The Mountain Journey

1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
2 1076

Chapter 2
Published 1 year, 6 months ago

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I went exploring these mountains alone. I don’t think that was a pretty good idea. Me, Keira, a female Amari, am alone in these mountains and I can not see a dang thing. Why do I have to be so impulsive? I should have waited to tag along with another Amari. Well so far the mountains have been beautiful, I thought the adventure was going so well until a snow storm started happening and now I can’t even see my own two front paws. I’m so impatient and I’ve been looking at these mountains for so long. Maybe not that long, it has only been a day or two that I’ve been observing them. I didn’t really know snow storms like this happened up here so I thought it was safe and clear and would be a quick up and down the mountains. It obviously didn’t turn out that way. 

“There is so much snow up here, Boreas,” I hear an Amari talking to another. I think I see a rough silhouette of them through all this snow.

“Ah little Juno, I think there is a blizzard ahead,” Boreas, Juno? Are those the two Amari’s names? I hope so.

“BOREAS, JUNO, CAN YOU HEAR ME?” I scream for their help, only hoping that I can find my way out of this confusing daze of snow. 

“Boreas, I think I see an Amari up ahead in that snow storm, I think they need our help, what do we do?” The one I assume is Juno asks Boreas for his help.

“Stay here and hold this rope Juno,” I think Boreas is coming to help me. I then see a silhouette of an Amari, very big with big deer like horns, coming towards me. I try to walk towards them but trip over something and yelp at the pain of the rock I landed on. “Little Amari, are you alright?” Boreas says as he reaches me and picks me up by the scruff of my neck. Boreas then follows the rope back to where Juno is standing waiting for the return of his older friend.

“Thank you, for the help, I am freezing,” I say as I finally get out of the snow storm. Boreas then hands me a blanket from his backpack. 

“I see you ventured here alone, not a very good idea I see, this is Juno and I am Boreas, will you allow us to know your name little Amari?” Boreas speaks with such a wise Amari's tone. 

“My name is Keira, I’m a little impulsive and wanted to really explore these mountains.” I say to them as we walk to a little clearing and lay down to rest.