The Liryu world

1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
7 2096

Chapter 6
Published 1 year, 3 months ago

All the lore about how liryu's appeared n everything NOTE I SUCK AT WRITING SORRY 😭 and there's a lot of mistakes (also has some doodles!)

Anwir will be added when designed!

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Author's Notes

Note: Mostly here he is reffered as the main one! 

Part 6: who's this?

It now has been a week

And the liryu has learned pretty much everything on how to live in this forest

This day began as usual

But this day he saw something in the pond

It immediately caught the liryu's eye

And it was a lotus flower

A super pretty sky blue lotus flower

He instantly fell in love with it and admired it 

New favorite thing! Blue lotus flowes! 

Well... Fruits are the best!!! But these flowers are on his list from now on! 

And today he got to try berries! Loved them

More food, more fun

The day went great and he got back to his cave with some food and was ready to sleep, the sky was full of stars again... 

Until one fell, the liryu lifted their head up. 

And then there was a loud crash

He knew whats happening, without hesitantion he ran to the metoer

Is this gonna be another liryu!! No way! 

The meteor was smoking a more brighter blue

But there was neither a liryu nor any other creature 

Though he didn't give up looking until he heard a small liryu squeak... 

It cant be!!! 

He got so excited and ran straight where he heard the sound, finally another one of his kind!!! 

And then... He saw them... A little liryu... 

The little guy turned around and froze

They reminded him like when he froze when he saw the first creature... 

Though the little guy knew this is someone of its kind, though it was still scared of him

He made himself comfortable with the newling

Finally he gained the newling's trust

He explained what's dangerous and what's not and what to eat and what not... 

The newling's tummy started to curl

And he immediately knew what to do

He gave the bab an apple and he absolutely loved it

This really reminded him of his past

Tough its time to sleep its really late now... 

He brought the newling to his cave and they both fell alseep together... 

The next day, the newling saw the light just like he did

Both went on a walk

Though since the new guy got alot explained they were not so worried or lost as he was

And surprisingly they where far more picky! 

They didn't like mandarins at all! Why though?

He didn't know that there can be likes and dislikes, another thing to learn

And yet when they went to the beach surprising yet again, the newling got used the the water easily! And did the same as he did with grass

The bab ran around splashing water until it was time to go

Now the newling knows whats mostly needed, and day by day they will learn more... (even him!)Â