
1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago
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Entry 2
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

Madeline is a young adult, whose whole life revolved around making sure her father wasn't agitated. TW: Mention of domestic violence. Nothing explicit.

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2. Gone

On a cold autumn night, Madeline Moreau went to meet her attorney. Once she made her way inside their home she was surprised to see Josephine (the chief of the police) there with Vesper.

The attorney led the young woman into the living room with a warm welcome. Josephine clarified that she wished to remain in the room if Madeline permitted it. She did.

“If by any chance my mother files a missing person’s case, know that I have left the household of my own accord.” Madeline explained.

“Why?” Asked Vesper. “What happened?”

Madeline choked up a little. “I am twenty-one years of age. As a legal adult I can just leave and never talk to Lyna Moreau, right?”

“Yes but-”

“I am making sure no misunderstandings occur. That’s why I came to you first.”

Vesper was shocked, however they obliged. “As your attorney I can arrange that. However, I must ask. Why won’t you let her know of your intentions yourself?”

Madeline’s eyes became reflective. “I can’t face her, not after she told me I rocked the boat. That… everything was fine.”

Josephine sympathetically exhaled “No. You did the right thing. That man is right where he belongs, rotting in a cell.”

“MY MOTHER MISSES HIM?!” Madeline broke into tears, gasping for air as she lost the will to make coherent sentences. “I- I am going to disappear to another country. I can’t take this anymore!”

Josephine stood up to pour a glass of water for the girl, ever so familiarly, as if the home were her own. Josephine offered it on Madeline’s side of the table as she sat closer to her. Josephine gently rubbed her shoulder, in hopes she could bring Madeline just a little bit of comfort. “I will personally accompany Vesper. We’ll let Lyna know you’re going no-contact.”