortunately for them, midway into their walk, Muddedshine and Rosestripe heard a snap! behind them. Rosestripe was never known to be bold, brave, nor even adventurous. The cowardly feline was sent into a panic, and she fled the scene, abandoning Muddedshine to fend for himself alone. Muddedshine watched his fellow warrior flee the area; he watched her run away, tensing up as his eyes narrowed. How pathetic, honestly.

The tense, abandoned warrior turned around to look at what had snapped behind him. He stared for a moment, in disbelief. Wish...? He padded over to the feline and looked up at him. Out of all the things he had expected to see that morning, the lone tom wasn't even on the list! "Wish! What're you doing here?"

"I was looking for you, actually!" Wish proudly announced; he was thrilled! He found the one feline he was searching for, above all odds. "I thought I saw another cat with you, though. What happened to them? I hope I didn't scare them! I didn't mean to, if that's what happened."

"Ah, don't worry about her. She's a coward with the title of 'warrior'," Muddedshine grumbled under his breath, then smiled. "She was supposed to be patrolling with me, which we did, then we were to go back to camp. But, truthfully, I'm not ready to go back to camp! And with you here... do you want to go on a little, secret hunt with me? I have to bring back some of what we catch to my clan, though."

"Oh! Yes, I would like to go on a hunt with you! I have never hunted with another cat before, though. Is it going to be hard to coordinate?" Wish excitedly responded, his voice clearly full of cheer and glee.

Muddedshine relaxed and shook his head. "No. I've been on plenty of hunts in squads before, and it's not too difficult. It might be a little difficult at first, since we've never hunted together, and I've never seen you hunt before, and vise versa, but I think we're going to do alright."

"Okay, then yeah! Let's hunt together!" Wish's tail flicked back and forth as he imagined hunting with who he considered to be his only friend. "Are we hunting now?"

"Yes, right now! Let's get going!" Muddedshine exclaimed in response. Wish's enthusiasm caused Muddedshine to feel rather excited over doing this with him, even if it wasn't exactly something he should even so much as be willing to do. However, he wasn't going to back down now, especially not when he knew he was going to be getting food. He was ready for a tasty bite and to spend some time with his secret friend!

Together, the two cats began walking back into the deep forest, as silent as they could (although, Wish was having a difficult time keeping quiet), on the prowl for prey, herbs, and edible berries.