The Liryu world

1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
7 2096

Chapter 7
Published 1 year, 3 months ago

All the lore about how liryu's appeared n everything NOTE I SUCK AT WRITING SORRY 😭 and there's a lot of mistakes (also has some doodles!)

Anwir will be added when designed!

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part 7: The liryu world (finale)

After time there where starting to be more and more liryu's!

He taught them all the basics of how everything is here (including the evlor, you can read his story!) 

When there was more than 7 liryus they decided that it would be a good idea to name each other 

And so his name became Lotus... He loved those flowers so much and felt this is the perfect name... 

The newling went with Timber and so on...

There where more and more liryus and suddenly both Anwir and Lotus both woke up bigger, with wings, with more legs, halo ears and a second eye...? 

Whats happening?? 

No one would have known exept liryu's themselves... 

They need a leader, someone good and helping because theres to many liryus now... 

In the end, all the liryu's choose a good choice which was to make Lotus be their leader, their lord

Anwir's halos broke, they got teeth everywhere, their wings torn up and they where so mad and jelous of Lotus. 

Now the liryu world is here... But with a big problem... 

Author's Notes

Little more info is that Timber and Vanilla really like eachother! They mostly cuddle together