Bloodworm hive + Locust’s advanced bio

1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
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Entry 1
Published 1 year, 3 months ago

My interpretation of some features of Bloodworm hive, the pet program mentioned in flames of hope and some all around things that Tui never refrences again

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Author's Notes

The information is closest to canon as I could get it while still being interesting, if you have any notes on changes or ideas/ headcanons to add please drop a comment! I’d love to hear new ideas^^

Locust's advanced bio

Locusts family tree + Friends

Great grandmother is Cochineal

Great aunt is Lady Scarb

2nd cousin is Lady Jewel

Great aunts are all of the hive leaders

Grandmother is Lady Bloodworm

Mother and father are unmentioned 

Friends are Midas (Silkwing that produces gold colored silk, later taken to the Flame Silk cavern to harvest his silk) Rattlesnake and Sirocco (Qibli’s siblings)

Husband is Snapper

Offspring are Taipan, Gila (Gila Monster) and Phanta (Phantasmal Poison Frog)

Bloodworm hive’s history

Past history-

Bloodworm hive was constructed around the time of the tree wars, it was designed by Lady Bloodworm to be menacing and have easy to patrol hallways, the hive includes secret passageways only Bloodworm and her relatives know how to navigate. Tree stuff has been added to the outsides over the years for extra durability and less places for dragons to escape the hive through.


Current time (Canon books)-

Lady Bloodworm had been the ruler of her hive for more than 50 years till it was burned down Leafwings and the chrysalis in an act of their rebellion. The hive was undergoing repairs by dragons who were not burned alive by the constricting walls of the hive, escaped to the silkwing refugee camp or simply fled to a neighboring hive. 

Bloodworm and her granddaughter stayed with her sister Mantis in her hive until the other mind started to take over the continent. Locust was able to flee the other mind for a short period of time, even finding the entrance to the Silkwing refugee camp and scaring the crap out of Axolotl the human she didn’t stray much further when Lady Jewel and Scarab stopped her from coming any closer to their camp. 

She ended up going back to the ruins of Bloodworm hive to hide from the patrolling Hivewings of the other mind. But Wasp eventually found her and brought her to her Hive where she watched Pineapple burn off Wasp’s face before she ever had the chance to inject her with the breath of evil. In the end she was able to break free of her restraints and sneak her way to the Silkwing caverns and free the Flame Silks to burn down anyone who came close so they could kill Wasp and her Mind Control and put Locust on the throne. Together they were able to restrain most of the residents of Wasp Hive while the other mind was busy elsewhere with Luna in the vine cave. The other mind had a hard time putting a stop to their rampage with most of the residents of the neighboring hives escaped through the various tunnel systems below the continent in time, Locust was in control of the hive until Luna killed Cottonmouth and Everyone was freed and Lady jewel became the new Hive queen.

Future (non-canon to the the books)-

After Jewel became queen she put all of her sisters in the flame silk Cavern, though she never got the chance to capture Locust who ended up following the pyrrhian dragons back to their continent. Dragons traveling between the continents became a common occurrence after this and Locust found her way to the Scorpion den where she met a thief trying to steal her necklace.

Notable locations

Fool’s perch-

The hive includes a much larger and menacing version of Misbehavior's Way in Cicada hive, Silkwing and Hivewings alike will be sent there and stung multiple times for a longer punishment usually conducted by Lady Locust. The Way is nicknamed Fool’s perch for breaking the harsh rules that only fools would dare break.

Weaver hall-

Weaver hall is the school that Silkwing dragonets attend until they undergo metamorphosis or are assigned jobs by Bloodworm’s pet program. It is one of the few places in the hive that has a balcony and has access to open air. Subjects taught at the school require testing to learn, dragonets skilled in weaving will learn to become weavers, those who specialize in construction will aid in building plans and learn to build, If they are skilled in cooking, shop keeping, cleaning, baby sitting, etc they will go into that profession. Reading and writing isn't taught until a year before metamorphosis, it is said to be a waste of time teaching reading to dragons only useful for work.

The Silk hall

The silk hall is were Silkwing’s produce, dye and prepare silk to be traded across to the other hives. Silkwings with precolored silk are highly sought after by Bloodworm and are usually bought by her from other hives to produce silk. Silkwings that live down in the silk hall are typically treated better thanks to their silk being such a valuable traded item.

The pet program

Lady Bloodworm’s Pet program started after the Tree Wars were won and her Silkwings weren't following her orders. The pet program’s rules are that at least one member of every family must contribute to the hive by working in a job Lady Bloodworm assigns them, most common jobs in the pet program are construction, guards and Weavers. Less common jobs being personal servants, food collectors and “toys” for her granddaughter Locust to torture.