Backstory (Submitted to me by the character owner!

1 year, 3 months ago

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Story; (bear with me it's long-) 

Having been the only surviving cub of a stillborn litter of five, and a runt, Mikey was pretty sheltered by his overprotective father growing up. He spent the first six months of his life in the ICU. Once out of the hospital he was on an oxygen tank until he was almost eight and almost on the brink of death from a variety of illnesses, (including the same strange, unidentifiable lung infection that killed both his four siblings in the womb and his mother shortly after thier birth,) for the majority of his childhood. Once stable enough to no longer actively need an oxygen tank he was sent to a school for the rich owned and operated by those who served the Davis estate. To prevent his bizzare condition from getting worse an entire floor of the school was sealed off for him specifically, where he spent the rest of his childhood all the way until his late teens with pretty much nothing to do aside from study and take more classes. Thanks to the illness he wasn't exactly allowed to leave the sealed wing or come into contact with others, aside from when the school was closed for winter and summer break, during those times he was sent home to the manor, The result of all that schooling was being finished with college by eighteen, having double majors in accounting and practicing medicine (nursing and biology, just to cater to his love of dissecting, ripping apart, and pelting things. And his father's wishes to have a new doctor to treat the family, of course.) 

Eventually he grew tired of that boring way of life, wanting adventure and action, and having discovered his homosexuality. The Davis family follow an altered version of Christianity, yes, but they still tend to be extremists in that regard, and have brutally murdered several of their own family members over the generations for not being straight. So naturally Mikey devised a plan to break out of the school and get away from it all. He somehow succeeded at age 19, and managed to climb the fence, although one of his arms got wrapped pretty badly in the razor wire on the trip over the top, leaving him with some heavy scarring on his left forearm. Despite this he still got out, but was quickly snatched up off the street by a local group of criminals, not quite a gang but mildly similar. They immediately recognized him, and offered two options; join them, or be delivered back to the manor. Not wanting to go back he reluctantly joined thier ranks, and stayed with them for a few months to hide from the family members looking for him. Due to being raised as a royal (despite not being one-), he was pretty damn spoiled, and clashed with the group on things a lot. He also met his best, and first, friend there; a rough and tumble bear named Cassidy, whom helped him with a lot of things, including teaching him how the world outside of the estate worked.

All good things eventually end, as did his stay with the group when they entered a fight with unknown American tourists when he was twenty. The majority of their rag tag group was killed, but Mikey himself was captured. Yet again recognized. It's pretty hard not to get recognized when his family essentially runs the darker parts of France. The tourists were some higher ranking members of the roses, and thier leader (at the time, Benjamin, the owner of the Dragon'sLair gentleman's club.) Originally they had planned to pelt him for a political trophy, but in the end decided to keep him alive since his skills would be more valuable that way. Plus a living Davis was far more valuable than a dead Davis. Knowing that Those of Davis heritage were people of contracts, they wrote one, and he signed it while held at gunpoint. Essentially it was a "sign it or be a fur rug" type situation. Since that point he has been bound to serve the owner of the contract, the leader of the roses (currently Samuel, whom was raised by Mikey, ironically.) He was also tattooed with the gangs insignia in a large tattoo on his upper back to show their ownership of him, and mark him as property. Despite this, he's treated like a regular employee, in a manager type position no less, and a majority of the Roses listen to and respect him. Twelve years working at the Dragon'sLair can build quite the rapour with the locals.

It would make sense for him to just run off and ignore the contract since it wasn't signed willingly, but any Davis would rather die than break a contract (literally, not figuratively. It has been the downfall of quite a few of them actually-) so he stays, and serves his time well. Currently day he is third in command, having climbed the ranks steadily over the years, with two of his adopted children above him (kyriemieh, second in command, and Samuel, the current leader), life is good for kitty lol.