Sharp Safeguard

1 year, 4 months ago

A chance encounter leads to a terrifying display of defense.

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A pupil travels,

From eye to eye,

Immense claws,

Grasp at the sky

No need to glance,

Or even to prance by,

Lest your life be lost,

Carried into the sky

There's a ringling outside of my cave, his cheerful giggles echoing off of my walls. I can hear him, but I don't see him quite yet. Did he not see the warnings? All of the "keep outs," the "turn away nows?" Or is he merely... bravely stupid? Either way, if I don't do anything about it, I probably won't get a single second of shut eye. I raise myself up onto my lengthy arms, my back cracking the process. How long have I been laying down? The days really pass by down here sometimes.

"Who are you?" I bellow as I march up the slope leading into my chamber, "...and can't you read? Those posted signs are for people like you."

I receive no response. At least, no verbal response, until I rounded the corner and looked him in the eye.

"Oh! I didn't see you there. My name is Zilch, I presume you occupy this cave?" he asks, a smirk plastered across his face.

I roll my eye, squint, and lower my head down to his level. "I do. It's my cave, and I really don't want you hanging around here, alright? I'm trying to get some sleep."

He cocks his head to the side, his expression twisted into a confused pout. "Haven't you been sleeping? I pass by here all the time and you're never out!"

There isn't enough time in the day for this nonsense. I move my face away from his just briefly, far enough so the spines that grow out of my mane don't skewer him right away. The fur around my neck lengthens, accommodating said spikes, and my pupil grows brighter, nearly casting its own spotlight.

"You'll listen to me when I say this, Zilch. You either get out, or I'll get you out of here myself, and you won't look so pretty when I'm done with you," my voice booms, claws grinding against the cave floor. It appears that he has gotten the memo, I note, as he slowly backs away, wing-ears fluffed up in fear. His parting gift is a hiss, pointed fangs flashing as he scampers off.

"I'm not done here! I'm getting you out of there eventually, and watch your back! I don't take kindly to threats."