No More Tricks

5 years, 3 months ago
5 years, 3 months ago
1 342

Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 3 months ago


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No more tricks

[BuC]Song written by Iceheart


[C]Setting :: takes place outside the clan territory, in the beautiful forest near a flower field at night with bright stars out. The forest is calming and the wind is blowing softly. 

[C]Main Characters :: Cedar + Sapphire

[C]Plot :: Cedar and Sapphire have a rough history together. They met each other when they were young as they were both kittypets and fell in love. Cedar and her escaped into the forest together as Cedar's owner disappeared and Sapphire's owners no longer wanted her. They both joined Shadowclan and Sapphire became power hungry with her eventually becoming Shadowclans leader. Cedar eventually escapes Shadowclan and joins Thunderclan to overpower her and throw her out from the clans. Deep inside Cedar still has feelings for her and cares about her, but knows going back to her would be toxic for him and would hurt him. The song should be about Cedar moving on and trying not to fall for Sapphires tricks again, knowing it would never work.[C]Length :: 20 lines

[C]Genre :: Moving on/break up

[C]⋆ ╤╤╤ ✯ ╤╤╤ ⋆


 [C]Power consumes all 

[C]Only one took the fall

 [C]You took the bait

 [C]And thought it was fate 


 [C]My darling dear, how could I not?

 [C]Don’t act like such a rat

[C]Your heart will come running back 

[C]From all of the strength you lack 


[C]No more tricks, no more plan

[C]You had your chance with the clans

[C]I’m through with this game 

[C]All it brought was pain[Cb]Sapphire

 [C]Oh, what a coward you are

 [C]Letting the past remain like a scar

 [C]Get over it, we still have the time 

[C]We never were committing a crime


[C]No more tricks, no more plans

[C]We’re through my dear

[C]I’m painting the picture perfectly clear 

[C]I will not be fooled no more 

[C]I’ll be ending our ‘game’ with a score

 [C]⋆ ╤╤╤ ✯ ╤╤╤ ⋆