Information Doc

1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago
8 5724

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 4 months ago

For all of the main information and plot hooks for Nacht. Many started as notes in my physical notebook before then being transferred into word. Longer specific fics will probably get their own entry, especially if I go into more detail from it.

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Basic Information

A Nightmare who has gained more sentience than the rest of the herd. Within this sentience he desired to be known as his own thing, and not just ‘another Nightmare’, thus developing his sprite like form.
He has taken a liking to humanity, they’re strange but interesting, especially with the behaviour of teens. He still needs to feed off of people’s fear to survive, but ensures not to push it too far as to not harm those he’s feeding from.
They’ve been taught how to speak, English, but it’s still hard for them to wrap their head around. Due to it being their second language it’s also not where his mind goes for communication, especially in a rush. One of the main ways it communicates with other beings when needed, is that it can loosen some of it’s Nightmare Sand from his form, creating ‘pictures’ to dictate what it’s trying to say.

Basic Information:


 -Though it doesn’t care too much about pronouns, it still lacks a real sense of self after being in a herd for so long.

Species: Nightmare
 -Though it prefers it’s newly made Sprite form over its normal Nightmare Horse one.

Personality: Nacht is curious and is trying it’s hardest to learn and develop, trying to work out where he can fit in the world that doesn’t like what he is at the core. He doesn’t feel too much guilt over feeding and giving things nightmares, he needs it to survive, as long as he doesn’t truly heart the person, it feels little guilt, fear can be helpful in his experience.

Alignment: Nacht isn’t exactly sure what his own alignment is, he at the core, is still a being that the rest of the universe considers as pure evil. Now though, he’s less sure about this labelling, surely, it’s not evil to need to survive, and Jamie reassures him he’s not evil, but what’s one person’s words among many.