A Heartfull Encounter

1 year, 5 months ago

Karyu lands on Hollow Bastion one more time after a while. This place always fills them with a mixed bag of emotions and memories; mostly good at least. They weren't expecting such a pleasant surprise.

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Karyu lands on Hollow Bastion one more time after a while. This place always fills them with a mixed bag of emotions and memories; mostly good at least. They walk down the road to the square, just to be surprised when they see that the place was surrounded by swarms and swarms of Heartless.

“What the- !?” they almost swear. The last time they visit Hollow Bastion things were bad, but not this much. Maybe they should ask Leon about it, he must know something.

Making a mental note to check the dungeon later, they keep their ways. With a list on their hand, they look for items: potions, ethers and the alike, to prepare for another journey. Maybe later they could ask if Merlin had any tips on advanced magic and even visit Aerith and the crew to see how they were going!

Nodding to themself they keep this plan in mind. Upon arriving the shopping plaza, Karyu looks for the item stores. Things were different from what they remember, so they took a while looking around to localize themself.

While checking around they see the duckling trio running away from something and soon they spot a Shadow going after them. Promptly they jump into the rescue, but as they approach only laughter was heard. The Heartless seems to be only playing mischief around with no harm done.

The duckling trio ran past them, keyblade in hand, as Karyu gets closer to the fiend. A little laughter could still be heard ‘is it coming from the Shadow?’ they thought. Before going for a heavy slash, they just bump their weapon on the creature head.

“Kya!” it squeaks

“K-kya?” they repeat, surprised “Wait, can you talk?” “Well, duh.”

But confusion just grows and Karyu stares the tiny creature completely dumbfold. “A Heartless that talks!?” they finally snap. “I’m no ‘Heartless’, silly!” she laughs on a high pitch tone “I’m just playing as one!”

The more the one in front of you tries to explain the situation the weirder it gets. “Playing as one...?” again, they repeat, still trying to understand anything at all. “Yes!” replies the playful fiend “I just took the form of one because I thought it’d be fun! And, oh, it IS!” “Hm, then” they insist “Why don’t you just go have fun on your, err…normal form?” “And break the magic?” the fiend waves her finger with great confidence, as if it isn’t the first time she goes on these mischief adventures “It’s much more fun this way!”

The confusion just keeps growing and they decided to stop asking and accept what the talking Heartless in front of them was saying. And indeed. Despite look like a Heartless, the one in front of them clearly had a lot of light – and they mean a LOT of light – within her. Without mention her eyes had a different hue of pink, that they have never seen in any Heartless before. Almost the same color as the heart that float free when you defeat one of them.

“But then…why a Heartless? Someone could hurt you…” Karyu was seriously concerned. “…” pulling the antenna of her talk partner she smiles playfully “Maybe the same reason you wear these…. maybe.”

Despite saying it she finally takes a proper look on the other attire, checking from top to bottom, smirking. “What...?” “You look edgy.” This hit harder than they expect, especially coming from a childish voiced Heartless. “I don’t want to hear it from you!”

Both laugh a bit, but soon a silence follow. “Name’s Karyu.” They break it “May I have yours?” “Hm.” She hums a bit, tilting her head as if pondering, but after a short pause she replies enthusiastic “Sachi! My name is Sachi!”

They couldn’t see it from the pitch-black face this form had, but they could tell Sachi had a big smile by how much light she started to emit. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sachi.” She gets even more radiant.


Before they could notice it, Karyu had a not-Heartless hanging on their head while they walk around. A popsicle on her mouth, Sachi doesn’t mind if the residents of Hollow Bastion stare weird at her. Meanwhile Karyu just ponder how a Heartless can eat ice cream, but would rather not make any more questions or their head would explode. “Hey.” They call her attention. “Hm?” She looks down, expect them to continue. “I’m going to visit Merlin-” “Oh. My. Gosh!” she interrupts “It sounds like a name of a powerful mage!” “He is…” they lower their voice “I guess….” “Is he!?” she asks, getting even more excited by each step Karyu takes closer. They clear their throat, continuing “So, I’m going to go meet him. I see you’d like to come, right?” “I do!” they had to hold their hoodie on place or else she’d not only fall but take the hoodie with her with all the excitement. “I get it, I get it.” Patting her head, they warn “You may startle them with this…form, so stay behind me.”

Despite the warn they could hear a devilish giggle echoing on their ears. After a short walk by feet and a few slashes of their keyblade, the weird duo arrives a tiny house. Opening the door, the two are welcomed by a small ninja girl, who greets the one in front of her with a big smile and a loud welcome, soon calling the gang attention.

However, as the other approach, Leon quickly pulls his gun-sword – just to make them wonder where the hell he took that weapon from!? – but, again, no more questions… “Wow, wow, this is fine, she’s with me!” they had to point out before he attacks not only the exotic Heartless, but their head as well. “Wha-…” he just stares the two of them, with his black expression and unamused frown.

Aerith soon approach as well, bending a bit to check the pink-eyed fiend. She smiles and Sachi smiles back “I like this little.” She affirms, making everybody else in the room sigh relieved but Leon. “Then, where’s Merlin?” Sachi finally jumps off their head, looking around. Everybody in the room gets jumpy again as she talks and Karyu could only nod in understanding. Yuffie, whoever, had to push down Leon weapon, before he does anything impulsive.

“Did I hear my name?” the eccentric magician gets in the scene, hoho-ing his way in, until he almost bump on Sachi “Heartless, here!?”

He jumps, preparing his wand, but Karyu, interrupts him, waving their hands. When Merlin checks again the little fiend had wide eyes over him, and a tiny “wow” could be heard. “A real mage!!” she approaches with great excitement.

First, he takes a few steps back, but relax noticing that the creature in front of him had no darkness within her, despite being a Heartless. “W what an interesting little fella” he babbles, fixing his glasses. “Karyu said you could show me cool trick! Like only a real mage could!” “Oh, they did, didn’t they?” he fixes his beard, pondering how to show off to that tiny creature. But with some waves of his wand – and a few furniture moving around on its own – he summon a little firework show and handles it to her. “Woah!” her eyes shine as she holds it on her own hands.

Karyu smiles and let their new ‘Heartless’ friend enjoy her time as they gather a few things needed for their next journey.


After the fireworks show is over Sachi thank Merlin properly and jump on Karyu hoodie again. “What will you show me next?” she asks, confident that they could take her to many other fun places. “Let’s me see…” they start, counting on their fingers “Buy some items.” “Boring…” she boos. “Hm, buy some more ice cream.” “Getting better…” “Fight some really-mean-Heartless.” “Adventure!” “Then save another world!” “Oooh!!” her pink eyes shine again as she beams even more light “Can you do it too?” “Too?” but Sachi coughs, changing subject “Well, I’m not good with the whole portal-thing, but I just saved a few worlds before. You wanna come?” “Yeah! Let’s be heroes!!” then she pauses “We’ll still make breaks for ice cream, right?” “Of course we will.”

Author's Notes

Just a fun idea. Sachi likes to play pranks and change forms. That sure catch Karyu off guard.