BiFrosts | Even Rumors

1 year, 2 months ago
7 months, 14 days ago
5 11460

Entry 2
Published 10 months, 19 days ago

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Author's Notes

Word Count: 1,527

06/23/23 - 08/02/23

Even walks around kicking a rock.

Even almost kicks the rock in Morrigan's direction, but when she sees the familiar paws, she ends up sliding the rock away. She was in a dream-like state, but it was seemingly interrupted with the other's intrusion. She huffs, "Yeah, duh." A bit hostile at first, the frustration quells when she realizes Morrigan is less nasty than their previous interactions. She relaxes. "What've you been up to?"

Even would rather cut her leg off than study, especially with... her. But then again, she assumes learning is kind of important. And Morrigan isn't an ass right now, so maybe she caught her at a good time. "Yeah, okay..." she agrees. "Sure." She peels the scroll apart to get a better look herself, not really paying attention to Morrigan before she finds herself bored just looking at the pictures. She didn't really read any of the words that were listed. Leaning closer to Morrigan, she huffs. "Don't you wanna fight? Why even learn about all this?" it wasn't accusatory, moreso curious.

Even watches with wide eyes, impressed with Yvaine's scribblings.

Even sits next to Aud, but makes no effort to decipher anything. Eventually when her sister starts to get frustrated, she tries grabbing the scroll from her. "Lemme try, I'll teach you."

Opening the scroll, Even purses her lips in intense thought. Well, that's what she's trying to portray, at least. After some time, she turns to Aud and points at a particular rune. "Looks like a hawk to me. Like, that's the wing part... and there's the toes."

Even is finished practicing her alphabet when she looks to the side and just so happens to see Ósk. Nosily, she glances to see what the other novice made... and subsequently starts to gasp. She's super annoying about it and insists on hugging Ósk, trying to hide her tears in order to look cool.

Even still refuses to let go, eventually forgetting that she was hugging the poor novice with how comfy her fur was. What a nice pillow. Eventually she pries herself away when she hears Nainsi’s voice. ”Uh, yeah, good idea! Everyone in the city’s gotta see this masterpiece, and if they don’t, I’m gonna punch them in their stupid faces!”

Even gnaws on Aud’s ears.

Even gasps. ”Ow you yolk brain, that hurt!”

Even tries to ignore Aud, not wanting to get in a debacle with her sister. Her eyebrows wiggle when the question is proposed. ”Uh… do what?” she asks with Aud’s ear in her mouth. ”Like… today?”

”Queen,” she says flatly, like it was obvious. Even sticks her tongue out at Aud. ”I’m gonna be Queen someday. And if that’s impossible, which it isn’t because Queen Rota is gonna see how cool I am, then I guess a talon…” She sighs. ”Your turn.”

Even is always satisfied with Aud’s agreeableness. She licks the top of her head. ”You always got my back! Even if things go sour.” She appears slightly concerned with Aud’s confession, but she waves a paw dismissively. ”Well, just try out what sounds fun! Or easy. And I’m sure you could change if you really wanted to.” She rests her head against Aud’s. ”It’s not the end of the world.”

Even tramples anyone in her way to get to the entrance of the classroom, quickly making it to her father. She’s more interested in him than any of the stuff that’s in the bag, but she does take a couple of peeks to see what materials she could potentially use for earrings and whatnot.

Even is asleep on her desk and missing out on all the fun.

Even sleepily slumps over Ivar before taking a chomp outta his arm.

Even, feeling particularly evil lately, puts thorns in Morrigan’s bedding.

Shit. Even quickly jumps up, unable to hide her misdeeds through her surprise. The thorns tumble out of Morrigan’s bed and scatter across the floor, even pricking Even on her own paws. She grabs at her bottom lip in frustration. Despite this, she was rather flippant on Morrigan’s intimidation tactic. ”Guess you’ve learned a lot, Morri,” she huffs. ”That’s good. Means you’re not a waste of air.”

"Whatever," Even raises her voice. "You think just because you hang out with that Nivi means you think you're better than everyone else. She's your only friend, and even she hates you!" She's not gonna pull any punches, though when has she ever really? Even's tail lashes against the floor, and she doesn't bother cleaning up the thorns when she stalks away from Morrigan's bedding, clinging to the wall and keeping her gaze onto her cousin. "You wanna know who's better? Fine, we'll brawl. We're gonna fight each other, you understand that? And I'm gonna beat you up."

Even gives her a smirk, though it's probably undeserved with how much of a failure this prank was. "You not fighting me just shows how much of a coward you are," she states. Before she heads out of the chambers, she glances behind her and towards the thorns littering the floor near Morrigan's bed. "I thought you said not to touch your stuff? Have fun with all that, Morri."

Even trots over to the other novices. "What've you got everyone roped into?" She rolls her eyes at Dagfinn.

Even playfully pokes her tongue out at her cousin. "Why would I wanna be on your stinky team?" she huffs before walking over to Yvaine and placing an arm around her. "We're gonna be on a girls team, you and Ragnar can be on your own. Right, Yvaine? We'll show 'em."

Even refrains from saying anything when Morrigan arrives, though she glares in her direction and mumbles unpleasantries under her breath. She grabs the ball quickly when Dagfinn tosses it their way. "Go ahead and have her," she smirks.

Even is softly snoring next to Orm's side. Seems she was trying to make something, but now she's drooling all over it.

Even is walking the halls when she spots her father. She goes up to him and asks why he looks so upset, her head rubbing up against his leg with big, child-like eyes exaggerated to get Orm's attention.

Even blinks at the name. She doesn't remember a Quinnlan... She doesn't say anything at first before she rolls comfortably on her back. "Tell me some stories about Quinnlan. Pleaaase?"

Even giggles as soon as Orm's demeanor changes. She listens intently as he goes on about his friend- unsure how to feel about a brave healer. Sure, healers could be cool and all, but brave? Then again, if Orm thought she was brave... she must've been the best healer ever, somehow surpassing Grandma. Even smiles at the thought. "I bet she was like, the bestest ever, if you liked her. What... happened to her?"

Even is visibly disappointed at being the only talon novice in her class... Whatever, it's fine! She can just hang out with the older, cooler cats. It takes her a moment to register that it's Niviatsiak who will be her teacher, to which she squirms where she stands. Wasn't the last time they interacted when she was yelled at by her, or something like that? Sure. The novice scuttles around until she finds Niviatsiak, nose twitching.

Even snorts. Screw raptor trio gang. They stink.

Even waves a paw in Niviatsiak's direction. "Heyyy," she hums. "It's me, your novice. You don't, like, hate me, right?" Whether or not she still hated Morrigan, she didn't really care. But it seems as of late they're getting kinda buddy-buddy, whatever that entails.

Even has a blank expression on her face. Does she... not remember her? Wait, what? How does she not remember her? She's extremely rememberable! Damn you, Morrigan. For everything that goes wrong in her life. Best not to lie... "I'm Morrigan's cousin. She only has two, so... Morrigan's the ugly one, in case you need a refresher."

Even nods. Then stands in silence, waiting for literally anything to happen. Wow, she... doesn't really know what to say. Then Niviatsiak poses her question, which results in Even letting out a cackle. "'Cause I wanted to," she puts it plainly. "I wanna get out there and fight, protect my city and stuff. I'm tired of all the books and writing and crap- I could rot in a library, or I could die fighting." She hasn't really thought too hard about why she chose what she chose, just that she knew it was the right path for her. Never a doubt in her mind. "So, I hope you feel the same way. otherwise this is gonna suck."

Even decides that yeah, now's the time for her to practice stalking. She's behind Yvaine, making sure she's quiet as she creeps a few feet behind her. She then accidently stubs her paw on something in the halls and falls over.

Perfect- okay, okay, she hasn't completely ruined this. Even gets back up and begins again, this time doing the bare minimum of not falling at all. Whenever Yvaine stops to search, Even takes the opportunity to stand behind her and yell out a "BOO!", followed by joyful laughter.