
1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
3 1318

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 4 months ago

Madeline is a young adult, whose whole life revolved around making sure her father wasn't agitated. TW: Mention of domestic violence. Nothing explicit.

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1. Deadbeat

“I asked him to stop smoking in front of me. Since he won’t… I started leaving the house.” Madeline inhaled sharply. “At least, I take Peanut out for walks, she seems to enjoy the neighborhood park.”

“He never makes his own tea, he waits for someone else to crave a cup and then he demands one too.” Madeline rolled her eyes. “He is so parasitic he also asks me to pass him bread, no one in our house eats bread except for him. I am the one who has to pass bread to him every time. I told him to grab it himself before he sits, he always forgets.”

“I never ask him for any favors, I much rather chose to do things myself rather than hear him berate me.” Madeline declared. “One time I asked him to drive me to the store, I thought I’d never hear the end of his complaining. As if I asked him to drive me to another city!”

"He called me a whore... because I said I won't sign him up for online giveaways anymore." Madeline blinked, fuming with rage. "He's not senile, he can use his own phone, he can sign up for corporate car giveaways with his own email and phone number!"

“He is a grown man, why are you fetching socks and a suit for him? He can come up with his own outfit can’t he?” Said Madeline, frustrated as they were late to the party. “You wash his clothes, I iron them. The last thing we need is to prepare outfits for his majesty.”

“He wanted those large beer glasses made of crystal so he can wash them himself.” Retorted Madeline. “Why is he always buying items that only he and his junkie friends will use but then never takes care of said items?”

“He yelled at m- NO he screamed at me for making rice instead of fries.” Sighed Madeline. “And… I forgot to buy bread. I mean… he can eat one meal without a slice of bread. Right?”

“The man I call father is a disgusting pig.” Vented Madeline to her friend. “I should buy noise cancelling headphones. His constant burping, coughing, slurping, teeth smacking. I swear, one day I’ll never let him see me again.”

“You’re rather obsessed with people who chose to have tattoos.” Madeline scoffed, following up with a snarky “I mean, other people's tattoos do not affect you in any way, shape or form. Heh, if you really cared about one’s health… you’d stop smoking. Smoking affects everyone in this room, not just you. If you really cared about general health you’d stop throwing firecrackers around. The air is already polluted, why are you making it worse father?”

“Mom, I am begging you, divorce him and let’s go live with grandma.” Pleaded Madeline, gently taking her mother’s hands into her own. “He’s draining the very life out of you.”

“I wish to report domestic violence.” Said Madeline, her monotone voice not matching the urgency of her call. “Ernestine Street 52.”