Dynasty of the Dragons : The Glimpse

1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
3 4150

Chapter 2
Published 1 year, 5 months ago

Explicit Sexual Content Explicit Violence

Parts, snippets, and glimpse of Dynasty of the Dragons : a Berserk fan-project.

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Dynasty of the Dragons : Meeting Again


When the first columns of the castle showed up, Guts retained a relief to escape from between his lips from the sight of a place he had so well known once upon a time. The familiar sound of wings and the striking wind came to his ears, as he thought of how he’d save Casca from her pain. The latter looked terrified. She had heard of Yis. Stories, legends, myths, but the fact Guts seemed so confident in getting there… made her quiver in fear. The brunette had heard of those dragons. Those people, who showered Midland with their fire so many times she couldn’t even count them properly any more. 

“We’re getting there! Casca!” shouted the black knight in the shining onyx armor. 

A growl resounded in the region, from the peak of the mountain. A growl Guts known. Ramel. She was still alive… He even hoped she wouldn’t eat them out on the spot if she ever saw them. The she-dragon must've smelled them from afar… Well… mostly him. 

On the side of the lake, a white dragon stared at them gently. Puck pocked the Blacksword wielder’s in a silent question. Guts shrugged and offered him a smirk. 

“This is Aydeor. Wanna see him from close?” asked the Berserker. “Are you sure he ain’t gonna eat us ?” answered Farnese. Guts shook his head negatively, while Casca arched an eyebrow. “No. Aydeor is a social dragon. He stays here often to see the passengers. He is like a big dog. A very big dog. He also keeps the doors of the palace, when he remains there.” explained the dark-haired man. 

Isidro seemed perplexus. But stayed silent.  If Guts trusted those beasts then… What could he answer ? The knight shifted their boat to the left side of the coast to reach the white dragon, the latter giving him what was the closest from a big smile. Guts headed his head towards the dragon’s and petted him gently, while the white giant smelled the boat and brushed his head against Casca. 

“He seems to like you,” whispered Guts. Casca appreciated the contact. It had been a long time since she felt a heartfelt presence near her. Although the fangs of the dragon terrified her. She also felt comfort from him. “Hm,” was her only answer. Guts looked down for a second, almost deceived the woman he loved was in such catatonia. 

Aydeor seemed to get on his legs, before getting into the water and almost turning the boat down due to his weight. Guts tilted his head to the side, before seeing the beast’s head emerge from the waters and bit the ring to drag the wooden boat to the dock. Like he wanted to help. Inside, Guts felt a certain relief to be back here : Yis was a relaxing place. Almost out of this world. And he hoped, deep down, he wouldn’t bring it misery. 

“Thank you, Aydeor,” murmured Guts at the attention of the white creature, the latter growling friendly to him before swimming to get back on the coast. 

But, soon after, it was another dragon that’d welcome them. The one Guts knew all too well : Ramel. The Wonder of Amethyst and Onyx, the Champion of Yis. But also the Dragon of a woman he had once loved like he did for Casca : Maera Laeliare the Ist. The shadow of the beast engulfed their figures, as all members of the blacksword’s party but Guts, laid on the ground out of fear, the fighter stayed still. 

He had waited for her, and he was certain she did the same for him. 

Ramel landed on the peak of a hill, near them. She growled hard. Like a roaring beast. She was resplendent. Her scales shining under the whitened sun of the snowed sky of winter. Ramel then walked steadily at their direction, her mouth opening at the sight of the strangers that seemed to have invaded an area she looked protective of. 

“Guts…” began Serpico, wary of the beast that terrified them. The Berserker smiled and walked onwards, surpassing his group. Like he fought for dominance with the 158ft grand beast. “Are you gone nuts?!” asked Puck. Guts shook his head : he knew Ramel wouldn’t touch them. 

“Ramel… I came from the East to see your rider. I wouldn’t come here if not for something I consider…” he turned his head to Casca before focusing again on the dragon. “Important. You know this. You know me. Please, let us pass. Guide us, even.”

The Dragon remained silent. Like she seemed to think about his demand. His pleading. A few minutes after, Ramel laid on the ground and indicated Guts to climb on her back. The Warrior smiled and thanked the creature with it before asking Casca to get up and go with him. “I won’t.” 

“Casca…” he began. Of course, she wouldn’t trust him. Not after all of that. Not with how she was at the moment. In this state. “She won’t hurt you. She’s not dangerous.” Casca sarcastically let a laugh escape her pink lips, her bronze skin tarnished by the lack of sun. “She is the beast that showered the Midland of Blackfire, wasn’t she ? I remember her.”  

Guts shook his head. He understood her point. But he also disliked the fact his friends might disrespect the Dragons and the Laeliare’. Mostly the Dragons. Because, well, they’d react soon enough to it. Ramel wouldn’t possess any further patience. “Yes, but they were at war. You cannot blame them for what they’ve done at war. Midland tried to invade them more times they can count.” 

Casca rolled her eyes. Her relationship with Guts hardened with time, but all they did was to lose themselves. The fighter, in this impossible quest to restore who she was, and her, to fight the memories. But, encouraged by Farnese, Casca eventually accepted to climb on Ramel’s back. Settling the belt, They all then flew right to the palace, instead of walking.

“DRAGON!” They heard being yelled in the citadel by the dragonkeepers, Guts indicated Ramel to land at the doors of the keep before getting off himself, Casca, and the rest of the Team out of the Dragon’s back. At arrival, the guards aimed their pikes at him. While, the General, did not. Instead, the blond-haired man walked in their direction, staring at the Berserker. 

“How long it’s been, Lady Ramel must’ve been in a good day to let you ride her, after five years. What makes you come over with your folks?” 

Guts swallowed. How could he explain this without getting into trouble ? Without telling too much ? 

“I-… Need to see King Laenar and Princess Maera. It’s an emergency and… Personal. If you might get me an audience as a favor of the war I once fought in for Yis, I’d appreciate.” 

The General closed his eyes for a couple of seconds, in which the Berserker closed his fists in wait for an answer. But, at his own relief, the Commander of the Watch intimidated them to go after him. Farnese gave a quick glance behind them, watching the Dragon get back into the skies. She was anxious. She had heard so many stories about Dragons before… 

The insides didn’t change at all. Stones, polished dragons scales and tiles. Carves of tales of Yis, wonders of gold and silvers and a throne that he had stared at so many times. Guts struggled to swallow for a second, but kept his eyes on the decorations. Just as the others did, mesmerized by the architecture of such a place they had never seen before. 

“It’s… Dreamy,” began Schierke. The ceilings were tall enough to let a small to medium Dragon walk freely through the halls, and the throne room could’ve supported one of a bigger size even. 

Soon after, King Laenar opened the doors.  Guts noticed immediately the cane next to his legs. Like to help himself to walk. But, to his own surprise, his smile didn’t fade at all. 

“I-... Got out of my bed as soon the Commander came to tell me of your arrival. Knight,” began the old man, heading towards his seat. “I couldn’t let an old friend of our dynasty in such trouble, for you to come sought us like you did.”

“Indeed, Majesty…”

“No formalities, my Boy. Call me Laenar from now on, wouldn’t you ? My sweet girl will come soon enough, she’s a bit occupied, you see. Lance isn’t home yet, he is gone to the borders to check on the troops and trade of our fish.” The King sat, breathing out when he was done walking. “So, my boy, would you introduce me to your friends ? Or may we let them do so? After that, we’ll discuss what troubles you enough to seek help from the Dragons.” 

Against himself, Guts felt comforted at the sound of the old man’s voice, and the way he uses to call him “My Boy” softly. Casca had widened his eyes a bit at this. She didn’t exactly know what had happened in Yis. Nobody did… except of Guts. Always Guts, in the end. It always came back to… him. And Him only. 

Farnese started, when Puck followed, until Schierke spoke finally out and Isidro candidly introduced himself. Ivalera and Roderick were intimidated, but eventually copied the others, Magnifico, as joyful as he was, politely explained who he was. Azan and Isma followed… Until yes laid upon Casca and her remaining silence. 

Guts stepped forward, ready to speak before she could,  but her vocal cords resonated in the throne room of the Dragon’s Daedalus. 

“I am… Casca. I used to be a member of the Band of the Falcon…” 

“A beautiful name, my child. I am delighted my Boy trusts our house enough to come and introduce us to the one he loves.” The King gave a gentle smile to the brunette before giving his attention back to the giant knight. “My Boy… I don’t know what has happened to you to have changed so much. To have grown so much. But I am ready to hear your plead, if you may.” 

Guts stepped inwards, surpassing Casca and then bending the knee to the sovereign while the latter listened closely. But, before he could even start to speak, the double doors opened. The figure of a woman showing off. A curvaceous figure that Guts recognized between hundreds. A mane of black curly hair laid back freely until the end of her back. The black dress, she wore, was layered by a fabric on which gold leafs were carved in.  

“Guts !” yelled the woman with all her voice, a syllable that send shivers down his spine as the feminine woman dashed to him to get closer. 

But she froze at the size of this prosthetic arm and the scar upon his eye. 

“My sweet Maera… We were just about to discuss our guest’s demand. Would you like your seat ?” 

“No, Father. I may stand still beside our friend. I am so sorry I am late. Furthermore, I had to take care of-…” 

“I know, my child. You have your duties. If you don’t mind, I would like to now hear Guts.” 

“As you wish, Father.” 

The King smiled, and the room went silent until Guts decided to speak. Maera kept her eyes on him, staring at his armour and the sword he had behind his back. This, but also the white strand of hair and once again, this scar. Guts knew she had questions. That she urged to ask him. 

But he told her not to. Silently. In a gaze. Not now. 

“My… well, Casca, has been deeply wounded by someone I once had called a friend. My closest one, even. So deeply, amnesia gained her. It’s been four years, I fight recklessly to help her. And we won. We made her gain back her memories but… She is not well, not yet. And this is why I came to seek the Dragons. To use of your help with magic. Your knowledge. To fix this. I do not wish to have control, but only to give her what she has lost.” 

Casca looked down. Voided by Guts’s words. The memories of Griffith’s touch upon her body coming back and forth. So much, she wanted to puke. Maera stepped closer, trying to give a gentle smile to Casca who did not answer to such. 

“May have I knowledge of that man’s villainous act, my Boy ? So we can know how to help her best.” 

Guts clenched his fist, retaining a growl from his throat as he remembered the Eclipse and the memories of Griffith causing the worst treason towards the ones he used to call comrades. The ones who had helped him. 

“He sacrificed our band. Our friends. For his own sake. He made them all be killed by Apostles… Hideous creatures, Laenar. And for Casca… He ruined her,” explained Guts, in an attempt to avoid the word that could trigger further pain. 

“I see. We’ll try to help our best to settle your matter, my Boy. Do you plan on staying?”

“If we’re no-...” 

“No, you’re not, My Boy. Stay as long your wish and need are. You will all be given rooms.” 

Guts nodded, thanking the King as Casca walked and twisted her fingers together, captivating the attention of all on her. “May I have one request, your Majesty?”

“Any of them, my Child.” 

“I would prefer a room alone, if you don’t mind offering me one. One away from my friends. I wish to find some time alone.” 

 The King smiled, searching Guts’s approbation from a far. The latter was hurt. Knowing perfectly that, the one Casca was avoiding, was him. 

“Of course, Child. Thus, your baths will be alone as well, but if you need any help, I’ll order maids to stay nearby, so you can use of their services.” 

“Thank you…” 

In his bedroom, Guts twirled his sword in the air. Laying halfway on his bed, he was thinking. Sure, he understood how Casca felt towards him… But… The distance she had put between them, touched him. He had tried to avoid Griffith’s rape when Casca was around at the King’s court, but the gazes of Maera and Laenar made him get he has been very-well understood by the concerned ones. 

Guts got on his legs, when a knock went heard against his door. His sleepy voice shouted “enter” before seeing the figure of Maera standing upstraight at the doorstep. Arms’s crossed, uplifting her voluptuous chest, whose cleavage was uncovered by fabric. Her face didn’t change over the chance, though matured a bit by the almost six years they had been separated. 

“What happened to you?” 


She sighed, closing her eyes a second. 

“What happened to you ?” 

Guts blinked twice before Maera closed the door behind them, picking the key and turning it in twice before stepping in. Getting closer, the Black knight walked towards her. She was still short. Insanely short, compared to his gigantic stature. “A lot. What do you mean, exactly?” 

“The arm. The eye. The woman you’ve brought. Over five years I haven’t seen you. And when I do, you lack of an eye and an arm, you have a troop, and you tell my dad about murders and rape. Guts…” she paused. 

She cupped his cheeks with her hands, forcing him to set eyes onto hers. Browns against amethyst. The Knight appreciated the contact, against himself. Was it being unfaithful to Casca ? To let her touch him ? She was Maera… was it wrong he never told Casca about what has happened between him and the dragonrider ? “I… Griffith’s triggered the Eclipse, and it summoned Apostles and…” he stopped, swallowing hard as, Maera pushed him towards the bed to force him to sit down with her. 

“He murdered Judeau, Pippin, Corkus and Gaston. Only Casca, Rickert and I are still alive. Then he… he raped her. In front of me. I ripped my arm off trying to save her, and I lost my eye in battle. This is what happened. "

He caught disbelief in her eyes as Maera swirled her fingers gently against the scar on his face, he hummed the perfume she wore. Still the same one as before. She struck her nose against his. He did not reject her. Because she was Maera. She taught him what touch was again, she taught him to recognize a sweet touch. And it was somewhat thanks to her got to make love to Casca. To say he loved her. 

“I am sorry this happened to you and your friends. There are no words to give you enough of an apology, because we all know you suffered too much. But you are courageous, and I am relieved to see you did not forget about me even after all this time.” 

“How could I ? Your family, you, took care of me… Your father calls me his…” 

“His boy. Yes. Because, to him, you are the perfect vision of a son. And you are still the knight who almost died for his little girl.” 

“I would do it twice, Maera.” 

“I know, Guts. I know. But now isn’t the matter of reminiscing about the past. It’s to heal the mind of the one you gave an oath to protect. Am I wrong ?” 

He nodded calmly, catching each syllable of Maera’s honey voice as the woman sweetly brushed his hair off his face, happy she had found him again. “We’re gonna help her. I will help her.”

Oh, he never doubted it.