The Mountain Journey

1 year, 9 months ago
1 year, 9 months ago
2 1076

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 9 months ago

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The top of the mountains is said to have a very sparkly lake, possibly even magical, at least that is what Juno, me, a male Amari, has read. I love to read, especially about the mountains. Someday I will take a journey to reach the top of them. For now I need to worry about my social life, having been reading almost all the time I have not made time to get to know any other Amari. 

I’m currently sitting out front of my den staring up at the mountains trying to think of what might actually be up top. I wish to draw these mountains but I am incapable so I just sit and observe, but then I see something. Another Amari potentially, but I have never seen another Amari looking towards the mountains with that adventurous look. They look at the mountains as if they have never seen something so beautiful and unique before, as if they want to … I should go up to them, my chance to make a friend. As I walk towards this Amari I see that they have big gray horns like a deer, they are very fluffy as if they are meant for the snow. 

The other Amari turns to me as if sensing my presence, “hello there,” the Amari says to me. They are a bit bigger than me, I realize as I’m looking up to them.

“Hello, I saw you looking at the mountains, are you interested in them?” I ask the other Amari, I am unsure what I should be saying… I hope they don’t think bad about me.

“Ah, yes I was and I was contemplating venturing up to the top, may I ask what is your name little Amari?” the other Amari replies.

“I am Juno, I live right over there,” I say as I point towards my den. My den is pretty lonely seeing as I live alone. “What is your name sir?” I ask him.

“Well little Juno, my name is Boreas, I do not live around here, I came to visit to see the mountains I’ve heard so much of. Have you ever explored these mountains?” He explains to me and expresses some interest in me, as no one else has. I’ve sort of been a loner.

“I actually have never explored the mountains, I’ve always been told to never go alone and I have no one else to go with so I have always just watched and observed the mountains, sometimes I write about them and how the different seasons affect the look of the mountain. Although it rarely ever changes there is a slight change in the tone of them.” I replied to him. He seems very intelligent, as if he were to have lived for many years, he is wise.

“Well then little cub, would you like to join me on my exploration?” he responds. I’m so baffled by him asking that I struggle to find the words to say to him. He goes to turn away when I finally manage a response.

“Yes, Boreas that would be an honor, I have always wanted to go up the mountains. Did you know that there is said to be a lake on top of them, maybe even magical?” I blurted out before he went to leave. 

“Ah little Juno, I see you like to read, I have only heard of the lake in very few books. Shall we make our way now, follow me and we shall learn everything we can of these mountains.” Boreas says as he gets up. I then walk up next to him as we trot towards the mountains.